Chapter 22

The Translator and... the Idol?

~Daehyun POV~

After we pulled up to the restaurant, everyone got out of the van. I watched everyone get out and when Bin-ie was getting out she slipped. I held out my hand to grab her, but Zelo was already holding onto her. I took my hand back awkwardly and brushed it through my hair. After she got out, I jumped out and walked towards the other members. Bin-ie took the lead and led us to the restaurant. As we were walking, I saw Zelo’s shoulders drooping down. He looked sad, but I felt that if I tried to comfort him, he would just push me away. I didn’t want him to be madder so I just let him be sad. Such a bad hyung!

When we got to the restaurant, Bin-ie opened the door for everyone. I quietly bowed my head and I entered the restaurant. As I entered I looked back to see if Zelo and Bin-ie were behind me, but they weren’t. They disappeared.

I opened the door to see if they were close, and they were. They were walking towards a vintage looking store.

“Better just let them be…” I thought.

After we all entered, we grabbed a table and ordered some food. While everyone was relaxing and laughing, I was sort of worried about Bin-ie and Zelo.

“Where did they go? What if they got kidnapped? They’re both so weak and flimsy!” I thought to myself, as I got worried.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom.” I said as I sneakily left the restaurant to look for them. They were gone for a good half hour! What could they be doing in that vintage looking store? Are they talking? Or are they—NO! Of course they wouldn’t. They’re only 20! They’re not that stupid! I walked cautiously because I was a bit scared to walk out on the streets by myself.

I opened the door to the store and walked over to the aisles. I whispered their names, “Zelo-yah! Bin-ah?” I kept whispering because I didn’t want to yell their names randomly in the store.

I walked into almost all the aisles when I suddenly heard people taking breathe deeply from the last aisle. I tiptoed my way to the last aisle. I popped my head and saw a tall guy holding onto a girl. The guy looked so familiar; his height, his hair, his clothes…no way…it was Zelo…


~End of Daehyun POV~

You opened your eyes and found yourself in a white room. Your vision was still blurry so you rubbed your eyes. You tried to get up, but your head started to ache. You touched your forehead and realized that there was a bandaged wrapped around your head. 

"What happened?" you said out loud. 

"Oh my gosh she's awake! Guys! She's awake!!!!" 

You saw all the members rush to your side. They asked you questions all at the same time and your head started to hurt more. You raised your hand, waving it around gesturing them to stop talking. They all shut their mouths and sat down. 

"What happened? Where am I?" 

"You're trouble aren't you! Whenever Zelo tries to come near you, you always end up in the hospital!" 

You brought your head down and Yongguk punched Himchan. Himchan gave him a sad look, but he didn't care. 

"Forget what Himchan said. Ignore him. Anyways, more importantly, how are you feeling?" he said as he brushed his hand on your forehead. You smiled at his touch. You didn't like, like him, but he was such a nice oppa. It was different from Daehyun. You were attracted to Daehyun, but Yongguk seemed like a regular oppa that is nice to everyone. 

"I'm feeling a bit dizzy, but I'm okay. Where's Zelo?"

"Of course. She looks for her boyfriend before anyone else!" 

"Don't worry. He's outside right now because he thinks he's too dangerous to be around you." 

You giggled and turned your body towards the door. You were about to get out of bed when Yongguk suddenly grabbed you. 

"You can't get up right now! You're bandaged in the head! Just lie down until you're fully recovered." he said while patting your shoulder. You were a bit sad, but you listened. 

"Oh! We have another...umm...surprise for you..." he said as he opened the door. You looked over anticipating that it was Zelo, but it wasn't...



You saw tears falling down your grandma's face. You couldn't help but cry with her. 

"My baby....what happened? Why is your phone off? Why weren't you at work?" she said as tears were literally pouring down her face. 

"I'm fine grandma! Don't cry! It's'" 

You were cut off with a hug from your grandma. 

"Don't talk baby. Don't talk. I don't want you to remember the bad memories. Forget about them. He's never going to come back. he's gone now..."

You started to cry into your grandma's shoulder. 

~flashback I~

"Hello. Is this Jung Bin Song's number?"

"Yes it is she...who is this?"

"We have terrible news,'re father...has passed..."

You widened your eyes. You couldn't believe that your father was dead. 

"Hello? Hello?" 

"I-I-I'm here...I'm still here..but um...can you repeat what you just said?"

"Um sure. Your father, Min Seok Song, died this morning at 6:28 am. suicide..."

You couldn't help but cry. You couldn't hold your tears back. Although you hated your dad because he always abused you and was never of any help to you, he was still your father. 

"H-h-he...he committed..s-s-suicide? In jail? Did anyone try to stop him?"


"Why didn't anyone try to stop him? He couldn't have been alone in his cell room or anything! Why did someone do something about it? What were you doing? What were the officers doing? Just watch a man helpless man risking his life because he didn't want to be in jail. J-j-just because h-h-he a-abused m-m-me doesn't m-make h-h-him..." you couldn't stop your tears. You dropped to the floor setting the phone down on your lap. You covered your mouth to prevent the police to hear your crying. You kept sniffling and your tears couldn't stop falling. You dropped the phone onto the ground and tears started pouring out. You kept rubbing your eyes and wiping your nose. you were crying out loud this time. You didn't care if anyone heard you; you were miserable. The police hung up and all you heard was "beep...beep...beep.." The beeping reminded you of the time when your father was in the hospital. He was suffering from liver cancer. Although he survived, he was suffering through so much pain. When you were in elementary school, he was sent to the hospital due to consistent pain in his abdominal area. After school you went to the hospital to check up on your dad. When you were younger, your father adored you. 

~flashback II ~

Your mother was at work until late so you walked from your school to the hospital by yourself. You arrived at the entrance of the hospital.You asked the nurses where your father was. They informed you and you went up the stairs to your father's room. You jumped your way to your father's room. 

"Daddy~~ Bin-ie is coming~~ Bin-ie is coming to you~~ Appa~~" you started singing. When you arrived at his door, you slid the door open yelling his name. 

"Daddy Song!!! Your--"

Your heart sunk when you saw your dad. You've never seen him in such a pale state. He looked gaunt and weak. You looked around the room and saw that he was hooked up to about 7 machines and you set your eyes on the heart monitor. You learned about them in school, but you've never seen a working one. 

"D-d-dad?? Are you...awake?" You said as you walked over to your dad's side. You looked up at the heart monitor. "beep...beep...beep..." You followed the green lines going up and down the screen. You kept looking back and forth; from the heart monitor to your father. Tears were filling up your eyes. 

~end of flashback II~

You promised yourself that you hated your father. You told yourself that you didn't need your father. But you lied. Even though he abused you, he was your only guardian excluding your grandma. You adored your grandma, but she didn't raise you up; your father did. Though he was busy, when you were younger he would tuck you into bed every night and kiss your forehead before your went to sleep. 

He was such a happy man who loved his family. He never placed a hand on you or your mother. Until one day your mother came home infuriated with your father. 

~flashback III~

"I can't live like this anymore...I can't..."

"Honey what's wrong? Did I--"

"Everything is wrong! My life is wrong, your life is wrong...our marriage is wrong...I...I met a guy and--"

"You found...a guy? And tell me....what relationship do you have with this man?" 

"We were just colleagues, but...I had a couple of drinks and...well...we..sort"

He slapped your mother. You woke up when you heard fighting. It was 1:24 am. You got up form your bed quietly and opened your bedroom door. You saw your parents standing in front of each other yelling in each other's face. You saw your mother crying and you saw your father slapping the life out of her. 

You closed your door and ran back to your bed. You started to cry into your covers. Your tears couldn't stop. you kept hearing slap sounds from outside. You weren't a little girl anymore. You realized that people change as the years go by, no matter what age they may be. 

Ever since that day, your father has been a grumpy, cynical man. 

~end of flashback III~

Your tears didn't stop the whole night. You felt miserable. You called your grandma and told her that her one and only son had committed suicide. She cried as well. 

"Dad...I think I lied when I said I can live on without you...though I discarded my emotions...I miss you...and...I'm sorry..."

~end of flashback I~

You released the hug and smiled at your grandma. 

"I'm sorry I didn't call you. I'm such a bad granddaughter. I knew you were coming, but I didn't even think about--"

"It's fine Bin-ah. I'm just glad to see you...even though you're bandaged up..." 

You both laughed. 

"I think we'll give you some space because you haven't seen each other in such a long time. Bin-ah if you need us--"

"Zelo's outside, so call him." he said as he cut off Yongguk. Yongguk punched him as they exited. 

"They're such a nice group of young'd you meet them?"

You told your grandma the whole adventure you had with them. She listened to each word you said. You told her about the dreams you had about your father. 

"So you had the dreams did I..."

You hugged your grandma. Even though he was dead, he was still alive in your heart which is why you dreamed about him getting his revenge on you. 

Two hours have passed, but you didn't realize at all. You were occupied talking to your grandma about everything. 

"Oh wait. Are you going to go back to work?"

"I didn't go back to the office, but I did help with translating questions for an interview...I wonder if my boss knows what happened--"

"Knows what? Ah! That you found a boyfriend, that you haven't come out to the office for a good two weeks and that you didn't even call that you weren't coming out. Do you want to be fired? Because it seemed like you really didn't want the job. You could have at least called! I would have understood what you were going through. I know you're suffering a lot right now and I'm sorry for being ignorant to that. But, I hope you're feeling better." your boss said with a weak smile. 

"What's gotten into him? He's probably acting like that because my grandma is here..." you thought. 

Your boss sat down next to you and your grandma and started talking with you. As the conversation got deeper and deeper, the members started to walk into the room. You saw your boss run over to them squirming like a little fan girl. 

"...pathetic.." you thought as you shook your head. 

You looked around to see if Zelo was there, but he wasn't.  

"Where's Zelo?"

"Like we said before, he thinks he's too dangerous to be around you. But don't worry, he's just outside by the hospital garden. You can go see him if you're feeling better."

You nodded and stood up. 

"You sure you're feeling better?"

You nodded and smiled at Daehyun. 

"Guess you're not mad anymore?" you whispered into his ear. He smiled and patted your shoulder. 

You walked out the room and towards the elevator to go down to the garden. 

When you got to the first floor, you walked out towards the garden. You looked around to see Zelo, but you couldn't find him. 

"This is the garden right?" you said as you looked around. 

You kept walking until you reached the fountain in the middle of the garden. You felt a bit tired because you weren't fully recovered. you found a bench near the fountain and sat down there. You looked up to the sky filled with puffy white clouds. It was a nice day to cuddle with someone, but Zelo wasn't anywhere to be found. 

"Is he that scared? He isn't dangerous at all..." 

You arched your back straightening it when you feel someone hug you from behind. 

You look back to see a tall man towering over you. 

It could only be one person...him. 



i've been really busy with school and since i'm a senior this year, i have to write college applications and all this crap and yea. so i'm sorry if i don't update daily, but thank you for all of your support. 

i'm not too sure, but the next chapter or the next, next chapter MIGHT be the last...MIGHT! 

i'm not too sure, but yea. DON'T BE TOO SAD THOUGH! 

i'm going to keep writing, and i'm still far from ending my other fanfic, I'm Cold. so read that too, even though i won't be able to update it a lot. 

anyways, thank you guys for your love! and thank you so much for your comments! i love comments so much! 

thank you to all my subscribers, quiet readers, commenters, just anyone who reads my fanfics! thanks to all my friends!!!!! especially my friends :)))

keep reading and supporting :)

i'm not done yet, so keep anticipating :))))

love from my wife as well~~! 

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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*