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They Sure Are Discreet...


“Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.”


Anyway! Don’t you think its weird that they changed Yoona’s name in Love Rain?
SM Entertainment said it was something regarding Japan’s culture about ‘Yuri’ name.
Ooh unnie! In manga and anime, 'Yuri' means relationship between girl and girl. Gay. google it >__<
The weird thing is, do you think the scriptwriter is stupid enough if she knew that Japan was one of their target audiences and then she still write Kim Yuri in the first place?
True >___<
It bothers me why they had to change it halfway. I’m fine with Kim Yuri <333 YoonYul <333 #bias
:D lol
omg reminds me of the rumors about Yoong's kissing scene in LR T____T AAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOOO
... unnie let's not talk about that rumor T^T
I'm jealous of Jang Geun Suk T____T
It's still a rumor... Let's hope for the best.
Anyway, since you’re a new trooper, may I ask why you like yoonyul??
I like YoonYul since Yoona ships it!! :D :D
me too!! And actually I liked Kwon Yuri too... She's pretty and cool!
Kekekek~ <3
What about you, unnie?
Yes, what about you??
Hihihi. I fell in love with how they stare at each other. I have never find another pair like them.
Awwww <333
omg right >__ SLRyoong:
Teehee, I like how they stare at each other. 
unnieee it's midnight and we three are spazzing randomly like this gosh...
asjdklasjdkldjs YoonYul make me spazz sooo much
Hihihi. I don't think I can jump into other ship. I'm content with YoonYul forever. Oh, and let me share a fan account from one of my friend who went to SM TOWN Paris. She didn't post this to the thread since she doesn't like girlxgirl... But then, YoonYul is an exception for her. She told me about this in our conversation. 
okay!! sdjkadjlkds suddenly my heart beat faster
"I saw them at SMTOWN Paris. I was with my group of friend, walking around the town after the concert. We met Yoonal! Damn I was really happy when I saw Yoona. But then Yoona wasn't alone, she was with someone... and that someone was Kwon Yuri. They walked quite close. No... they were so close to each other, I suppose, since their hands were merely inches apart. 
I AM against girlxgirl pairing… I even hate a friend of us who brought that ‘YOONYUL’ banner along. I was like, ‘what the—please, if you ship girls pair, don’t be so gay in real life.’ LOL. But after seeing the two with my OWN eyes, I… >___< Omg I don’t like girl with girl pair since they will never be real, but I think YoonYul is an exception. THE ONLY EXCEPTION."
when i asked my friend about the reason, she simply answered, "when i saw how yoona stared at yuri with such gaze and took her hand so lovingly, SO... TENDERLY AND SWEETLY (UNTIL I CRINGED and freaked out), everything vanished. TaecYoon vanished. AAAAARGHHHHH SULLIAAHHHHHH HELP ME JUSSEYO~!!! WHAT'S WITH THOSE TWO, REALLY?!!!! WHY MAKE ME SHIP THEM?! I AM NOT EVEN GAY!"
"and yuri is also a bias list destroyer. IF you saw how she looked and smiled to Yoona. IF YOU SAW. I GUESS I WAS LUCKY I SAW IT."
I envy my friend so much >___< I want to see more YY moments too...

The three spazzed whole heartedly for three minutes.

Anyway unnie, I'm curious about deerSUGAR!! (why am i so random lolll please forgive me)
That's okaaaay. What is it?
My friend's been talking about her/him. It's like she/he's been missing so much lately and bla bla blaaaa. But what's the meaning of that user name? It's a bit weird. Do you know the meaning of the SUGAR? I can get the deer, but the sugar? Sweet?
She/he’s so famous in SME…
deerSUGAR means deer Super Ultra Great Awesome spAzzer lolololll. And that person is a 'she'. A girl.
Wow... omg. She has such cool title kekeke~ Too bad she doesn’t really active lately? I wonder why?
Perhaps she’s been busy? She’s been MIA-ing lately… but she made a post in YoonYul thread <333 It's an honor.
Do you think deerSUGAR hates YoonYul? She started MIA-ing since Yoona got close with Yuri… Perhaps she ships Yoona with other pair?!
What? From what I knew, she never really ships Yoona with other idol D:
True~ I don't know if she ships Yoona with someone... Since she's really Yoona-centered!
Ahh… is that so? Then let’s just hope she’s not- and won't become a YY haters kekeke.
yeah :( YAs misses her... She used to update often. Let's hope she'll come back soon. I will try to PM her later.
Do it unnie! And can you please recommend me some YoonYul fanfics? I'm starving to eat them lately! lollll.
But of course! Try this one by SYster. It’s becoming hot topic recently since her first chapter already had a kissing scene on it loll. And bear with the randomness. It's a bit weird... But let's see how the fanfic progressed! The title is yoonyulyoonyulyoonyulyoonyul.

KYR Private Chamber

“That was an important call,” Yuri said, gulping a great liquid. It was difficult with Yoona standing very close to her, so close she could smell the florish shower gel on her newly washed skin.

“No excuses accepted.”

Yoona pushed Yuri back on the bed, and covered her legs with the warm blanket. She then Yuri’s nose, and complained, “I told you to recover before my flight tomorrow, how can I leave you when you haven’t recovered yet…?”

Yoona pointed at the wooden cloak at the corner right of the room, “It’s 12 AM and you’re not even sleepy. And Sooyoung told me that you had two hours meeting.”

The idol sighed and sent Yuri a tender look as she shifted in her seat to be closer to Yuri. “Aren’t you tired?”

“No, I’m not tired...” Yuri said quietly.

“Why is that?” The idol’s eyes spark.

Yuri sent a look of disbelief.

“What?” Yoona said, smiling, her brown eyes sparkling even more.

Kwon Yuri fell silent, but kept her gaze on Yoona.

“Aw, come on tell me~” Yoona made some effort of aegyo which she hoped could change Yuri’s mind.

It did.

Yuri admitted, “How can I be sleepy when I know that you’ll come here? I think I was too excited that I didn’t realize I had two hours meeting.”

It was silent, as Yoona stared at Yuri, and Yuri put on a smile, “Just waiting for you makes me happy.”

“Yuriah," Yoona murmured, still holding he smug smile, "You’re so…”

Kwon Yuri looked red and puzzled. “Irritating?”

“No, not that...” Yoona shook her head cutely. She smiled even more.

“Irresistible?” Yuri spoke reluctantly, a little bit joking.

“Kwon Yuri,” Yoona did her best to sound authoritative, not easy with her heart beating nineteen to the dozen. But yet she managed a lovely grin with the Kwon’s irresistible answer. “Yes you are so irresistible.”

The two shared a smile, as Yuri looked down to her blanket for a moment, before peeking at Yoona who sat right beside her. Yoona was still staring at her.

Yoona's stare made her felt like she was . Yuri blushed hard. She gave a sheepish smile, embarrassed at the way she behaved upon Yoona's stare. Kwon Yuri tried to ignore the wave of warmth that swept down her body along with Yoona's stunning smile when she touch her hair softly.

"Who called you at such hour...?“ The idol asked tenderly, still playing with the hair.

"It was Hyori unnie."

Yoona was surprised. "She will despise me for that."

Yuri chuckled. "Why so?"

"Hyori sunbae doesn't really like me,"

"What makes you say that?"

"She thinks that this is just my acting to fool you and the others." Yoona said as she put Yuri's hair behind the ear. She was more surprised at what she saw. "Oh Yuriah?"

Yuri turned to Yoona like she was just caught peeping at something nasty.

"Your ear is so red!"

"Ah I can't help it." She covered her face with her palm, confessing, "You don't know how your presence affect me so much."

Yoona was stunned. She was stunned by a great urge to just smile stupidly and pulled Yuri into a bear hug for the rest of the night.

The idol rubbed her forehead as she too, covered her face and rest her head on the comfortable bed, "I'm so happy."

Kwon Yuri pulled her palm from covering her red face. She looked at Yoona, who made the same exact pose as she was just now.

"I'm so happy I have you. I feel so happy, so happy that I cannot describe."

The idol laughed at her silly confession.

The Kwon laughed at how choding Yoona looked.

After some moment, the laughed stopped.

Yoona stared at Yuri. “I feel great when I see you. I feel like I can do anything.” She sighed, looking absolutely cute. “I do feel tired with all my schedule, and I’m as busy as you know,” she explained, “But even if I only have five minutes of free time, I still wanted to see you so bad.”

Again, Kwon Yuri lost the power to speak.

“Now tell me about your day… I want to know everything, everything about you.”

“I spent my dawn with you.” Kwon Yuri blushed at the memory of how they kissed. She continued, ignoring Yoona’s widest grin and stare. “I spent my early morning with the two weirdos, they kept on teasing me…”


Yuri nodded.

“They even asked if something happened between us.”

“And then?”

“I did not tell them anything. I…”

Yuri stopped talking when Yoona took her hand, and the idol held it tight. It was like she was afraid that Yuri would disappear when she loosened it.

Yoona put Yuri’s hand on her own cheek, and she closed her eyes, a smile on her lips.

Yuri stared at her, amazed by how Yoona looked so spoiled-child-like and yet so lovingly at the same time.

“Yuriah, please know that my feelings for you are true. Don’t ever doubt me. I know it’s not going to be easy for us, and it'll risk a lot of what we have until now, when things go wrong."

"Are you… willing to risk it all, for me—for us?”

Now it was Yuri’s time to take the idol’s hand. “Yoona, you’ve always been my number one, you will always.”

"Let's endure this together, hm?" Yoona said, kissing the palm of Yuri's hand. "Thank you..."

"Why thanked me...?"

"Thank you for being with me, Yuriah," Yoona smiled and paused. "Do you know?" Tenderly, her gaze swept over Yuri, “I can't find anyone else capable of giving me everything I need in just a single stare, and one simple touch, the way you do.”

Yuri slowly reached to caress Yoona's cheek. The smile was so genuine, as she had never felt this feeling before. How it felt to loved and to be loved back.

It felt so good. It felt right.

“There are so many things I want to do with you,” Yoona said.

“What is it?” Yuri said lowly.

“I want to go to amusement park with you, I want to eat in restaurant with you, I want to eat tasty food on the street with you, I want to go for dinner with you in nice place, I want to walk with you hand in hand, I want to watch movies with you, DVDs, I want to go to the market to buy snacks with you, go shopping with you, eat your cooked ramyun again, I want to see you everyday…” Yoona turned to Yuri. “There are so many things I want us to do it together, I'm so greedy, am I?”

Yuri giggled, amused by all the things Yoona wanted to do. It all has her name on it. “Well, we can go to a 24 hour market if you want. Do you?”

“Right now?” Yoona sounded happy by the plan.

“Yes, right now. Tomorrow you’re going to San Francisco, right?”

Yoona nodded.

“What do you want to buy in the market…?”

The idol looked at Yuri for full seven seconds. “Umm… Nothing specific.” she said, and then she ruffled her hair, a bit flustered, “I just want to go out with you.”

Kwon Yuri smiled knowingly. “Then let’s go, Yoona!”

Yoona grabbed Yuri’s wrist, asking for a suggestion. “What should I wear?”


“This isn’t quite what I had in mind…” Yoona said as they entered a common market.

The place wasn’t crowded, only few people were there, mostly teenagers around their twenties picking up some snacks to their chart without giving much attention to others.

Yuri’s eyes twinkled with mischief. This was one of the funniest moment she ever seen her idol in. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like the disguise?”

The idol snarled as she plunked her big pink handbag down on the ground as she compared one noodles to others, while listening to Yuri talk. “I look like criminal,” she said correcting.

Yuri watched Yoona talked with all the equipment—masker, glasses, hoodie, cap, gloves, jeans, and sneakers—and grinned at the view.

Yuri had cheerfully raided her own closet in short order to transform Im Yoona into another commoner, to be able to go shopping for groceries like how other couples did. The superstar had to do such things as disguising.

“I think it disguise you well, Yoona.” Yuri tried hard to hide her laugh. “I could hardly see any part of your face…”

Yoona turned at Yuri, “Do you want to see my face? I’ll open the masker—“

“Pssh. Don’t talk so loud, Yoona yah.” Yuri said in a quite low voice. The market wasn’t a big place to begin with, and any conversation could be heard throughout the room. “You don’t need to,” Yuri paused, “I remember every detail of your face.”

A fond smile was hidden behind Yoona’s masker.

Yuri smiled and picked one of the noodles Yoona had choose earlier and placed it inside their chart, as she walked on to the next food section. “No one would expect you to be shopping in market looking like that with me—a night before going to San Francisco.”

The idol grumbled, freezing on the spot “I want to do this with you so bad!”

Yuri turned around to find a very cute expression the idol had ever made. Yoona was tapping her feet furiously to the ground.

She giggled, and took steps backward to link her hand on the idol’s arm, and they walked together happily.

“Me too.” Yuri said quietly with a smile.

She glanced to Yoona with sparkling eyes, when she heard Yoona's funny semi alligator laugh. “Why are you… so…”

“So-? So what?” Yoona stopped giggling.

“So…” Yuri's voice trailed off. “Choding like... And romantic.”

The idol smugly grinned and turned to her. “Am I??”

“Yes you are,” Yuri smirked.

“Only to you.” Yoona whispered as she played with Yuri’s hand, “You should remember it.” She leaned closer so only Yuri could hear the husky voice. “Are you going to send me off to airport tomorrow?”

Blushing Kwon Yuri covered with her hands, looking shy. “Am I allowed to?”

Then something hit the idol’s mind. “But that will cause trouble for you? There will be lots of paparazzi.”

Yoona took a better look on Yuri’s expression.

“I will disguise then.” Yuri looked up to meet Yoona’s glasses.

The idol grinned. “But even if you disguise then people will still notice you when we walk together,” Yoona placed a snak inside their chart.

The two walked passed the food section slowly, with their hands entwined, but their mind were thinking of way to make it smooth tomorrow.

Yoona heaved a little sigh, and said to Yuri, “I guess I will have to bear tomorrow without you,”

Yuri stared at Yoona, listening to the explanation the idol gave.

“And I don’t want to trouble you with paparazzi, Yuriah. I don’t want you to get mobbed. And you will be save if you stayed at home, or at your office.”

Yoona felt that Yuri’s embrace tightened a bit. She smiled on their linked fingers, and then gazed up to Yuri again.

She shook their linked fingers, a gesture that asked for attention.

When Yuri turned to her, she pulled down her masker for a brief moment, and said inaudibly to Yuri, “I love you.”

Kwon Yuri’s constant genuine smile appeared, along with the reddish cheeks.
Yoona covered her face with the masker again.

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Meyoong #1
Chapter 13: Please update author-nim Huhuhuhu the story is so good where have I been all these time. I found a precious story uwu
Marionmarion #2
Chapter 13: Please update authournim
Mrlk__je #3
Chapter 13: omg why I just found this very interesting story in 2019. where have I been all this time?. authornim are you not going to update this story? Update pleasee.
This story is very interesting, I fell in love with this story.I really hope you will update this story :))
Me gustaria que la actualisaras
Yoontae48 #5
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeee :)
Aish1994 #6
Chapter 13: Update this authornim.please!!!!!!
Chapter 13: update author .... hehehe yoonyul is ING REAL
hkinki #8
Chapter 13: Just read the story again... Really hope you will continue this story :)
angelic01 #9
Chapter 13: Author.shi.pls update,I dying olrdy pls.update.
Actualice autor :D