Chapter 1

For His Freedom


A/N : I’m really thankful for those who have viewed, subscribed and commented ;A; I hope I won’t disappoint you!


10th September, 2003


            “They’re here.”

           Lee Jinki – more known in his friends, family, and clan as Onew – narrows his eyes to avoid the bright light from the sun to be able to see clearly. His men, along with thousands other men are already lining up at the sides of the large front yard of Sooman Clan headquarters – creating a path for a black Mercedes Benz car that just stopped in front of the gate. 

           “Should I tell The Chairman now?” asks the guy with a pretty face who stands beside Onew. Onew quickly nods.

          “Yes, Taemin. Tell him that the ‘golden boys’ are here.” Says Onew, his eyes still staring at the black car which already inside the front yard of the house now.

         Onew already heard the news and received information about these ‘golden boys’  - that’s how The Chairman calls them – who were sitting inside this black Mercedes Benz. Now. So many information about them were given to him, that he couldn’t even able to differentiate which are the facts and which are the rumors.

          But there’s one thing that he definitely acknowledged as the truth; these ‘ golden boys’ attracted his clan’s chairman – they have caught The Chairman’s interest. Sooman Clan’s Chairman, Lee Sooman, somehow found these boys really interesting that he recruited them to Sooman clan – one of the biggest and the most powerful mafia clan in South Korea – immediately, two days after he found them.

         Yesterday, all of the head patriarch of families in Sooman Clan already got the explanations for this sudden recruitment; and Onew, as one of the head patriarch of a family in Sooman Clan, to be honest are not really pleasable with the explanations, since it was just ‘these boys have a great and useful skills for our clan that will definitely benefits us greatly in the future. I’ll explain it more when they already arrives here, safe and sound’.

        Some of his men told him that ‘golden boys’ are just teenagers – maybe will be the youngest in the whole clan. Some of his men told him that ‘golden boys’ are serial killers. Some of his men told him that these ‘golden boys’ are gambling masters (Onew barely believes this one), and some of his men even also told him that these ‘golden boys’ are good at hypnotizing other people.

        Most of the information that he received from his men are nonsense – but there’s one information that caught his attention the most. That one from Kim family’s head patriarch, Kim Heechul.


        “I did some research, Jinki; and there’s a big possibility that they are related to our biggest problem right now – that massacre at an orphanage near Yongsan, two days ago. Remember? That day, when Choi family was the one who sent to the location, and was too late to handle those robbers? When they found out that the orphanage already became a garden of corpses when our men arrived? It’s a bad thing, you know. That orphanage was a sign of friendship between Taesong Clan and us –it was a gift from that clan. But then there’s a massacre at that orphanage, along with heavy damages on some properties. How will Taesong Clan saw us now, being unable to protect our sign of friendship? Our relationship with them already gave us so many benefits even when it’s not a really close relationship, of course The Chairman wouldn’t want to lost this relationship.

          ”If my guess is right, these ‘golden boys’, are the survivors from that orphanage massacre. The Chairman found them on the day of the massacre. I read from newspapers that there are kids from the orphanage that went missing on the day of the massacre, their bodies were not found anywhere – they’re probably the survivors. The Chairman is trying to save the survivors; to save the last pieces from the form of friendship between Taesong Clan and us. Saving them means putting them under our protection. Make them join our family. Make them join our clan.”


          Onew sighs heavily. Heechul’s analysis makes sense, to be honest. Conflict between clans is a pretty sensitive issue in mafia world – handling conflicts are difficult, especially if you’re the one who started the conflict. Maybe that's why The Chairman acted so sudden – he wants to avoid the conflict as fast as he can, before Taesong Clan finds out.

      Then, if Heechul’s right, right now Onew will be facing some desperate kids from orphanage, right? What would kids do in a mafia clan? Doing housekeeping?

           Onew sighs again, and then while walking closer to the car, quickly creates a signal with one finger; instructing one of his men to walks out from his line and opens the car’s door. One of his men saw him and steps out from his line, to open the car’s door, as Onew’s head keeps filled with questions.

            And as Onew stares carefully at the car, at the shoes that touches the ground, at the car’s door that slowly gets closed and at the figures of the ‘golden boys’, his jaw drops in disbelief.

            Feels like somehow being slapped, Onew blinks and stares at the figures that just came out from the car. The figures of the famous ‘golden boys’. The figures of those people who had caught his Chairman’s interest. The figures, that probably, are the survivors of that orphanage massacre.


            The figures of two children, both are less than one and a half meter in height, with skinny bodies and smooth hair. One of the children has a thick, black hair with a slightly tanned skin. The other one is very pale; and his hair is slightly brighter than the slightly tanned boy’s. And they are so small. So young. They’re around the age of those kids who still studying in elementary school and about to graduate next year.


            The Chairman recruited kids. Who are probably will not even do well in housekeeping.


            The sudden small cough coming from the slightly tanned boy gets Onew back to the real world, and his eyes stares at the boys again.            

            He inhales deeply, and then let out his signature smile.

            This is for the sake of the clan, after all….


             “Good afternoon. Welcome to Sooman Clan’s headquarters. I’m going to take you both to the Chairman’s room.” Says Onew, with a very pleasant tone that successfully covers his confusion and disbelief. Both boys are now holding each other hands, and nods together.

           “Before that..” Onew continues as he stares at the pale boy, and then at the slightly tanned boy who stares at Onew with a blank stare – “may I know your names first? We’re going to be your new family, after all. Knowing each other is not a bad thing, right?”

            “I’m Jongin. Kim Jongin.” Answers the slightly tanned boy, still with the blank stare. He glances quickly at the pale boy who was staring at the ground.

            “I’m Oh Sehun.” Answers the pale boy – still staring at the ground, but on the next second, his gaze averts from the ground to Onew’s eyes.

            And as their gazes pierce through his eyes, as they answers Onew’s questions, somehow, Onew senses something. Something unusual. Something different. Something that not all of those kids around their age have.

            Something scary, and intimidating.

            Onew swallows all of those uneasiness in his throat, and let his smile went wider.

            “Alright, Jongin and Sehun. Let’s meet our Chairman now.”

            Onew turns around, and stars walking towards the house, with those little boys following behind him – still holding each other’s hands.


            They’re definitely not going to do housekeeping.  Not with that stares and that aura.

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I'm scared of what Sehun's gonna do when he finds out about the marriage /-\
xoxo_Luhan #2
Chapter 13: I just found this and I have to say it good REALLY GOOD !
jeyoun #3
Chapter 12: update soon
jeyoun #4
jeyoun #5
Chapter 10: choi minho?! omooo update soon
jeyoun #6
Chapter 9: update soon
This story is soooo awesome!!!Please update soon author-nim~
Chapter 8: Update soon pleaseee:)
Chapter 4: Omgeee aouthernim I'm totally subscribing to you.this is awesome I love the concept.
Chapter 2: Lovely story really :)
Keep going! x
Please read ours if you want

Xo, Mary :)