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“Cold Kwon never bring any man with her. I guess no guy is attractive enough for her, huh? She has everything... and yet here I'm thinking if she ever get lonely at times.” Choi Sulli looked down through the branches at the swirling mass of people below and felt gripped by a wave of vertigo. “Okay, spotted JYP approaching cold Kwon. Now where on Seoul is Yoona?” Closing her eyes, she tightened her grip around the ancient tree; making sure both she and her camera remained concealed in the thick green foliage.


“Probably on her way,” her companion whispered excitedly. They were both a YoonAddict.

“You done with capturing cold Kwon’s? The party has started since 20 minutes ago...” Sulli muttered.


“Keep ignoring my question! Hey, look, isn't that Yoona? There she is!”


Sulli jolted right away. “Where?!”

Following her friend’s line of vision, she trained her zoom lens on a figure huddled in the very center of the crowd of people. Immaculately dressed with dazzling white Dior, it was impossible to make out her face. She could have been anyone. But she wasn’t anyone.

Choi Sulli frowned. “I can’t see clearly. Are you sure it’s her? It could be someone else.”

Her companion grinned. “Not with that sparkling aura and the sudden all-attention-catching coming from her. It’s her all right. Yoona sparks so bright…”

From the tree to her left, Choi Sulli heard the low click, click, click of a rival camera. Refocusing her zoom, she began to shoot.
Come on, Yoona. Give us some smile. I’ve got cold Kwon’s arrival picture, now I have to get yours too… 

A clear shot of cold Kwon’s face would be worth a cool hundred grand to whichever photographer got there first. Anyone skilled enough to capture her doing ‘something’ could expect to earn twice that. 


“You see how Yoona sparks? Even cold Kwon is glancing on our bias.” Said her friend, proud to have Yoona as her bias. “Hey hey Yoona is alone now. She parted with her manager.”

“You mean Yoona is soon to be occupied. In some seconds random fan boy will appear, I’m sure.” Choi Sulli laughed by her own statement. That’s true. “See, a guy approaching Yoona.” She looked closely through her zoomed lens. Her expression worsens.

“It’s 2PM’s Taecyeon.” Said her friends in a low voice.

“Oh man. NO MORE FAKE FAMILY OUTING PLEASE?” Sulli grumbled in frustration.

“Pssst don’t be to loud!” Her companion warned her.

“I hate this scene!” 

“You going to take pictures of them?”

“That’s a stupid question. I’m not shipping them or anything.” Choi Sulli made a pose of throwing up. Her companion laughed. 

Two hundred dollar, might not be a lot of money to the Kwon, heirs to multibillion-dollar LakeWood empire, that made them one of three richest families in Asia, but it bring fortune to Sulli and crew. 

“Seriously, I hate family outing because of Taecyeon.” 

“Me too.” Her partner nodded, agreed. "And his fake 'friendship' with Yoona by the media. Geebuz."

Choi Sulli felt her nausea return, but tried not to think about it, or about excruciating pain in her back from being stuck up on a tree for 12 straight hours. She longed to stretch out, but didn’t dare move a muscle, in case she alerted the security guard.

Well, not until her companion told her something. 

“Hey, I think cold Kwon is glancing at Yoona again. Or was I hallucinating?”

Choi Sulli didn’t answer, she kept her focus through the zoomed lens. “Cold Kwon moving from her position.” She told her companion. “Where is she going?”


 It was silent again because the two of them were focusing their attention to the target. 

“Sulli yah, am I the only one who see this? Cold Kwon- I think she... She's approaching Yoona?”

"Confirmed. Cold Kwon approaching the Idol."

“Take picture of them! Take!”




There were, Yoona decided, as she arrived at the SME gathering party some twenty minutes later, some advantages to arriving late for tonight’s party.

The first, of course, was that she missed the political session of greeting each of the big bosses personally and at length they came through the door. To be honest, Yoona didn't really find it bothersome to come and greet the elders, or the seniors, it was just that, often times, some people could get so flirtatious that Yoona wanted to escape in a speed of lightning. The second was that she avoided all those unnecessary question regarding her latest issue with DBSK’s Yoochun.

The gathering was being held in the huge main parlor- Sunny persisted upon calling it that, even though its function and decor was more than that. The bar had been set up along the wall opposite the luxurious classic doors, and buffet laden with smoked salmon, red caviar and a delectable variety of fresh fruits and cheeses occupied the center of the room.

The soft instrument music of JeTi that was piped from hidden speakers could hardly be heard over the babble of conversation. There were about 200 people in attendance- members of the board, vice-presidents and spouses- and their attire ranged for the stately to the bizarre. Not to be forgotten, the actors and actresses of fame, along with the behind the scene most wanted crew.

Some of them were the jet-setters and the corporate heads, secure in their wealth, and every one of them was here to meet person who might possibly hold their better future. Every guest at every table was interested in but one thing: meeting the people with power. Pretty women were waiting for a producer to fall in love with them and gave them a major role in their next movie. Some actors were talking among themselves, laughing and pretending that the whole business didn't really matter in their current state of wealth. The people with power who entered merely glanced around, they were never worried, because they had nothing to fear.

There were some lines that Yoona listed into her blacklist form from the powerful people- and when she said people, it could be from a woman too. Same s*x relationship was as much as popular, it was just a bit covered up, that normal people wouldn’t even know about. These were the lines to be ignored:

1. “Yoona, I could change your life.”
2. “Yoona, a lot if girls would like to be in your shoes to be with me.”
3. “You’re young now, but what will become of you in a few years later? You need to think about a longer-term investment with me.”
4. “I’m married, but my wife…: (a) “…is ill” (b) “… has threatened to commit suicide if I ever leave her.”
5. “You’re a princess and deserve to be treated like one. I think we should give this relationship a chance.”

It was always the same old spiel. 
Whenever someone mentioned those lines, Yoona would shrug them straightly, in a polite way. Living as an artist was never easy. You picked the wrong way, and you’ll be swimming in a scandalous life. And one thing to note, do not ever make any gesture that will cause you a trouble. Because what people saw wasn’t always the same as what you thought. 

Like what happened with DBSK Yoochun. People might assume that we’re dating now.
Rumor but it spread like wind.

Yoona thanked Taeyeon and Sunny in silent. If not because those two… She would have faced a tougher and immoral way to struggle for the fame she had earned until now. Talking about reality: talent, connection, power,- and support were most needed when you want to success in a straight, with no scandalous experience.

There were lots of actresses and even actors, who would sleep with a director to get a major role. But Yoona just wasn’t one of them. She believed in herself, she believed in her manager, and in her fans.

Throughout the colorful shuffling of bodies Yoona saw Jessica and Tiffany dressed to kill in scarlet silk and a discreet spattering of diamonds. They were in conversation with Sunny- a friendly and composed girl- who unfortunately did not notice Yoona the way another person nearby did.

With a small wave, the person began to make his way toward the idol.

“Have you tried the salmon, it’s quite good.” The guy claimed, his expression easy and self-satisfied. “Though the caviar is a bit dry, I wouldn’t recommend it. Should I get you a plate?”

Yoona turned around to find a familiar smile.

“No, thank you Taecyeon.” She replied, deliberately moving her eyes away from him and over the crowd. “I seem to have a touch of indigestion.” Her pout appeared.

“Why, Yoona.” There was a twinkle of seductive laughter in his voice. “You appear to be having trouble with your stomach lately. I remembered the last time I asked you out for a dinner, and you told the same reason. Perhaps you should see someone about it.”

Yoona returned her gaze to the guy, more frown to come. “I’m already seeing someone, and that’s what’s causing it.”

Taecyeon inclined his head modestly. “Was that a compliment?”

For my sake, how the did he get so big headed?
I should escape.

“Pretty great tonight, isn’t it? Come on, I see a couple of seats over there.”

“No, thank you Taecyeon. I’m fine by my own.” She bit her lip in frustration mixed with boredom. She wondered where did Taeyeon went to.

"Come on, please?" He pleaded.

Yoona put on a sincere, sorry smile. "No, sorry but thank you again."

“Should I pull your hand so that you’ll sit beside me?”


She knew that it was a joke, but she couldn’t help but to feel a bit annoyed. Yoona raised one of her eyebrow but then put on a smile again. It was like she was showing a bit of ‘What did you just said’ look to him.

“Hey, what about you and Yoochun sunbae…?” 


She didn’t know how to shoo this guy- or at least, reject him peacefully now that she was starting to get a bit insecure with him. “I really don’t want to talk about it. Yoochun sunbae is someone I look up to.”

In fact, DBSK Yoochun has explained everything to her through phone call the night she arrived safely to her home. He said sorry to her, for being so unthoughtful and told her how awful he felt after the accident, when he heard that some of his fans were throwing tantrums to Yoona. He promised to never do that again, and thanked Yoona for being so understanding.

"Ah, I see. Then-"

However, Taecyeon wasn't able to finish his sentence.

“Pardon me.”


It took a couple seconds for Yoona’s eyes to adjust, though she immediately recognize the smooth familiar voice coming from behind: Kwon Yuri.

Both Yoona and Taecyeon locked their gaze to the dazzling lady. Yoona was surprised, but she didnt put any effort to hide that.

The Kwon turned a gaze on Taecyeon that was as sharp as daggers, but her voice was smooth and dismissive. “I’m here to pick up my companion,” she paused and set her eyes on the speechless Idol for a moment, and soon found a smile on the lips.

But Taecyeon, as oblivious as he might be, didn't let that plan go smoothly.

"I'm sorry, but Yoona is still talking with me?" He answered coolly, without having any idea about the girl he was talking to.

“Listen to Miss Kwon,” cut an unfamiliar male voice.

When Yoona turned around, there stood one of the most eye-catching guys in his suit she had ever laid eyes on. He was at least few inches taller than her. The guy wrapped an arm around Taecyeon’s back and squeezed his shoulder, and immediately Taecyeon nodded, “Mr. President,” with a sheepish smile.

That guy with his dazzling yellow suit was none other than JYP. He bowed to the Kwon before he spoke again, and that made the oblivious Taecyeon to wonder who was this Miss Kwon.

“You must be Yoona, my, such beauty,” he said, leaning closer to offer a handshake to Yoona with a wide smile. “I was greatly honored that I could talk with one of the VVIP guest, Miss Kwon Yuri- in peace- till she caught a glance of you two here. Until then, she keeps on peeking hundreds of time to this scene, where one of my boy seems to be nagging you a bit…Yoona sshi.”

“That’s why…Please forgive my boy- Taecyeon, for not being able to recognize you the way he should, Miss Kwon. I beg your pardon.” JYP bowed, and placed his right hand to Taecyeon's back head so that he bowed to the Kwon too.

She's Cold Kwon, you better behave, JYP whispered to his boy.

Taecyeon didn’t utter any word, a bit shocked by the scene. He rarely saw the infamous cold Kwon by this distance- this close. She was one of people with power whom people afraid of. Money and power were the best equipment, and to have his own President to stop and beg for forgiveness for him from being with Yoona, was a bit… Quivering. He didn’t dare to do anything since the bosses stepped into the conversation.

“It's okay. No need to be like that." The Kwon looked at Taecyeon for the briefest moment, "But I’m afraid you’ll have to excuse us, Park sunbae.”

"Ah, yes," JYP answered.

The Kwon got rather haltingly to her feet, as if she were hesitating on doing something. She then offered her hand to Yoona, as her eyes whispered to the idol, I’d like your hand, please.

A gesture that Yoona couldn’t help but felt oddly intimate yet dumb as the same time. 


She could just take my hand, and lead the way, but…
She was asking for permission first. Like giving me choice, to go with her or not.

Yoona the superstar smiled for real for the first time during the event.

Yuri… Silly and sweet.
Alright, I’ll give you my hand. 

Yoona placed her hand upon the cool looking Kwon’s, smiling, and Yuri made a graceful swing to take over the idol’s right hand, firmly leading the way from team JYP. Yoona allowed herself to be pulled, as they dive through the crowd until they found a vacant spot, and that was when the Kwon’s hand slowly loosened the grip.

The idol's heart started to run a marathon all the sudden. 

“You are not enjoying the party,” Yuri made her statement, looking a bit worried. 

At last Yoona found her voice, even though it was little more than a croak. "Ah, that?"

“You pout,” Yuri explained in a low voice, and her gaze moved from the glass of champagne to the idol. It locked there.

Her eyes swept over Yoona, missing not a detail, and it was like a physical thing- the touch of her against Yoona’s hair, her too luminous eyes, Yoona could actually feel her breath tighten for a moment.

“You pout when you’re bored.” The warm light of pleasure in Yuri’s eyes was potent and intoxicating. “And you bit your lower lips,” she said softly.

Kwon Yuri’s throat was a little dry, and she took a sip from her drink. It went to her stomach with a burning sensation; her stomach had turned to jelly in the moment when her idol has not even answered to one of her words. She assumed that she was making the idol bored.

“I'm... sorry if I talk too much.” So the cold Kwon said sorry for the first time in the last three years.


When her idol didn’t answer again, she continued to speak as fear stabbed her heart. “Tell me if you do not wish to be seen with me, then I will not trouble you further.” She moved her fingers to rub her neck in nervousness. 

There was something that made Yoona attracted to this girl in front of her.


This Kwon could act like a brat if she wanted to; she has both power and money- she could have anything she wanted- she could act like sh*t- but she didn’t. All that Yoona saw were her honest behaviors, her humble way of doing things, and her affection towards her. And her stare- it showed Yoona everything.

She doesn’t speak much, but her eyes...

Stopping her inner thoughts, Yoona smiled to the Kwon. “No, please. It’s my pleasure for your companion, you know.” She wanted to know more about the cold Kwon that people talked about. “And thank you for saving me.” 

It took some minutes before the Kwon could find her voice again, after the smile-giving moment she received from the superstar. 


“So…Um,” She started the conversation, “Where’s Taeyeon...?”

Yoona couldn’t help but to smile whenever she felt the way the cold Kwon stared at her with those sparkling eyes.

“I’m sorry, is there something on my face…?” The confused Kwon Yuri asked the idol, touching her own cheek, blushing. 

“No no no… I’m the one who should say sorry… I’m sorry for acting randomly like that. About Taeyeon,” Yoona paused, looking around, “I believe she’s stalking on Tiffany unnie somewhere inside the party. Or probably discussing about my schedules with PD, or producer.”

Kwon Yuri gave a soft yet attractive chukle. 

Yoona liked the way this cold Kwon chuckle. She found herself smiling along. Then something crossed her mind. But apparently something was on the Kwon’s mind too, as she asked Yoona, “Have you eaten?”

“I haven’t yet…” Yoona turned to do a quick scan to where the food were placed, which was at the center. There are lots of people there. They will throw me questions about dating Yoochun sunbae, Yoona thought, looking down. Have Yuri eaten too?

“Yu…Ri?” It took Yoona exactly eight seconds to finish saying ‘Yuri’. She glanced here and there to catch a glimpse of the Kwon, but she found nothing. She pouted at the realization that the cold Kwon has disappeared.

Maybe she’s seeing a VIP guest… or work related partner.
Oh well.

Yoona pouted again. Maybe I should join Sica and Fany unnie to where Sunny is. It's her party, after all. But how could she just leave me like this?

Yoona fell into deep-thought, unconsciously.

Just when she was about to turn around and walk to Sunny, something halted her step.

“Yoona, here...”

Did I just heard someone call my name?

Yoona turned around to find the Kwon bringing her a plate full of deliciously looking foods. Her pouts evaporated in a flash.

Kwon Yuri serving someone a plate of food herself, this was the first time in 25 years. 

Yoona was hungry, but yet she her eyes remained to the Kwon’s. She was in awe. She took the advantage of the fact that the Kwon’s eyes remain lowered to the foods- as she described them one by one- to study her features, which at first stealthily, and then more and more boldly. She found everything about the cold Kwon was so delicate and very charming at the same time. 

She stayed staring for a long time after the Kwon finished describing all the foods she brought for the idol. 

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Meyoong #1
Chapter 13: Please update author-nim Huhuhuhu the story is so good where have I been all these time. I found a precious story uwu
Marionmarion #2
Chapter 13: Please update authournim
Mrlk__je #3
Chapter 13: omg why I just found this very interesting story in 2019. where have I been all this time?. authornim are you not going to update this story? Update pleasee.
This story is very interesting, I fell in love with this story.I really hope you will update this story :))
Me gustaria que la actualisaras
Yoontae48 #5
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeee :)
Aish1994 #6
Chapter 13: Update this authornim.please!!!!!!
Chapter 13: update author .... hehehe yoonyul is ING REAL
hkinki #8
Chapter 13: Just read the story again... Really hope you will continue this story :)
angelic01 #9
Chapter 13: Author.shi.pls update,I dying olrdy pls.update.
Actualice autor :D