Chapter 6

The Translator and... the Idol?

"I'm sorry..."

You saw Zelo standing at the edge of your kitchen wall. You felt bad for yelling at him in front of his hyungs, but you didn't quickly apologize. You open the refrigerator and grab another water bottle. You walk near him and give the other bottle. You sighed and sat down on the couch again. You turn the TV on and realize that Zelo was still standing with his back towards you. 

"You can sit down you know...I'm not going to bite you or anything..."

He quietly walked near the couch, but sat a couple of seat down from where you were. 

"Listen I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier...I really don't like other people's attention. Especially if they're people I rarely know."

"No it's my fault. I should've respected your personal space..but...when I saw your face up body didn't want me to get up. Although the position was awkward, I liked laying on top of you..."

You spit out the water you were drinking, choking on the water. You started to blush and quickly placed the water bottle on your forehead, trying to relax yourself. 

"I didn't mean it in a erted way!'re...just....really...pretty...and nice...and so out-going...I-I..I don't know how I feel right now. I'm not sure what my emotions are telling me...but I feel like they're-" 

"Listen Zelo...thank you for complimenting me. I'm thrilled that you think I'm nice, out-going..and I guess pretty, but you're an idol..okay maybe not just an idol, but you're a member of popular idol group! I know that you're still young, so am I, and you don't know what you're feeling right now, but consider the consequences that may come if this...thing between us..I don't know...becomes more intimate. I know I'm not in the position to say this...concentrate on your work first...and then find out what your heart is telling you what to do. Don't jump to conclusions now! We're still young!" you said while smiling. 

You looked over to Zelo, and he wasn't looking too happy. He hung his head, staring at the ground. You wanted to hug him really badly, but you couldn't. You didn't want to toy with his already uncontrollable emotions. You kept staring at him...wanting an answer from him, but all he did was daze into space. You didn't know what to do. You've never been in this kind of situation before. You've never had someone confess to you their emotions like Zelo did. 

"Zelo..I hope I didn't-"

He cut you off by placing his lips on yours. You were startled, but you felt like it was the right thing to do. You didn't want to hurt Zelo anymore. He was probably hurt when you yelled at him, and now you rejected his feelings. You sat there quietly and still. He put his arm around your waist bringing you up for a more passionate kiss. He slid his other hand down your cheek and grabs onto your arm. You place your hands around Zelo's neck and kiss him back. 

"What am I doing?" you thought to yourself. You couldn't believe you were kissing Zelo. You didn't even know the guy for a day, yet you were kissing him already...more like making out! 

Zelo released the kiss and stared deeply into your brown eyes. 

"I'm sorry if that startled you, but...I thought this was the only way you would...I don't know...understand how I feel for you.."

You looked straight back into his eyes and could see the pain you had given him. You hug him and he hugs you back. 

"I'm sorry for hurting you." you say as you release the hug. "I don't know how I feel right now either, but....if we're going to do this...let's take it step by step then..."

You see him smile like a little baby. You smile back at his innocence. He hugs you again except too hard, pushing you underneath him on the couch. You looked shock, but soon smiled after feeling his warm embrace. 

He whispered, "Don't worry...I'll keep this our secret..." he said as he got up off the sofa. 

He walked over to your bedroom and blew you a kiss. He was suggesting that him and his hyungs were sleeping on your bed and you had to sleep on the couch. You were dumbfounded, but you didn't care. 

You grabbed some blankets and pillow from your hall closet and wrapped yourself in the blanket. You turn the lights off and snuggle yourself into your sofa. 

"God...I pray that what I did just now was right. I pray that the both of us will figure out what to do with each other. Please lead us. Amen" 

I'm so sorry I'm updating now! SATs!!!! and yea. I'm really sorry! && my past 2 chapters were really boring actually..I'M SORRY! BUT PLEASE STILL SUBSCRIBE!

even though I'm happy with my 10 subscribers. thank you so much!!!!! and please comment! just don't bite me haha :) 

I'm going to keep updating on the watch!!! thankssss :))) 

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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*