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Inside plane 

The flight attendants walked to the emergency exit row and start to explain on how to use the emergency life vest, emergency oxygen mask, and how to fasten the seatbelt, as the engine’s sound roaring. Almost all the passengers were silent at the moment, even all the SM artists, well, except for Eunhyuk and Leeteuk. Siwon, on the other hand, was praying for their long hours trip to Paris.

Yoona, Jessica, Tiffany, and other SM artists sat on the middle row inside the huge airplane. This would be a 12 hours flight, and all of them were expecting to get some nice sleep throughout the trip. They had been so busy nowadays that they barely touched their own bed.


Each of them bought their own favorite stuffs, Tiffany brought all the pink items that she used mostly when she was going to sleep (Totoro was no exception). Jessica brought her iPod and eye masker, while Yoona bought her iPad and iPod along.

She planned to listen to her iPod as soon as the ‘fasten seatbelt’ light had been off, but it seemed impossible now since the unnies start gossiping. Who can resist gossips?

Even idols cannot.

“Just the usual,” Jessica said. She flicked through the pages of magazine. “We’re in this one.” She pointed to the certain double pages that had hers and Tiffany’s pictures.

Both JETI pored over their pictures, studying the ones of them and reassuring one another that they looked great. They always looked great.

Yoona peeked a bit with little curiosity. And when Tiffany flipped to the next page, Yoona’s interest went doubled-tripled.

“Oh isn’t this Kwon Yuri?” Tiffany muttered. Jessica nodded and turned automatically to the person who sat on her left—Yoona.

Kwon Yuri’s recent airport pictures flooded upon the ‘chic and y’ title on top of the pages.

“Yoona looks like she wants to eat the whole pages.” Tiffany muttered.

Jessica made a face of ‘I know right’.

“So. Yoona. You better tell your unnies here about what happened with you and this person.” The Jung demanded.

“We saw your unusual PDA mode.” Tiffany added, staring at Yoona with all her assumptions.

“We’re good friend. We’re good.” Yoona answered, taking the magazine from Tiffany, ignoring the stares.

“And we’re YoonYul?” Tiffany raised her eyebrow. “Is she okay with all the explosion about you two?” She added soon.

Yoona, still captivated by Yuri’s pictures, answered: “Fany unnie, you talk like Yuri unnie isn’t popular from the beginning.”

A familiar tone echoed, and Yoona knew that the fasten seatbelt light had been turned off already. That means she could start listening to her music while she would fall asleep soon. 

Yoona read the first line on the paragraphs about Yuri. “Kwon Yuri, 25 years old, stunningly beautiful and sickeningly rich. This LakeWood’s ultimate heiress is widely considered to be one of Korea’s—Asia’s—most eligible young heiresses.”

“She seemed fearsome and remote,” She heard Tiffany told her, quietly but firmly.

Yoona stopped reading and turned to Tiffany. “Yuri unnie has that kind of fearsome aura,” she agreed to it, “But to say that she’s remote… I don’t think so. If you get to know her better, she isn’t like that at all. She’s just… Not really a person who wants to be the center of attention.”

Both JETI remained silent, as Yoona’s words filled their brain.

The stewardess starts to deliver the in-flight foods.

“Hi, would you like to have Korean food, or Western food?”

“We would like Western food, thank you.” Tiffany pointed at herself and Jessica. Yoona, on the other hand, ordered the Korean food.

They waited patiently as the stewardess arranged their selections on the tray.

Having nothing to do at the moment, Yoona studied the article about Yuri once again. It went on till she heard something.

“Have you delivered Miss Kwon’s request?”

Yoona immediately looked up and saw the two stewardess converse, and thought that  maybe she was hearing things.

“Don’t worry, Miss Kwon’s done. It is funny how the last person to board the plane is the one who worried you so much.”

Perhaps... Another Kwon?

Later the smiling stewardess gave Yoona, Jessica and Tiffany their foods, and asked again. “And for desserts, what would you like? We have cold chicken with salad, pudding, fruits, and plain yoghurts.”

But what if it’s really her—Yuri?

“Can we have all of them?”

Jessica and Yoona turned to Tiffany with shocked expression.

Tiffany replied with an I’m-innocent-look.

The stewardess nodded and smiled to the artists, and gave them four kinds of desserts.

Yoona made up her mind and decided to ask. “Excuse me,”

“Yes, what do you need, Miss?”

“Did I hear you guys just talked about Miss Kwon? Is it Kwon Yuri?”

“Yes,” the stewardess answered, a bit surprised. “Miss Kwon is sitting at the executive seat, in the front row.”

Yoona’s eyes went wide, but she nodded nonchalantly.

“Is there anything else you need, miss?”

“Ah, no, thank you for the information.”

After saying ‘You’re welcome’ to the idol, the stewardess resumed her activity to the next row. Yoona was stunned. She stared deeply at the food and desserts in front of her.

“Her body is here but her heart is clearly somewhere else on the executive seats.” Jessica muttered, opening her food package and found it pleasing.

Yoona ignored the unnie.

“Finish your meal first, Yoona. Then you can visit her in front row.”

Yoona looked at Tiffany with sparkling eyes.



“Hey where’s Yoona?”

Both JETI glanced up to find Eunhyuk leaning his elbow on Yoona’s available-blank seat.

“Yoona?” Jessica asked back.

He nodded blankly.

“She goes to the executive seat. Her luggage’s here, but her heart is somewhere else...”

Eunhyuk looked through the corridor at the far place where executive seats were. “What for?”

Tiffany threw an ‘its not even your business’ expression to him, shrugging her shoulder.

“Okay I’ll go get her back.” said Eunhyuk confidently. “You three should join us on the back to play cards, it’ll be fun.”

Jessica noticed the overconfidence. She smirked. “Yeah go try,” while shaking her heard for the offer. She prefer to sleep afterall.

When it was the two of them alone, the aura changed.


“Yeah, Fany.”

“Do you think Yoona and that Yuri…”

Jessica said nothing upon the question. Tiffany leaned into her partner’s shoulder when she got no answer, and soon a sigh was heard.

Jessica patted Tiffany’s head. “Let’s not talk about the past again.”

On the other hand

Kwon Yuri closed her eyes and pressed her hands to her temples, counting slowly backwards from ten. She was inside the plane, leaning back against the comfortable executive first class seat, and yet her head was pounding with a tension-induced headache that was starting to feel like a brain tumor.

The talkative ahjussi near her—at her left side had been talking non-stop, spitting all the non-sense she’d never want to hear—for almost 10 minutes. She counted every second of it.

“I heard rumors about Yoona and Taecyeon recently.“ he drawled, “I took this plane because Yoona is here. Are they really couple? What do you think?”

She regretted for showing a hint of interest when the man brought a topic about Yoona earlier.

“With respect, ahjussi. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She  said frostily.

“Ah, how come you not know about this? You know, I heard rumors again that in the last party on SME, they were seen together,” Said the man pompously.

“They are not couple.” she told the man, ignoring him. Kwon Yuri had tried to close her eyes for like the ninth time but then the ahjussi kept on talking as if he didn’t see that Yuri was trying to sleep. It annoyed Yuri even more that this person kept on babbling non-sense about Yoona. Trash rumors. Yuri wondered if this man wander around at all-crap-pop too much.

“So you keep saying, Yoona and Taecyeon are not together?! You know Yoona, right?”

“I know her.” She groaned.

“Then do you think she’s interested in other guy? Nickhun?”


The man frowned. “I guess you’re a fan of 2 PM since you keep denying that Yoona has something with 2PM members. Come on, they are human. Who can resist Yoona?”

Yuri stayed silent. Perhaps if she didn’t answer that line, then this man would shut his mouth peacefully. But she was wrong.

“Hey let’s talk about something else. Judging from your look, you’re a businesswoman, right? You must know LakeWood’s heiress.”

Yuri continued keeping her eyes closed.

“I really wanted to have a meeting with LakeWood team, especially the CEO herself. But my proposal always got denied... Tsk. You know, I heard she never dated anyone before. And here I thought she was kind of Paris Hilton who party all night. Since they said she’s pretty attractive. I’ve never seen her though, I’m too busy with my job. I just moved from Paris to Seoul, but my accent’s great, right?”

“Yeah, whatever.” Yuri said, exasperated. “Now please let me sleep.”

“Ah...Those heiresses. They don’t have to work hard for their life, their parents provide them with anything. Oh, what do you do, anyway? You wear ROLEX. I guess you’re from a rich family? What company are you working at?”

Sometimes people don’t know the limits.

“You are not listening.” Kwon Yuri almost sat forward, but then her seatbelt was chaining her. She dropped herself back to her seat and shot a dagger look to the person. “Ahjussi. Read my lips.”

The man stared at her, dumbfounded.

“Do not talk to me again. Ok?”

The talkative ahjussi managed a weak smile and nodded slowly. “O-okay I’ll just sleep now. Sorry if I kind of troubled you with the topic... ”

Kwon Yuri felt grateful for her cold aura. Sometimes it helped a lot. She was beginning to sleep, before she felt something poking her right arm. She groaned and was about to kill the talkative ahjussi, but oh—It didn’t turn out that way.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was her idol’s frowned eyebrow with the cute pout. Yuri could also hear a loud gasp from a certain talkative man, but he was so irrelevant she didn’t bother glancing  at him. She let herself focus on the dazzling person in front of her.

“Yoona?” Yuri was about to jolt from her seat from the sudden heart attack.

Yoona narrowed her gaze to Yuri. “You board the same plane and you didn’t even tell me?”

Yuri glanced at the idol, still not believing her eyes. “Yoona?”

“I’m not a ghost!” Yoona replied. “See? See? I’m real.” She said as she poked Yuri’s waist.

Kwon Yuri hides her wide grin. And meanwhile, the talkativ ahjussi was silent for good. He covered his face with the newspaper, trying hard to not (caught) look(ing at Yuri) while keeping his ears on.

Yoona put on her seatbelt as she took one of the vacant spot near Yuri. “Don’t act like you’re surprised to see me since you know I’m taking this flight. And I don’t know about you taking this plane.”

Yuri covered with her palm; the grin was attacking the corner of . She knew that Yoona was a bit upset by this.

Yoona rants again. “If I didn’t hear from that stewardess, I wouldn’t know you were here.”

Yuri ducked her head, looking slightly embrassed. “I thought that you’d find me a hindrance if I keep on… like that.” she explained in a weak voice.

“Like what...?” Yoona replied.


Yoona observed Yuri as she paused to think.

“Like tailing you down.”

Yoona frowned. “Okay let me tell you. I will not. And you’re not hindrance.”

Yuri chuckled. “Why are you so upset, Yoona?”

The idol sighed in frustration. “If you have told me earlier, I could have booked a seat right next to you. Here.” Seriously, don’t you read my UFO or even watch Win Win? Since when did I start addressing you as hindrance?

Yuri could only grin. “Where’s your seat?”

“Middle row, with other SM artists” Yoona’s face darkened. “Ah jinjja—I could seat here if you’ve told me sooner. Ahh.”

“If you seat here, what about your friends…?” Yuri asked.

Yoona turned to Yuri. “What’s with them?”

“It’s okay to leave them just like that?”

The idol nodded, still frowning. She peeked at Yuri to find the lovely lopsided smile again. She felt weak all the sudden. She couldn’t rant anymore. She could only stare and automatically smiled at the other girl.

“Ahh I’m so full. Sica unnie and Fany unnie gave all their desserts for me.”

“They did?”

Yoona nodded.

“They knew you’re a shikshin,” Kwon Yuri teased bravely.

The idol grunted.

“Yoon~a…!” Both Yuri and Yoona heard a guy’s voice nearby. Yoona was the first one to turn around.

“Oh, oppa?” Was her reaction upon the revelation.

“You’re supposed to be happy seeing your sunbae picking you up himself. What are you doing here anyway?”

Hearing the line, Kwon Yuri remained silent, she didn’t look up or even trying to see who was the one speaking to Yoona. She briefly thew a cold glance at the talkative ahjussi and the man felt like he died out of oxygen. Choking, he swore to not look at the scary lady beside him anymore.

“I’m sitting here.” Yoona said, turning to Yuri before she glanced up to Eunhyuk.

“But it’s fun there in the middle row with all other friends,” He insisted, and start to feel curious about the other girl who was sitting calmly beside Yoona. “Join us?”

He tried to peek. Kwon Yuri stayed still.

“Shouldn’t you introduced your oppa to you friend?” he said.

“Non et non, oppa.” Yoona smiled cheerfully. “I will be sitting here, but thanks for the invitation!”

When Eunhyuk walked away with a frown, Yoona looked at Yuri, attempting a joke: “If he knew you’re Kwon Yuri, he would have gone nuts.”

Yuri gave a small smile, and decided that it was the right time to finally cast a look to the annoying being nearby. Their eyes met, and fear was evident on the man’s expression.

“What are you looking at, ahjussi?”

“Uh... Umm... I, No. Well, please have a nice flight...” He stammered with endless bow.

Kwon Yuri turned away to Yoona triumphantly. She was sure the man wouldn’t dare to open his mouth anymore.



Eunhyuk crawled back to the middle row, hands on his hair. He just lost on persuading Yoona, his hoobae, to join the fun with his gangs. And that girl, he somehow felt like he had seen her somewhere before… Was it Victoria’s Secret model…?

He shook off his head and placed a finger on his chin.

Rubbing his hair in confusion, he saw Jessica, walking to his direction. Jessica didn’t stop her steps, instead she just waved a ‘hi’ and walked passed him.

“So, you.” Jessica stared at Yuri.

She was now sitting in front of Yuri, since executive seats only have two pairs of seat each row, she wasn’t left with many choice. A sleeping man occupied Yuri’s left side. And to seat beside Yoona’s right was just too far to even start a chat. “You ever date someone before?”

Yuri looked puzzled. But it didn’t take her much time to answer. “Never.”

Somehow Yoona’s eyebrows went superbly high. Seems like the idol disapprove of Yuri’s last statement.

“You’re Lee Hyori unnie’s cousin, am I right?”

Yuri turned to Jessica, more puzzled expression. Sooyoung once spazzed to her, saying that her idol—Jessica—was a person who rarely remembered one’s name. And in one event, Sooyoung had said that Jessica spelled her name eventhough it was Choi Na Soo.

And the way Sooyoung bragged about it was like Jessica could never even remember a stranger’s name for the first time. She opened but nothing came out. She was still thinking. And to say that Jessica remember Hyori unnie’s name—for more than 4 years since the last time they met back in Chicago, was… Surprising.

Yuri looked at Jessica with interest. Her eyes showed assumptions on her mind.

Jessica seemed to notice it. “Okay that’s it. I just came to check on my dongsaeng here.” Jessica turned to Yoona. “You’ll seat here for good?”

Yoona nodded. “What’s with your weird interview, unnie?”

“Nothing, I’m going back to Fany.” Jessica stood up and leaves the two of them together.

Now Yoona turned to Yuri with some intensity. “How come you said you never date?”

Yuri glanced at Yoona, ready to defense herself. “Yoona, I have never dated before.”

“Yah now I’m angry.” Yoona turned to other direction.

“Really—I haven’t!” Yuri tried her best to make the idol believe in her. She really had not dated anyone before. Really.

Yoona glanced back at her with an angry face. “…We date at Starbucks before.”

A little gasp was heard and Kwon Yuri the ultimate 25 years old heiress who thought she had never dated before was tongue-tied, for good.

Yoona made a puppy sad face. “You’re denying us.” The idol teased the speechless Kwon.

Arrival in Paris 

Half dozens squad cars and at least as many press vans, greet the arrival doors. The automatic doors open and SM artist emerge, catching the whole attention.

Guards at their right, left, ahead of them, and followed by another right behind them. The first to emerge was Super Junior, later followed by SHINee, duo JETI were in the middle wave, and not far behind them was the solo singer, Seo Juhyun, or known as Seohyun, and then Kangta, BoA, came out.

Fans outside start to scream of their idol’s name, throwing their idol with affections, while the idols smiled here and there, waving to the mass of fans.

The click sound went non-stop until some of the reporters realized that the superstar—Im Yoona—was nowhere to be seen, when she was usually the one who would be at the very front, proving herself as the all-kill attention magnet.

The murmurs start to spread amongst the crowd of reporters. Even some of them throw questions to other SM artist, for example to JETI—who they knew was close to the star.

“JETI, welcome to Paris!”
“JETI please tell us where’s Yoona?”
“Does Im Yoona come to Paris as well, as planned?”
“Did something happen to Yoona?”
“JETI please smile here and tell us about how you feel that you’re in Paris now?”
“JETI! JETI! Where is Yoona?”

JETI only answer with “Very good,” and left the hungry reporters with a smile. The reporters start to make assumption that ‘something’ might be happening to the idol. But not until long.

At last, they spotted the superstar walking together, side by side with the famous cold Kwon, as both of them were the last people who came into view. The murmurs start to multiply-greatly. Reporters went shouting and turned hungrier by the unexpected sight.

The arrival gate went crazy. All the photographers who had dropped their cameras earlier went wild. They jostled for position, firing off picture after picture, the flashbulbs lighting up like it was Oscar night.

It wasn’t over almost as quickly as it started, with Yoona leaning in to say something to Yuri, “I’ll text you soon. See you in hotel.” and turned to face the crowds.

Kwon Yuri gazed up to the idol for a short moment with a glimmering white smile.

The endless click continued.

Both Yoona and Yuri made their way through the throng of paparazzi and staring tourists that stood nearby, while the fans’ scream echoed clearly.

Ten minutes later, Yoona, along with JETI and Seohyun, sat inside the van that had been assigned for them. It was silent before the driver asked, “Are we ready?”

“We’re ready,” They said simultaneously. Jessica was the exception, since she was too lazy to answer. They start to pull their sunglasses.

Sunglasses were helpful since the idols didn’t want the fans to see their bloody eye after a long nap inside the plane.

And then the maknae- Seohyun, broke the silent. She glanced at Yoona. “Unnie,” she said calmly with a smile.

Yoona turned to see the maknae, releasing her own sunglasses. For a moment the maknae smelled her.

“Unnie you’re comfortable with Yuri sunbae, right?” Seohyun’s eyes were dancing in excitement.

Now this question made both JETI turned around, mouth slightly opened. Of course, the unnies considered this as an interesting topic.

“Why?” Yoona curiously shot back.

“I saw you two really went along well in Win Win.” Seohyun’s glittering eyes were still visible.

“Seohyunah, why are you blushing?” Tiffany asked as she peeked at the youngest girl.

Seohyun smiled sheepishly, “I’m a fan of Kwon sunbae.” She admitted.

Jessica was wearing that OMG look on her face, “Oh my God. Ban Ki Moon, and then cold Kwon? Nice pick, maknae.”
Seohyun pouted.

Tiffany laughed and elbowed her partner, “What’s wrong with it? Let her be,”

“So, Yoona unnie, can you help me to get her autograph and perhaps a picture together?”

Three pair of eyes locked into Im Yoona.

“You’re Yuri unnie’s fan?”

The maknae nodded proudly. “I wasn’t able to get her pictures and autograph because as soon as Win Win ended, you both left me alone!” The maknae complained. “You didn’t even invite me to go home with you and Yuri sunbae, unnie! I’m greatly disappointed.”


YoonYul Thread 

SLRyoong (Today,08:21 PM):
SM- Donors | No.1 YoonYul Shipper |
184 posts
Airport pic from Paris! We got one YoonYul picture, ya’all!!

@SYster its nice to see fellow like you to spazz about YoonYul so much :D
What makes you like YoonYul, if I may ask?


Dry rehearsal

Kwon Yuri was a bit nervous on her way to Le Zenith, North-East of Paris, Parc de La Villette area. She had dropped her luggages to the Hotel, and had met with Yoona before she and other SM artists went to the dry rehearsal. She nearly had the cab driver turn the car around and take her back to the hotel, but she managed to overcome her hesitation enough to scuttle into the building and take up a seat at the back, in the darkest corner she could find.

She watched at how the SM artists made their appearance. It was Super Junior at the moment.

Then, once she spotted Yoona at the stage and her rehearsal started, she found herself so absorbed that she had moved up to eight rows without even realizing it.

Well, not until her phone vibrating, and she saw Sooyoung’s name on it.

She picked up the call soon after that.




The rest of the morning passed quickly. The artists, after all the dry rehearsal, were being fitted again for their various outfits that they were going to wear in the concert.

"Look. Seems like Yoona got a boyfriend." Heechul said, peeking at the younger girl who was busy texting and smiling through the fitting session, and even before the rehearsal start.

His companion—Shindong—turned around to confirm.

He frowned. "She was only texting. What's with that?"

Heechul poked Shindong’s head. "Watch how she smiles, moron. And look at those bloody red eyes. I guess she’s spending all night texting or calling with a guy."


"See? The way she smiles like that. I'm sure she got someone."

"Are you gossiping my dongsaeng? If so, stop."

They turned their head to the opposite direction to find Jessica crossing both her arms.

"Sica! Good time!" They approached the oh-looking-so-bored idol.


"Hey is Yoona dating anyone? She got a boyfriend, doesn't she? Look, she's texting all the time with that smile."

Jessica humph-ed, looking irritated. "What boyfriend are you two talking about? I see no boyfriend."

Heechul and Shindong shared a confused glance. Jessica shrugged her tiny shoulder, “Do I look like I’m joking?”

When the two guys registered the last sentence from her as a joke, the princess’ face darkened. “Do you think I’m funny?”


From: Impure
Yoona, I gotta leave Le Zenith.
Take care and rehearse well :B

To: Impure
Thank you for coming :>
Where are you going?

From: Impure
I didn’t know that Im Yoona is allowed to send text through rehearsal?
OMW to meet up with Sooyoung and business partners.

To: Impure
Take care, okay? Anyway I see you taking the very last seat. And you moved up when I came on stage. Smirk.

From: Impure
Ehm. Yoona jjang, hwaiting~

To: Impure
Thank you... You’ve done so much for me. I’m happy you are here with me.

To: Impure
o o

From: Impure
Yoona, what’s that?

Yoona looked at the screen and smiled. She didn’t type the answer; instead, she whispered it softly to herself: “It’s me giving you my heart... Oh gosh I’m so cheesy.” She tapped her feet furiously biting her lower lips. “I should change it.”

The idol typed again.

To: Impure
Its me giving you vitamin :B


The CEO & The Secretary 

Choi Sooyoung had been astonished when her boss had told her what she was going to do in the morning, she was so pleased that Yoona idol had thought of her boss in such a caring way. Her boss had been happier these days, even more often whenever she met Yoona.
Even with those bloody red eyes that I saw early in the morning, boss was happy. Very happy.

"Boss, did you plan for LakeWood's stock for the whole next year yesterday night? What's with the bloody eyes?"

"Hm? I was awake until dawn. Yoona and I had a nice time. Yesterday night."

Sooyoung gawked. Boss? Talking until dawn? "Yoona idol and you...? Talked until dawn?"

The boss nodded.

"Are you kidding me, boss. Since you can't even provide a conversation even for 5 minutes on the phone."

Kwon Yuri shook her head. "I just like listening to Yoona talk."

Sooyoung's heart flipped. DANG DANG DANG DANG. DANG DANG DANG DANG. She had this undoubtly huge, enormous urge to hug her boss so wildy- tightly. The DANG DANG DANG DANG effect hadn't worn out yet from her heart. The secretary secretly blushed.

"What's with that ert grin?"

Sooyoung let a weird squeak out and shook her head shyly to the boss. She always squeaked weirdly everytime a YoonYul moment happened. This silly discreet pairing surely had gotten quite lot of space inside her heart.

She noticed that her boss’ had been smiling more. She wasn’t the only one, though. Hyoyeon and Taeyeon even aware of that. Well although her boss rarely smiles since the beginning, this was a total improvement. Back then; she could only saw her boss smile in front of her laptop- or in front of Yoona idol’s pictured frame.

Now, though, even inside the car, sitting without anything happened, she could see her boss’ grins. More so, when she got messages from someone special- Yoona idol.

Boss, are you that happy…? She thought as they sat together in the back of the Mercedes.

She had arranged appointment right away to meet their perhaps-soon-to-be-partner, Mr. Edgarton III as soon as she and her two friends, Hyoyeon and Taeyeon arrived in Paris. SME President, Sunny, were in the same plane too. Taeyeon was sitting with her on the executive seats.

Boss should finish things up in the morning, so all that’s left was just enjoying her free time. With Yoona idol. 

“Ehem” she said, peeking at her boss from peripheral vision. Her boss was sticking her tongue out of one corner of as she concentrated hard. Since when did texting someone took that MUCH concentration?

To be honest she knew who her boss was texting with. But she couldn't helpt but to ask. She liked to talk with her boss. “Boss, who are you texting with?”

She got no answer. “Boss.”


“Oh it feels nice to be ignored…. Rejoice, Choi Sooyoung! You were born this way!”

Sooyoung sighed upon her boss’ ignorance whenever Yoona idol was involved. She decided to surf in the Internet using her iPad.

She unlocked the screen, revealing a beautiful picture of JETI wallpaper.
She smiled proudly as if she was the one who gave birth to the Jung and the Hwang.

Some hours later

So far there had been several meetings with lawyers and accountants, and a trip to the private bank where her boss’ money was deposited. It had been a bit like some kind of royal visit, Sooyoung thought, with everyone bowing and scraping and up like mad. It wasn’t like this was the first time she saw these kind of scene, she had realized then for the first time that her boss really did have a lot of money, an amount that the outside world viewed as important and impressive.

Her boss had been presented with her credit cards in beautiful leather wallets gold-stamped with her initial. Her boss had her own personal bankers who were available to her at any hour, just in case the boss wanted to manage the account in the middle of the night.

Kwon Yuri and Choi Sooyoung walked through the restaurant, accompanied with a crisp-looking man in a black pinstripe suit and sharp white shirt, leading them from room to room, and floor to floor.

“Here’s the room, Miss Kwon.” the man said, opening the door.

From the moment they entered the room, Sooyoung had been overwhelmed and starry-eyed. “It’s nice,” she breathed.

“Very nice to meet you, Miss Kwon.” Bowed a meticulous, prissy sort of a man, as he stretched out his hand in attempt to shake Yuri’s hand.

He sported a smile. “Please have a seat,”

Sooyoung dropped into the seat next to Yuri, as the man-J. Edgarton III, on the opposite of them caught her attention. Sparse, almost colorless hair parts just above his right ear, long strands of it combed over his pink scalp, the wispy ends just touching the top of his left ear. Beneath his vast forehead sat muddy blue eyes, too small for the head that held them.

J. Edgarton III cleared his throat for full attention. “Shall we begin now, Miss Kwon?”

One hour later

Edgarton III decided that it would be wise to send the heiress to the first floor until she got inside her car. And so they made their way back to the first floor.

“Boss, lets go.” He heard the pretty tanned girl said. Kwon Yuri nodded, following the girl from behind.

Edgarton III smirked upon the scene. “Your secretary orders you around?”

Unfortunately, he sounded like he was mocking- and the Kwon noticed it.

The heiress loo

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Meyoong #1
Chapter 13: Please update author-nim Huhuhuhu the story is so good where have I been all these time. I found a precious story uwu
Marionmarion #2
Chapter 13: Please update authournim
Mrlk__je #3
Chapter 13: omg why I just found this very interesting story in 2019. where have I been all this time?. authornim are you not going to update this story? Update pleasee.
This story is very interesting, I fell in love with this story.I really hope you will update this story :))
Me gustaria que la actualisaras
Yoontae48 #5
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeee :)
Aish1994 #6
Chapter 13: Update this authornim.please!!!!!!
Chapter 13: update author .... hehehe yoonyul is ING REAL
hkinki #8
Chapter 13: Just read the story again... Really hope you will continue this story :)
angelic01 #9
Chapter 13: Author.shi.pls update,I dying olrdy pls.update.
Actualice autor :D