Chapter 26

The Translator and... the Idol?

You were surrounded by hot running water. You didn’t care about taking your clothes off and stepped into the steaming hot bathtub. You lower your head, touching your knees while sobbing. You couldn’t help but repeat a certain line from a song,

“Tell me it’s all over now
Never tease me
Tell me that there’s no use anymore
Make it easy”

Your heart was aching. You never knew how hard and painful it would be to be thrown away from your loved ones. At first it was your mother, father, and now your boyfriend.

‘I know that love will bring us together.’ Don’t give me that bull. Love will never bring us together.” You thought. You couldn’t handle the pain that you were feeling inside. You wanted to scream out your pain.

“Don’t try to encourage me. Don’t up to me. Stop lying to me because all you’re giving to me is false hope.” You said as you splashed the water out of the tub. The water was still running and the water started to overflow.

“You don’t love me
I know everything
I turn away and push you away, 
but you come to me again”

It was another lyric you had stuck in your head. You started ruffling through your hair with your hands and sunk your head into the water.

“Peace and quiet…” you thought to yourself. All the pain that was inside your heart dispersed as you emerged into the water. You wanted to stay like that; calm and tranquil inside the water. You felt your body relax and stretched out your legs. The water was still running and you felt the pressure from the water falling on your legs. You were now lying on your back at the bottom of the tub alleviating all the nerves in your body. Your mind was hollow. You had nothing on your mind. All you could see was the light reflecting off the water.


The bathroom was silent.

~Zelo POV~

We were about to board the plane. I had my ticket and phone in my hand. I had my phone just in case Bin-ie was going to text or call me, but I doubt it. The stewardess guided me to my seat. I was sitting next to Daehyun-hyung. I gave him a weak smile and sat down.

“I think you did the right thing Zelo-yah.” I just nodded my head and looked through my phone.

“Still no messages.” I thought. My heart was aching. She’s the first girl I fell in love with, yet I have to leave her the worst possible way I can. She probably abominates me with all her heart.

‘I know you don’t love me. You never did.’ Her voice still rings in my head when she said those words.


“Where did Daehyun-hyung take Bin-ie?” I said as searched through the late-night streets of L.A. I kept running and turning at every corner. I couldn’t find her. My heart was beating thinking something bad might’ve happened to her. My face was dripping with sweat. I just kept running and running until I couldn’t feel my legs.

“I’m sorry for not telling you Bin-ie. I never mean to do that to you…forgive me.” I kept repeating in my head. I was out of breath until I heard someone screaming. I wasn’t sure if I should go in the direction of the scream, but it might have been Bin-ie so I followed the crying and screaming. I walk up onto a familiar street. I look around the street trying to recognize the place until I see an abandoned house.

“Isn’t that the…” I said as I saw a girl on her knees crying.

“Who is that?” I said aloud. I slowly walk over, being careful because the person might have a weapon. I look over the person’s shoulder and realize it’s a girl; she was wearing familiar clothes. “Is that Bin-ie?” I thought.

I look at her from afar and flash my phone light onto her.

“Bin-ah!!!!” I yell at the top of my lungs.

“Bin-ah!!!! I thought I lost you!!!” I hug her immediately, but as I bend down to hug her I loose feeling in my legs. I’ve been running around town for hours and I finally found her. Her cold skin rubbing against my skin. Though it felt uncomfortable, I was happy that I was able to touch her again.

As she picked me up in her arms and walked me over to the abandoned house, I felt sorry. I wasn’t going to stay with her for long, but I couldn’t tell her. I didn’t know how to tell her. She’s been through so much in her life and if I abandon her as well…I don’t know she would do. As she brought me to the bed and walked to the bathroom to get a wet towel, I looked at her back.

“Is this what it would look like if we were married. She would wake me up and then walk to the kitchen allowing me to get a view of her back? Although it may sound weird, but whenever I see Bin-ie’s back, it tickles me inside. Long black hair, skinny-fit body, tall; everything looked good. However, my imagination soon disappeared when she came back with the wet towel. She placed it on my forehead, and the way she put the towel on made my heart skip a beat.

“I love you…so much…” I kept saying in my head. Her touch made me feel warm inside; even when she was pushing back my loose hair; I felt a spark inside my heart. As she was changing the towel I heard her talking.

“Why did you fall in love with a person with such an ugly past? There isn’t anything lovable about me.” She said. I wanted to cut her off with a kiss, but I didn’t have the energy to pull myself up and place a kiss on her cute nose. I woke up and rebuked her telling her that she shouldn’t belittle herself. She hugged me after I spoke with her. We both fell asleep, but when I woke up I felt her head on top of my arm. I scanned her face: her eyes, nose, lips were all so perfect. She looked so cute when she was sleeping.

~End of flashback~

I held my phone close to my heart and closed my eyes slowly.

“Bin-ah…I’m so sorry. Please forgive me... this is the only thing I could’ve done.” I said as the plane started to move.

I look out the window and the ground was moving.

"Goodbye Bin-ah…I’ll always have you in my heart…

I loved you…”

hey guys! phewwwww finally updated!!! DONE WITH SATs!!!!! Now all I have to do is do well in school DDDDDDX oh well. was that? not sure if it was one of the best endings, but...yea it's actually a tragedy. i'm sorry for those who wanted bin-ie and zelo just...wasn't meant to be i guess. now a lot of you may think, "why doesn't she just go to korea with them?" well, she still has her dreams that she wants to pursure in america and not abroad so that's one reason. and another reaosn is because her job is in the states. this may not make sense, but hey--it's fiction. haha sorry~~~~ but i sincerely want to thank all of my subscribers, readers, silent readers, commentors, upvoters just everyone who has encouraged and supported this fanfic :) thank you guys sooooooooo much! i love you all! HOWEVER! i'm not going  anywhere far. I'm writing another fanfic called, Stitched Hearts [Pit-A-Pat]. i promise you it won't be scary or tragic! i promise! 

P.S! I'm going to set up a poll and you guys can vote if you want a SEQUEL to this story. i do have something in mind, but i wan't your opinions first!!

once again, thank you all for your love and support! 


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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*