Chapter 7

For His Freedom


2ND January, 2019

“Attention, attention. To all of the passengers of flight Boeing S-135 on Gate 3, destination to Seoul, the plane will be boarding in 5 minutes. Please get into the plane right now. Thank you.”

You tightens your grip on your bag, stands up, then walks to the gate. Apparently, the flight to Seoul for today is not really crowded. You found yourself walking to the plane alone.

You slow down your steps as you realized that there’s no one walking in front of you, either behind you.  A weird, tensed silence envelops the tunnel that directs to the Boeing S-135 that will bring you to Seoul.

You faintly hears a repeated thump, and in no time, your instincts tells you to run.

You tightens your grip again on your bag and you starts running through the tunnel – and your instincts are indeed, right. You glances at your back and find 5 men with black suits, sunglasses, and weapons on their hands are chasing you.


Goddammit. I forgot.


“We found you again, Oh Sooyeon!” shouts one of the men, with baseball bat on his hand. You hisses and put up your middle finger up in the air. You glances again at them and get surprised because they’re already so close to you and one of them already reached out their arm to grab you.

You continues to run, run, and run until you reach the end of the tunnel. You run through the stairs, and arrives at the airport field. You keep running and find an airport officer staring at you after taking care of the stairs to the airplane. He’s chuckling.

“Here miss, here! We still have 3 minutes, you don’t need to hurry!”

You quickly smiles and run through the stairs that leads you to the airplane. You stops in front of the stewardesses, and watches the men below who chases you stop running when the airport officer moves the stairs away. All of those men stares at you in silence, as the door of the airplane closes.

You smirks, then smile to the stewardesses while handing your ticket.

“All right, Miss Oh. Let me show you your seat.” Answers one of the stewardesses with a bright smile on her face, as she starts walking in front of you to show you your seat.

You keep walking between the rows of airplane seats, and found that most of them are empty. There are some businessmen and businesswomen, along with a group of teenagers, which the total of them didn't even reach 10 people.

You keep walking and walking, and slowly you starts to realizes that you already passed the economy class seats, and already arrives at business class seats.

“Um, excuse me, I believe that I bought a ticket for econom – “

Suddenly your voice muffled by a handkerchief that blocks your mouth and nose. You quickly struggles to escape from the mysterious guy who muffles you, but as you inhales the chemical on the handkerchief, everything starts to blur.

You barely hear the words, “got her” before darkness come to your senses and take away your consciousness.



3rd January, 2019

You wake up with a jolt and a gasp. You quickly sit down, and your hands quickly trying to reach everywhere to find a grip – but the painful grip of metal on your wrist makes you realizes that your right hand is handcuffed. You keep blinking, trying to get clearer visual of your situation and location right now.

It’s a medium-sized, and a nice room. With only one bed – where your hand were cuffed on, one window, one desk, one chair, one coffee table, one air conditioner, and one drawer. The wallpaper’s color is soft peach, and the curtains also have the same color.  The floor is very clean as well.

Suddenly, a sting of headache strucks your head – makes you groans and throws your head back on the bed’s mattress.

Where the hell is this place?

You gets up and try to walk to the door, but the chain of the handcuff holds you on the bed. Pissed, you keep looking around, until you realizes that there’s a cellphone on the bed, with a small piece of paper beside it. You grab the cellphone and quickly dials 911, but the cellphone didn’t work.

You curses, then grab the small paper. You starts reading the words that were written on that paper.


Dial 0114.


You narrows your eyes, then stares at the cellphone. Slowly, you dial the numbers that were written on that paper.

The dial tone rings twice, then you heard the sound of the phone on the other line being picked up.


“Good afterno – “


“I don’t care who the are you because probably you’re just another tard mafia who wants to kill me because of those mafia s that I never, ever, ing interested to – but you better release this goddamned handcuff of me and let me go because I have a business to finish and I need to break a man’s neck right now.”


You finished your angry sentence in one breath, which answered with a silence on the other line. And suddenly, you heard a ‘click’.


“This man hung up?!?!” you hisses angrily. You throw the cellphone to the mattress angrily, but then you pick it up and you tries to dial 0114 again. But, the person on the other line didn’t pick up.

You were about to dial 0114 for the third time when suddenly you heard another ‘click’ and the door of your room opens. You can see a black pantofel shoe steps inside your room.

Your mouth was about to spout another angry and curseful threat sentences, but your jaw ended up being left open when the man who opened your door, steps inside your room and close the door – giving you a full view of him, from head to toe. Your eyes traveling around him as he walks closer to you, slowly, with a smirk on his pink lips.



Black pantofel shoes. A black suit – black for the shirt and black for the English cut blazer that perfectly fits his slim yet toned, and tall body. His right hand is inside his trouser’s pocket, and the left hand is holding the doorknob behind him.

You look upwards and meet up with his perfect jaw. You quickly skips his whole face and meet up with his black hair that was styled up so his face is more clearer to see, then his thick well-formed eyebrows.


He looks so… familiar.


At the time you stares at his eyes, he’s already on the bed and squated up in front of you – both of you only separated by less than 50 centimeters. A smirk already formed on his lips, that about to open as he starts to speak his first words towards you.



“Am I that shocking to you, Soo?”



It didn’t even reaches 3 seconds after he calls you ‘Soo’, when you throw a high kick with your left foot directed to his face – which successfully being avoided by him. Knowing that your kick has failed, you bend your left knee, trying to choke and kick his neck but your kick missed again and your left foot ended up circling around his waist, which successfully makes him fall on his knees. Your left foot pulls him closer as your right foot ready to kick his head hard that you 90% sure it will break his neck.

But suddenly he quickly shifts his body, tackling, grabbing and pushing you so fast that on the next second, you realizes that you’re already laying down on the mattress – one of his arm placed beside you, trapping you. Your thighs are pressed on your body as your lower legs already dangling on his back while he’s hovering you. His face is so close with yours – so close that your lips almost meet.


People who passes by this room and see this position probably will think that both of you were about to have a y time– if they didn’t see a loaded revolver that already pointed on your temple.


Definitely being unable to move anywhere, you glares at the handsome guy who currently pinning you to the bed while pressing a revolver on your temple. The guy raises his eyebrows, and the smirk comes back on his lips.


“You got prettier. And ier.” He mumbles, as he caresses your cheek with the revolver, You quickly flinchs and send your deadliest glare to him.


That eyes. That nose. That lips. That voice.


You inhales deeply, while trying to keep your intimidating glare at him as long as possible. You cannot show yourself as a weakling in front of him. Not when he’s the guy you want to kill the most right now.



 “Never thought that finding you will be this easy, Jongin. ” You says, while gritting your teeth.



He blinks, but then smiles widely and starts chuckling. The way his mouth opens, the sound of his laugh and his voice, and the way his eyes shapes two pretty crescent moons everytime he laughs – you are 100% sure that it’s him. He’s Kim Jongin, your brother’s blood brother, EXO family member, Sooman Clan’s golden boy.

He’s that traitor.


“It’s been a long time since I heard that name.” he says, the huge smile never left his lips. Your eyes still staring at him intently, being intimidating as hard as you can.

Jongin suddenly hold your chin and lift it up, so that he can stare straightly at your eyes.



“Sorry, but Jongin is no longer exists,” he answers with his husky voice – “I’m Kai. One of Sooman Clan's best fighter, the first lieutenant of Kim family,


"And the future head patriarch of Kim family."




thank you so much for you who read, subscribe, and send comments ^^ i hope i won't disappoint!



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I'm scared of what Sehun's gonna do when he finds out about the marriage /-\
xoxo_Luhan #2
Chapter 13: I just found this and I have to say it good REALLY GOOD !
jeyoun #3
Chapter 12: update soon
jeyoun #4
jeyoun #5
Chapter 10: choi minho?! omooo update soon
jeyoun #6
Chapter 9: update soon
This story is soooo awesome!!!Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseee:)
Chapter 4: Omgeee aouthernim I'm totally subscribing to you.this is awesome I love the concept.
Chapter 2: Lovely story really :)
Keep going! x
Please read ours if you want

Xo, Mary :)