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Incredulous, I couldn’t stop shaking my head as I walked through the corridor as Yoona idol’s UFO reply still got me crazy every time I remembered about it. I was about to tidy up my lovely boss’ desk (as usual) when I saw my little friend Bora was alone- at her desk. I stopped by to greet her.

“Borassii~” I called her out, cheerfully.

She replied me with a wide smile, as I sank into an available chair beside her. “What are you doing this late?”

“Finishing my work? I haven’t reported LakeWood’s current statistic analysis to boss,” she whined and returned her gaze into the papers.

I smirked. “Naw, don’t worry. Boss is in a good mood recently.”

Bora gave another cute smile before she informed me, “Talking about boss,” she paused, and turned to me, of course, who could turn away their eyes from a pretty girl like me… “Boss’ in her office, Sooyoung ah.”

What? Did I just hear that boss’ still in her room?

“Boss is still in her office? Are you sure?” I looked down to my lovely LV watch (this was boss’ gift to me on my last birthday), and it was 8 PM. The boss I knew should have been back home around 7. She never stayed longer than 6 PM, unless there was an urgent meeting or when grandpa needed to talk.

“Very sureee. It was rare, though. Why don’t you go check things up? Boss might need you.”
“Great idea.” I stood in a flash, and sent Bora my good-bye. “I’ll go see boss now, good luck with the job, borassiii~”

I felt a small wave of anxiety when I heaved open the grand double door of boss’ office. It wasn’t usual of her to stay late. She always preferred to go home than to stay longer, of course, the reason was always the same. Her office room lacked of Yoona idol’s pictures.

There were only three-framed pictures of Yoona idol on her desk. One picture of Yoona idol smiling, the other one when she pouted, and the last one when she looked so stunningly dazzling with that perfect alluring look. Please don’t ask me about how many boss had Yoona idol’s framed picture in her mansion. You can never count.

I glanced around the room to find my boss sitting at her imposing huge desk, her head a bit down, with a desk mirror in front of her. As I walked closer, I realized that there were cottons and a bottle of medicine nearby. I start to make assumptions of what happened.

I gasped.

“Boss, what happened with your head?!” My eyes were as wide as those ugly tumblr emoticon.

Receiving no answer, I decided to shout more. Boss couldn’t stand loud environments, so, she’d react soon, just see. 


“Boss! Boss!” I ran here and there to catch her attention. “BOSS…!!!!”

I finally did-and I receive her remarkable glare. I smiled and stood right beside where she sat.

If you were wondering on how to catch boss’ attention, then you should consider these three:
1. Shout as loudly as you could near her (BE NOISY) because she would shut you up immediately
2. Talk about Yoona-idol
3. Be Yoona-idol.

I’m sorry- no.3 should switch to the current no.1.

“What happened with your head, boss?” I peek intently.

“Oh shut up,” Boss grumbled.

Don’t get tricked by boss. She might said something like shut up, but in her dictionary, it was like saying “I’m okay, don’t worry.”
She’s such a nice-shy big boss. Awww.


I looked down to catch my boss’ eyes.

“Pour the medicine here.” boss pointed at specific area on her head, and that was when I realized what had happened with her. There was a bulging wound on her head- and fortunately, her hair covered it. A weak smile escaped my mouth as I observed it. I took the medicine from boss, poured onto the cotton, and lightly tap it to boss’ injured part.

“You sure you don’t want to go to hospital, boss?” My eyebrow went high. "It bulged, boss.”

Seriously, I whined about her own good better than her own self. The last time I suggested on hiring some private bodyguards, she only answered with a glare.
Come to think of it, perhaps she was afraid of other people knowing her creepy habit that revolves around Yooniverse. LOL.

“You want a headline article of my accident for tomorrow?”

I gave a sheepish smile after receiving another trademark glare. I continued with the medicine, carefully. “Boss,”

“Hmm.” She answered, browsing through her special folder of Yoona idol on her MacBook.

My eyes stared at every picture that popped out from the screen. Even though I’m a diehard JETIDAL SURFER, I could never ignored Yoona idol’s picture. She was a total magnet. I chuckled, remember about boss’ current status at SME web, ‘Magnetism of Yoona’ 

 I hide my devilish grin. “Have you seen the thread, boss?” Have you seeeennn Yoona idol’s UFOOOO~

Boss sighed. “Not yet. But I will, later.” Well, that explained. Boss had been super busy these days.

“You definitely should go see the thread, boss. There are some UFOs from Yoona idol.” That will make you smile non-stop. “And YoonAddicts were looking for you. You’ve been MIA* lately.”

“Really?” Boss’ head tilted, and I had to grip it tight, signals for a- don’t move- warning. Boss hasn’t been able to keep up at the thread for some days, due to overwhelming meetings and company issues. Yeah, the “Cold Kwon Collapsing – Is Business The Reason?” headline news had managed to stir some issues within the company.


The cotton almost reached the wrong direction- boss’ huge diamond on her ear- I quickly snapped back.

“Something interesting must have been posted, huh?”

“You gonna like it boss.” I said happily. “Anyway, I’m officially shipping another couple too, now.”

You should see boss’ hilarious expression.

“Ha. You’re a very JETI biased since the first time. What makes you ship a new one?”

I glanced at the ceiling and start to remember about BoNa. “Well… they have their unique charm… They’re being discreetly sweet.”

It was silent.

“Whatever.” Said boss.

And I reaaally wanted to jump. I glanced at the big clock above the door. I have an appointment with Hyoyeon and Taeyeon at ELBON tonight.

“You get to see JeTi that night?” Boss changed the subject.

And I felt like kicking anyone who called my boss a cold one. She was never a cold one… She has a somehow hidden warm heart inside. It’s just that it was well hidden.
The history behind the name ‘cold Kwon’ was created because of me. And it pained me that boss decided to stay silent to protect myself- instead of speaking the truth about the issue, so that people wouldn’t call her ‘cold’. “I did,” I pushed back the horrible memories of the past.

“It feels… really nice, isn’t it?” I caught the happiness in boss’ voice.

I grinned and decided to tease boss. “Are you talking about your own experience, boss?”

Boss somehow looked like she was on the outer space. “Yoona, she…”

“She…?” I followed, my heartbeat went dag-dig-dug-dog sdjdlsksdjksd.

“She was checking me out.”


“Yoona idol did?!”


I unconsciously let a weird squeak out.
Oh God. This silly boss had managed to somehow become one of the most important people in my life.

It was silent for some seconds before boss speaks again, stopping my inner spazz.

“I can’t control my own self.” Boss opened up. “I went to the rest room soon as that.”

I took  mental note of that. It reminded me when boss called me- AT THE TIME I WAS ABOUT TO TALK TO JETI- but, being the faithful secretary of her, I decided that I should be where I was needed first. To my boss’ side, of course. JETI will always be perfectly fine without me; hence, I went to boss.

Nevertheless, I pouted. “Ah, that’s why you called me? What is it that you cannot control?”

For a moment, I WONDERED WHY MY POUT NEVER SEEMED AS PERFECT AND AS CUTE AS JESSICA OR YOONA IDOL’s POUT. Life’s not fair. Anyway stop ranting and back to boss. She gazed to the floor before answering, playing with her nails like a shy kid. Awww. “The urge to grin stupidly and screamed-like a freak”

“You went to the rest room to release your grin, boss?” My eyebrow arched. It didn’t register well in my brain.



“I banged my head to the mirror.”

Excuse me…? I must be hearing things.

I copied her last statement. “You banged your HEAD to the mirror?!” My voice went one octave higher, unconsciously.

“Banging my head to the mirror didn’t work.” Boss replied, with that frustrated puppy-defeated-look on her face.

“So this bulge is because of THAT?” I was sooooo frustrated that I unconsciously-evilly- pressed the bulging area a bit too hard, and that cause boss to jolt up and screamed at me.

Omg. Trouble.




SM. Entertainment, 10:37 PM.

“If you do it, you’re gonna need two big names in the lead roles,” Sunny warned someone. “And I mean a real bankable star.”

“I see,” said the man wryly. “For Kim Yoonhee or Kim Gyuri? I got Jang Geun Suk as the role male.”

“Both of them, I mean the female roles- have to be young.” Said Sunny firmly. “And super beautiful.”

“Right. So all I need is to find a major female star who’s a public sweetheart.”

Sunny had the good grace to laugh. “Okay. Well if anyone springs to mind, be sure to let me know.”

“Actually, someone does.”

Sunny looked at the man with her smile, waiting for the name.

“How about Yoona?”

Sunny’s smile disappeared. She looked at the man blankly for a moment, lost in her thought.

At first, she had assumed that Yoon Suk Ho, the PD, was joking.

When she realized he wasn’t, she dismissed the idea out of hand. Yoona was Korea’s sweetheart, and no one could deny that. She was known to be the most influenced girl in the Nation, diva-ish, purely beautiful and innocent. Just associating Yoona’s name with a project could be enough to skyrocket it before they shot a single take.

“True,” Sunny commented. “But…”

She stopped there before saying the things inside her mind right now. Yoona was Korea’s sweetheart, but also Kwon Yuri- Cold Kwon’s most treasured jewel, one might say. And surely this man didn’t know about that. The young CEO had thoughts about Yoona's shcedule and see if she could counter-attack.

“But?” The man followed.

Anyone who knew Cold Kwon well enough weren’t brave enough to poke her most-treasured jewel. And Lee SoonKyu was no exception. She forced back the memories of Yuri- the homebody Yuri she knew back in the past in their senior high school times- ‘poking’ other industry that messed with her.

“SoonKyu sshi, everyone’s watching to see what her next movie will be.” The PD continued his assumption, touching the script of Love Rain.

All this time- two years to be exact- the head directors of SM.E have been very careful to accept a drama invitation that came for Yoona. Through tons of invitations- they picked the one that described Yoona’s pure image the most, that could increase her popularity and imagie, and of course, the drama must not- has too many skinship scenes. That wouldn’t do well to her image, and wouldn’t do good to the cold Kwon too.

Sunny winced. 
I still remembered how sulky she was by the time she watched Yoona and Kwon Sang Woo’s kissing scene.

“Come on, I need Im Yoona for this. I’ll pay her extra high, I can guarantee. Besides, to not let the stock of SM.E decreasing after Lee sunbae’s death, you have to make another big comeback. Don’t you agree? Love Rain will be a big hit in Japan, I assure you. He's got lots of love in there.”

Lee SoonKyu ignored the high pay conversation. “Are there lot of kissing scene there?”

“What kind of question is that?” The PD of Love Rain drama frowned, replying Sunny’s intense curiosity.

“I just need to make sure that I will still be alive by tomorrow. Answer me, Suk Ho sunbae.”

He laughed. "Yoonaddicts, huh? Well...Not much, I guess. It depends. Even if there isn’t much kissing scene, people will still watch the movie.”

“Of course. They like watching her, its like slowing down on the freeway to gawk at a car crash.” Sunny said confidently. She hoped Yoon Suk Ho, the PD for Love Rain was right. Because, if he weren’t, it would be Sunny’s career, life, and soul that would be the car crash.

For Lee SoonKyu, everything depended on how many skinship scene of this movie. Fans wouldn't approved. It wouldn't do good for Yoona's innocent image, also, it wouldn't do good for Yuri. “I’ll agree to let Yoona read the script and see how things go. But in certain conditions, sunbae.” She finally said.

“What is it?”


Starbucks, Nighttime.

“Anyway… Here’s your iPhone,” Yoona placed the device on the table. Soon a grin was visible on her face, after she saw that catchy ‘YA’ sticker on it for perhaps the 30th times since she had hold the device. She glanced up to the owner, “Why didn’t you call me through your phone? Why called on Taeyeon’s?”

The Kwon’s sudden change of expression set the idol’s smile even wider.

Yuri placed a hand on her temple, looking frustrated. “You knew it,” she answered with a defeated tone.

Yoona laughed while covering . She clapped her hands after that- it has been a long time since she last laughed this hard- this free. “I pity Sooyoung for that. She was so pale at that time.”

“I told her to silent my phone, but she forgot. Suit her well to get the punishment.”

“I never imagined that it was your ring-tone, really.” Yoona murmured.

Kwon Yuri locked her eyes on the idol. “Was it… that unexpected for someone like me, to use… that?”

Yoona stopped laughing and looked at the person in front of her. “It’s not like that,” the idol shook her head. “It’s just- I find it unbelievable for someone as famous and as cool-looking as you, using that silly impersonation of mine…” Yoona played with the straw on her drink. “A cooler song might suit you better than my laugh,” 

“But I like your laugh better,” the Kwon admitted, staring at her drink. Yoona felt like the Kwon just whined cutely to her.

That was a dead-end conversation that made Yoona’s cheeks grew warm. She took a sip of her delicious Javachip, as her heartbeat went wild again. Yoona fanned herself. She cleared , and drinks the macchiato while she took a glance to the Kwon.

Out of the corner of her eye, Yoona saw a flash of light and had a split-second thought of how strange it was to see blitz in the middle of the night. Before she could comment on it, a young waitress appeared at their table.

“I, uh, wow,” she mumbled, embarrassed and excited at the same time after noticing Yoona’s face. “I’m sorry about the photographers out there…” Her voice trailed off in time for Yoona to turn and see two person- two girls with camera.

Yuri must have spotted them before she did, because she reached over, poked her hand, and said, “I think its best for us to leave now.”

Yoona glanced at Yuri’s finger that touched hers. For some moment everything else disappeared. There was a tingling sensation in the idol’s stomach at how the Kwon’s finger created magic at such tiny skinship. Yoona snapped back to earth.

“The, uh, manager told them they couldn’t come inside, but we can’t force them to leave the sidewalk,” the waitress said. She had that I’m asking for your autograph look on her, but Yoona knew that they had to leave.

“I’ll come back again and give you my autograph.” The idol gave her a knowing smile that could melt anyone.

“Prepare the backdoor for us” cut the Kwon.

“There’s a backdoor?” Yoona asked, and when the girl shyly nodded, the Kwon allowed Yoona to go first, and she would cover her from behind. "You go first. If people know you hang out with someone like me, it will bring bad impact for your image."

But the idol didn’t think that way; she stopped her step and said, “Let’s go together. I won't leave you alone like this.”

Yoona couldn’t think of anything that could make her image bad--by going out with the Kwon.
No, not even a single one.


Meanwhile, @ELBON.

When the subway finally screeched near SME building, S

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Meyoong #1
Chapter 13: Please update author-nim Huhuhuhu the story is so good where have I been all these time. I found a precious story uwu
Marionmarion #2
Chapter 13: Please update authournim
Mrlk__je #3
Chapter 13: omg why I just found this very interesting story in 2019. where have I been all this time?. authornim are you not going to update this story? Update pleasee.
This story is very interesting, I fell in love with this story.I really hope you will update this story :))
Me gustaria que la actualisaras
Yoontae48 #5
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeee :)
Aish1994 #6
Chapter 13: Update this authornim.please!!!!!!
hkinki #7
Chapter 13: Just read the story again... Really hope you will continue this story :)
angelic01 #8
Chapter 13: Author.shi.pls update,I dying olrdy pls.update.
Actualice autor :D
mrperfectcool #10
Chapter 13: update please author. where are you , author ???? when are you going to update ????