Chapter 2

The Translator and... the Idol?

Jungbin          Jongup       Manager Kang

Yongguk        Zelo            Daehyun

Himchan       Youngjae 

Jung Bin's POV:

I can't believe my boss persuaded me to abandon my schedule, to fit with a male kpop group's schedule. Ugh! This isn't fair! I mean I believe I should have a couple of hours to prepare myself but no...he just calls me into the office and forces me to take a job that I didn't really want. And it's awkward in the car!!! Ugh! I wonder why these boys need me. I mean they're just going to order some burgers and drinks...what's so hard about that? Seriously...even my 4-year old cousin can do that...and she can't even talk properly! And why did he bring Sulgi up? Ugh, I want to shoot her head off! I hate her so much, she's the one person I hate the most. I despise her so much! I mean, just because I got her dream job doesn't she can act like a b**ch to me...what's her problem? She found a different company to work for so she should be happy. And they pay a lot more than Mnet so...she should be the happiest person alive, but she's not. She wants revenge from me...but I didn't do anything! 

Ouch! Who the hell keeps kicking my fricken chair????

~End of POV~

You look back to see who keeps kicking your chair. You realize it was Daehyun. You smiled at the sight of all six of the boys sleeping. They all looked so cute and innocent! Even though they had a strong, manly image, they're still young and naive. You blushed as your turned around to the front again. 

"Oh you can just made a left there."


You didn't really get to have a conversation with Manager Kang before. Even though you sat shot-gun and he drove the car, it was awkward. You knew he had a girlfriend and he probably didn't want you to misunderstand anything. Like if he talked to you, people might have thought he was flirting with you.

"WE'RE HERE!" you shout in joy! You were starving!

"You can go through the drive-thru here" you point in excitement.

You turn around to make sure the boys were awake, and they were. They were all staring out the window at the In&Out logo sign they had. They looked like elementary students on a field trip. "Sooo cute!!" you thought.

"Hello, may I take your order?"

"Hello. Can we get 7 cheeseburgers, with extra cheese on one of them, 1 hamburger, 8 shakes and 7 french fries please?"

"Of course you're total comes out to $103.07. Please proceed down the drive-thru."

"103.07???? WTH??? THAT MUCH?" you thought.

"So um...who's buying dinner?" you asked cautiously.

"Usually I would've paid for it, but your boss said that you had the company credit card, so we thought you were going to!" Manager Kang said. He had such a soft voice compared to his big body.

"Me? I have the company card? I only have my own personal credit card..." you say while rolling your eyes at the thought of your boss.

"Should we pay?" asked Yongguk.

"No it's fine...since you're the guests...I guess...I'lll just pay." you said while shrugging your shoulders.

You arrived at the window to pick up your order. You took out your person credit card. You handed it to Manager Kang, but sort of pulled it back when he grabbed it. It was like tug-a-war with your card. You finally released your grip because of all the sweat that was on your hands. He handed it to the employee and the employee slid her card and told you to sign the receipt. You close your eyes in despair and just scribble on the receipt. You receive your credit card and the receipt to look at why it was so expensive. The employee hands Manager Kang the bag full of burgers, fries and shakes.

The other boys were elated at the sight of their dinner. Especially Jongup. You heard that he liked burgers, but you didn't know he was obsessed. Manager Kang drove a couple of miles down to find a spot where the boys could eat quietly without gathering attention from the public. Even though they're a kpop band, the girl employee from In & Out recognized Manager Kang and started screaming 'B.A.P!'. You looked the boys to make sure they were covered and couldn't be seen. 

After finding a spot near the beach, the boys exited the van quietly while munching on a couple of fries. Manager Kang brought out a towel he had in the trunk and laid it down on the sand. Luckily it was big enough to fit about 12-14 people. You all sat down and quietly ate your dinner. 

Jongup POV:

Finally we get to have In & Out!!! It was my dream to eat IN&OUT burgers and fries. I only saw it on TV and the internet, but now my dreams came true! I can tell Himchan hyung was really happy too because he loved cheeseburgers. But I thought it was unfair because he's the only one who got extra cheese! I like cheese too! Anyways, I felt bad for...Junbin sshi? noona? hmm...translator Song? Whatever, our translator. She's still looking at the receiept; not even touching her hamburger or shake. 

"Stop looking at that~ You already purchased everything. You can't do anything about it!" Himchan hyung said while glaring at Translator Song. I wanted him to stop glaring, but Zelo kept smiling like a little girl because the burgers tasted so good. I was distracted by him that I forgot about Translator Song. 

~ End of Jongup's POV~

"Um...miss...Song...why aren't you eating you hamburger?" 

"huh? oh...I forgot I had food in front of me. Don't worry I'll eat it." you laughed quietly. 

Everyone was finished with their food when you started eating it, but you didn't have an appetite. You were furious with your boss! He only cared about the boys and not his employees. You threw the burger that was in your hand down onto the towel that was under you. 

"please excuse me..." you said and walked away. 

"What's her problem? All she did was pay dinner for us..." 

"Yea, but she wasn't supposed to. Her boss lied to us...dummy.."

"I think we should just..clean up and talk to her after." 

Manager Kang looked around and found that one member was gone. 

"Zelo!! Zelo where are you?" M.K (manager kang is way too long haha) shouted. 

"I think he followed the translator person..." 

"Huh?" M.K said as he turned around, he saw a tall boy with gray hair running after her. 

"Oh...okay then..." 

You walked along the beach. The waves would come up and reach your feet at times, but you didn't mind. You stopped at a certain spot and sat down. 

"I was trying to save money to pay for my grandma's hospital bills...but there goes a 100 3 dollars and 7 cents...ugh." You said out loud. 

Your grandmother was in the hospital because she had such a weak heart. She was released today from the hospital and wanted to have dinner with her granddaughter, but because of the boys you had to abandon the plan. You felt like an awful person. 

"I'm sorry grandma...I know we're in debt, but...please wait patiently. I'll make enough money to pay off your hospital bills. I'll make you proud...i love you.." you say while getting teary. Your grandma was the one who drove you to your first job interview and she was the one who supported you. Everyone else in your family was against you becoming a translator. 

~ flashback~ 

"Do you think you can make a living by being a translator? You also have to speak Korean fluently, but you can't even greet someone formally. Go find a real job." your father said. 

"I told you! I'm studying Korean right now and I'm going to major in communication so when I'm actually a professional translator, I will be able to communicate well with others. Why can't you just encourage me? I don't ask for anything else in my life! When all my other friends got cars for their sweet sixteen, I didn't want a car. The only thing I wanted was your prescense in the house! I never see you at home! And all I wanted was for you to be home when it was my birthday. I don't care if you didn't have a present ready for me! I just wanted you home...that's it! And you couldn't ev-" 

"Don't you ever speak to me like that. You ever glare at my with your eyes, you'll be asking for something more than just a slap. Stop acting like your mother! Always nagging and wanting other people's attention. THAT'S WHY I KICKED HER OUT!" he shouted into your face. 

"And if you ever complain or nag to me again...don't even think about going out to see people...or coming home to see'll be kicked out too." 

He shoulder bumped you and you fell to the ground from the pain. He slammed his door and started to throw things in his room. You couldn't stand your dad! You wanted him out of the house, not your mom. Your mom supported you and the reason why she was kicked out was because of you. You squeezed your shirt, crying out all the tears you had. 

"Bin-ah~ Get up sweetie...I hate seeing you cry." 

"grandma....what should I do? I hate seeing dad like that. He doesn't understand other people's pain or emotions! He's a selfish, rude, cranky old man!!! Why?? WHY WAS I BORN INTO A HOUSE WITH HIM? WHY ME?" you shout while sniffing up your tears, but they wouldn't stop. Your grandmother brought your head to her chest and you rested your head on her shoulder. 

"I don't know how I raised that child to be so cold and emotionless...I think it's because your grandfather was like that. But Bin-ah! You have to be patient. Be patient and understanding. Life is too short to be vengeful or malicious. Don't be like your father...filled with hatred. Be like your mother...she was always cheerful and happy no matter how hard her life was. Be happy and smile" You smiled as your grandmother wiped your tears. 

"Thank you grandma...I'll try...I'm sorry for shouting before.."

Your grandma just hugged and kissed your forehead. 

~ end of flashback~ 

You picked up a handful of sand and spread your hands, slowly watching the sand pass through your fingers. You heard someone sobbing behind you. You look back and see...

hehe~ i wonder who she sawwwww~~~~~~~ 

hint: blue! blue! blue! 

that's a huge hint haha. 

thanks for subscribing!!!! :) 

& don't worry this is going to be continued later on today~~~~ :) 

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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*