Chapter 9

The Translator and... the Idol?

It was still morning after the members left for their rehersal for their concert. You looked at the clock: 10:15 it read. You turn on the TV and watch the news. 

"Hello welcome to SBS News. It has just been reported that B.A.P had landed in L.A. yesterday for their LIVE ON EARTH: PACIFIC TOUR. They have been reeciving a lot of attention not only in Korea, but overseas as well. It has been reported from Mnet America's CEO, Ahn Jin Taek, that the boys are great to work with. 

"They work well with all of our employees. We have no problems with them at all. They are all fun, chill and hot! What else can you expect from a KPOP group?"

It seems like B.A.P  is very welcomed in L.A. Good luck to their Pacific Tour! In other news..."

You rubbed your eyes a couple of times making sure that it was your boss, who you saw on TV. "So shady...he didn't even hang out with them for a day! All he did was welcome them into his office and talk with them for a couple of minutes. What a douche..."

As you reach for the remote your phone buzzed. You received a text from an unknown number. 

"Jagiya!! I hit traffic! I don't know what to do! I'm already late for the rehersal! I think our kiss made me late XD"

You giggled at his little joke, but you were worried as well. Their concert was tonight, and everything had to be perfect. 

"How far are you from the venue? There might be a short cut to the venue if you're not too far!" 

You waited a couple of seconds before he replied. 

"I don't know where I am, but we're in the middle of traffic. I don't think we can get out that quickly...what should I do???"

You paced back and forth in your living room, worrying about Zelo. You quickly call M.K. 

"Hello? M.K? This is Bin-ie! Zelo hit traffic and says he's going to be late for the rehersal!"

"Yea, we hit traffic too. I don't know what to do either. All the members are panicking because we were supposed to get there by 10, but it's already 10:30!"

"I can call the venue if you want! I can tell them that you hit traffic and that you might be a little late."

"Can you? That would be a relief!"

"Sure! Can I have their number? And it's fine, I can do it."

M.K. gives you the number to the venue. 

"Hello? Hi I'm B.A.P's co-manager Song. I just wanted to tell you that we hit traffic and the rehersal may be delayed by a couple of hours. Is that okay?"

"Hello. Actually...we have some bad news. The concert is cancelled tonight."

"EXCUSE ME???" You yell into the phone. 

"Someone touched the equipment and messed up all the data we had for the concert. It's going to take days before we can retreive it. We're so sorry."

You space out. You were scared about what M.K. was going to say. Even though it wasn't your fault, you were scared about his reaction. 

"But our boys prepared months for this concert. Is there really no other way to retreive the data? Is there really nothing you guys can do?" Your voice was shaking because you were furious. You never stood up for anyone in your life. Not even for yourself. Whenever your father yelled at you, you didn't really fight back. All you did was stand there and get abused by him. Whenever he hit you, or cursed at you, you just stood there like a rock. You didn't want to fight back...actually you couldn't fight back because you lacked confidence. You were scared that if you fought back something worse might have happened. But in this situation, you didn't care what happened after. You were standing up for others. You were putting other before yourself. Then you thought about your grandma. She never complained about her own problems. She always listened to other peoples problems instead. She listened and never interuppted the person. You learned how to be strong and believe in yourself from your grandma. Everything in your life started with your grandma. 

As you were listening to the staff members trying to alleviate you, you hung up on them. You took a deep breath and called M.K. again. 

"Um...M.K? I have some bad news..."

"So apparently, someone hijacked the equipment and all the data needed for B.A.P's concert were deleted. Apparently it's going to take days before they can retreive it. So....the concert is..cancelled....I'm sorry."

You let out a deep breath and clench your eyes, waiting for M.K. to flip out, but he didn't. 

"They lost the data? They don't have copies? They should!" 

He was calm, but annoyed that the staff members weren't doing their job correctly. 

You quietly answered him and the conversation became silent. 

"M.K....are you still there?"

"Yea...there's just this stupid car in front of that won't go past 20 mph. I think it's an old guy...*sigh*"

"Well, we tried...actually you tried...can't do anything about I guess. That ! The traffic just ended. We'll be going back to our hotel. If you want, we can have lunch together. As in B.A.P, me and you."

"Lunch? That sounds nice! Where?"

"I don't think we can go outside of the hotel because of fans, so let's meet up at the hotel restaurant, I heard it's pretty good there."

"Sounds good to me. Text me the address."

You both hang up and you run over to your room. You realize your room is a mess. There's boys clothes everywhere mixed with some of your clothes. You couldn't tell which clothes were yours and which were the members because they were so skinny! Like seriously, they can wear your clothes if they wanted to. You quickly separate your clothes from their clothes, stuff their clothes into a shopping bag and get ready to go out. You quickly apply some blush and lip gloss. You weren't a girly girl, so even putting on lip gloss was a lot for you. 

You quickly change into a pair of skinny jeans and a plain white T-shirt with a nice bow in your hair. You receive the address to their hotel via text. You quickly put on your shoes and walk over to your car. You place the shopping bag in the back seat, and fasten your seatbelt once you get into the driver's seat. You slowly back up and was on your way to the hotel. 

You drive through the highway with your windows down listening to "Get Lucky" from Daft Punk. (sorry I love this song!)

You were in front of the hotel and one of the employees opened your door and gestured you to walk out. You felt like royalty. You looked at the hotel's exterior and it was amazing. "This place must be like a 7-star hotel..dang!" You mumbled to yourself. 

"May we help you with anything?" asked one of the employees. 

"I'm actually just waiting for someone." 

You stood outside the hotel waiting for a couple of minutes. You take a couple of seconds to embrace the scenary that surrounded the hotel's front yard. There was a garden next to the parking lot, swimming pools and more! You were excited even though you weren't going to actually walk through, swim or do anything. 

As you were looking you felt someone's hands around your waist. You quickly turn around to see Zelo hugging you. 

"Yah! We're in public! What if someone sees us!" 

"It's fine! The employees don't even know us. And our fans are banned from standing within 1,000 meters of this hotel, so nothing to worry about...babe" 

You blushed again. It wasn't the word 'babe' that made you blush, but just hearing his voice call you 'babe' made your heart flutter. Sure Daehyun was really cute and handsome, but Zelo was just so romantic and knew your weak spots to make you blush. 

"But what if your hyungs see?"

"It's fine. I snook out of our room early to see you. I heard you and M.K. talk over the phone and he invited you to lunch with us! I quickly got ready and was waiting in the lobby for you to come in, but you didn't! So I walked near the front door and there i saw a cute white dress, with a blue bow! Is that blue bow" he said while chuckling at his own little joke. 

You were touched that Zelo came down just to see your face. You wanted to give him a hug, but the employees were looking at you guys. 

"Zelo...let's go to the garden before everyone comes down!" 

He nodded and the two of you were off into the garden. 

He held your hand as he skipped to the garden. You were skipping with him. It was a beautiful day to walk in the garden with your boyfriend. You never though you could be happier. Although your boss was probably mad at you, you didn't care! Because Zelo was with you. And whenever he was with you, you felt assured and safe.

awwww zelo-yah~~~~ making my heart melt~ 

teehee 10:15~ Zelo's birthday XDDD

thanks for subscribing and reading!!! like I said, I really appreciate it!! soooo soooo soooooo much!!! :))

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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*