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Im Yoona, idol to millions of fan, jammed her hands into her pockets as she strolled the grounds of her infamous estate. It was somewhere around 2AM, but the lights placed on her entrance garden was worth the pay. She could see everything there clearly. She looked around, anticipating the beauty of the well-pruned shrubs, the brilliant flowers, and the brick paths that led to the gazebo at the far end of the grounds. All thanks to her acting skills and the songs her manager had picked for her to produced. She picked a delicate, crimson flower nearby, her fingers caressing its silky petals. But the enjoyment didn't last so long, she soon regret what she did, she shouldn’t have picked it. It would die soon. She wished she had left it on the bush. She hurried into the house and stuck it into a glass of water.

The house was state-of-the-art, befitting her star power in the entertainment industry. At 23, she was in top form. Variety said she was the Platinum Girl. They said she had it all- beauty, fame, fortune, attraction, fans. If only they knew, she was probably the loneliest girl in Korea. She had two close friend, first- if you could consider a duo as one, then it was duo Jessica and Tiffany, as people known them as JeTi, and, of course- her manager, Kim Taeyeon. However, Taeyon wasn’t only her close friend, she was also her warden. Rarely, when Yoona made some mistake, their relationship would change into warden and prisoner.

Nevertheless, sometimes, these close friends of Im Yoona even came on the set and watched her work when they were in town and have plenty of free time.

Yoona flopped down on a custom-crafted chair in the living room, her favorite, and picked up a script on the table. It was untitled, what kind of script writer doesn’t give his work a title? She was supposed to read it, decide if it was worthy of her talent, and then let her agent and the front office know if she was willing to negotiate. She placed the script back onto the table.

Tomorrow would be the final wrap for the commercial she was working on, Vita500.


An hour at the most, maybe two, depending on how many takes the director wanted. The normal version poster had been spread already into worldwide, and for tomorrow, it would be the special poster session shoot. The wrap party was tonight, because once they wound up the shoot tomorrow, the crew was heading off to Jeju Island, to continue a variety show, which she was not interested at all to be the participant of it- ‘We Got Married’ The New Season. She couldn't imagine of living with some stranger guy for like six months to a year. And the worst was if she had to looked happy and smiling every time when she wasn't feeling so. But, she did ship over ‘Adam’ and ‘Sweet Potato’ couple, though. After Vita500 photo shoot, she’d go for another pose for VOGUE, some meeting with INNISFREE PR, shooting for woongjin cooway, and then, to perform a song along with JeTi, a solo performance, in order to honored the dead man, SME’s ex Vice President.

She bounded off the chair and loped over to the mantel to pick up her cellphone and two small items. It was gifts from her fans that she always brought with her wherever she went. Fans that provided her with this elite life, that brought her this far, but she had never seen them. No, that wasn’t entirely true, she had seemed them, and it must be. Just that she didn't know which one, or who were sending her the gifts. All that she was sure of that these gifts were sent from a group of fans who called themselves as ‘YoonAddict’ on SME official website. She remembered one name- deerSUGAR, that once sent her a letter; written:


"Your beauty shone brighter than any moon or stars, and put the most beautiful flower to shame"


Im Yoona laughed as she remembered what ‘SUGAR’ meant. She once sneakily went inside SME website, of course, with some disguise. Taeyeon never knew about this. She signed in with a total random name she ever thought of, and then jumped inside the YoonAddict thread, to find someone explained to her who was, and what that 'SUGAR' really meant. Her conclusion was, the people there were really nice to each other. She made a mental note that one thing that shouldn't be done there was to provoke her own name. She wondered what would her fans react if they ever knew about this. Did they ever wondered about their idol to faked an id and peeked at their own thread? Yoona grin at the thought.


But those 'spazzer' are awesomely cool and yet scary. They have all kind of my pictures- from the unseen, the normal, and even gathering nor party type picture. And I found some people CROPPING my face to some dude's body! Oh my goodness. Do they think I looked good as a boy? Okay. That... I will take as another compliment.

But- yah, I really look good in that picture.

She stomped her way back to the master suite of rooms where she hid out, most of the time. Big Korean star was a homebody. It was so damn funny she wanted to scream.


02:40AM, Yoona looked down at the phone she knew resembled something in the White House War Room. It was hooked up to the alarm system, the security gates, the intercom, and the doorbell. It had twenty-one buttons she could press if she felt like it, and yet she still did not know how to work the damn thing. She glanced to her own cellphone to check on some text messages. Two texts from her mom, one from her sister, three from her friends that just saw her CF, and... some texts from the boys. Sigh. Don't they get tired of texting me? It was hard to judge whether those boys were really into her, or was it just their manager urging them to made some 'scandal' with her to gain more popularity. Being a famous artist wasn't easy. Sometimes people used you to get more fame- yes, used. They chased you because of your popularity, not because of who you really are. And ironically, you will get used to it.

Just suddenly, the phone rang, and Yoona picked it up. “Hello?” It was one of her close friend, and also her manager, Taeyeon. “Yo, Yoona, just calling to ask if you are okay there? I’m going to the wrap party. You want something for your breakfast?”

“No, Tae, thank you. I’m too tired to think of something. Say hi to Jessica and Tiffany unnie for me!”

“Okay, you have a rather tight schedule for tomorrow, so I guess you have to sleep as soon as possible. I will wake you up at four. See you later !"



At the great Seoul international meeting, Kwon Yuri straightened her desk deliberately with an assumed air of interest. No one in the meeting must know that she was in a hurry, for success is a matter of atmosphere, and it is not well to advertise the fact that your mind is separated from your work by a distance of seven hundred miles. Two hours later, the Kwon walked out of the meeting room after a not so interesting meeting, that had little to do with her business. It was all about politics. People with power dominates the country, and it was an undeniable fact. This time, she was alone, without her secretary. She had assigned her to do something urgent. Kwon Yuri took the elevator to the first floor.

As soon as her feet reached the first floor, she set her teeth and began to run, and this running-thing really did not match her expression. Imagine Terminator walking with a very high speed, that is. Finally reached the lobby entrance, she glanced now and then at the drop off area. She stood there for a while, and waiting for the valet to commandeer her car. She could feel her thoughts ricocheting all over the place. She saw her car rolling up to the entrance at the same time she saw five reporters running to her. She glared. They surged forward, pen plus paper in hand, tape recorder on, and microphones placed near . She felt eyes boring into her as she ran her hand through her hair and shrugged them coolly, walked inside her car. 

“Home” She informed the driver.

She had always loved the street way back to her mansion. You could only see Kwon Yuri smiled at this moment- where she passed the buildings, malls, shopping district that had so much of someone's big poster on it, smiling beautifully. There she was on the billboard, posters, big screen TV, all over the city.



Im YoonA.




yoonheartme (Today, 11:56 PM):
SM- Donors | Yoona<3 |
2709 posts
Guys…! Another news! Fan account from Vita500’s Manager (Yes this manager is a YoonAddict too):
It has been confirmed that: “A person who appeared to be Im Yoona’s big fans come straightly to Vita500’s production factory, ordered 7.777 bottles of Yoona’s Vita edition, and take them away with 7 big trucks in one go.” –via doeffect@twitter
The power of our Goddess!
@Prez thank you for all the pics :))

Skiels (Today, 12:10 PM):
SM- Donors | I bleed Yoona |
607 posts
[INFO] Yoona will perform today on KBS.
@Prez, thanks for all the Vita pics ;_____; rfklsfkslfkslklsfl You are way too fast, as always.
@Nicky Thanks for the fan acc ^^ as expected from Yoona!

Windddoe (Today, 12:30 PM):
SM- Addict | Yoona’s lil monster |
870 posts
@^Selim Agree with you! Prez’s the best stalker in the Yooniverse :)
@Nicky, thank you for the new fan acc. if I have the money I’ll gladly buy THAT MUCH ._.
@Prez You are the best, and will always be the best Prez in the whole Yooniverse! I wonder why every time a new fan acc appears, you were never the one who post it? :ohmy: But when it comes to vids and pic… Man you are the fastest.

cheesedib (Today, 01:02 PM):
SM- Addict | 10 years old~ |
745 posts
NEWS, GUYS! Ehm, not really news, its just a rumor though!
[RUMOR] Yoona to take part in the upcoming WGM New Session, in Jeju Island.
OMGGGGGGG I wonder who they will pair her up with! I hope he is a good guy! Don’t be ugly please. HoMin, JYJ, or SuJu will be fine. YoonHae?!

deerSUGAR (Today, 01:20 PM):
SM- Super Moderator | Magnetism of Y |
14.776 posts
[INFO] Yoona's Woongjin Cooway CM song is coming on April 8th.
Why are you guys keep on calling me prez? I'm no president, for goodness sake! There are no such things as Prez in YA :D We're all equal.
@dib Rumor of Yoona to appear in WGM...? Thanks for the info anyway.
@Selim, Winey & Nicky OFC, Imma SUGAR< After all :P
Are you guys ready? This is Yoona’s pictures at SME’s funeral gathering, yesterday. As always, she out-shined the sun. No joke.
[Link] Yoona at SME's Funeral Gathering



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Meyoong #1
Chapter 13: Please update author-nim Huhuhuhu the story is so good where have I been all these time. I found a precious story uwu
Marionmarion #2
Chapter 13: Please update authournim
Mrlk__je #3
Chapter 13: omg why I just found this very interesting story in 2019. where have I been all this time?. authornim are you not going to update this story? Update pleasee.
This story is very interesting, I fell in love with this story.I really hope you will update this story :))
Me gustaria que la actualisaras
Yoontae48 #5
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeee :)
Aish1994 #6
Chapter 13: Update this authornim.please!!!!!!
Chapter 13: update author .... hehehe yoonyul is ING REAL
hkinki #8
Chapter 13: Just read the story again... Really hope you will continue this story :)
angelic01 #9
Chapter 13: Author.shi.pls update,I dying olrdy pls.update.
Actualice autor :D