Chapter 13

The Translator and... the Idol?

After your little make out session with Zelo, the doctor walks in with the other B.A.P members. 

"Hello Ms. Song! I hope you are feeling better." 

"I am actually, thank you."

"We examined why you fainted after you hit the back of your head against your boyfriend's chin...did you happen to ever get hit there when you were younger? Or did you ever have an accident where someone may have attacked you and hit the back of your head?"

You swallow your spit because you were nervous. 

"I-I-I was abused when I was younger..."

The rest of the members were shocked at your response. 

"I see...and do you happen to remember what you were abused with, unless its too much for you."

You start to tear up, but you stop the tears from falling. 

"My father used me with a metal rod and golf clubs." 


"Shh...don't interupt."

You can see the doctor taking notes. You looked over to the other members who were covering their eyes or ruffling through their hair because they were shocked. 

"Okay, well no we understand why you fainted. Due to the amount of times you had been abused and what you were abused with, I'm guessing that your father 'accidently' attacked you on the back of your head allowing for one of your blood vessels to pop. I'm guessing that you went to the hospital when you were younger and received treatment right?"

"Yea...I was in the hospital for about 2 months."

"Well...since you already received treatment in the past, we can't really do much, but we can tell you to be careful of the back of your head. Make sure you don't you don't slam your head anywhere or bump into anything with your head. And we suggest if you ever sleep in the car to carry a pillow with you. It is much safer for your head and your health. I'm sorry for your accident."

"It's fine. It's the past anyway. Though I still have nightmares.." you mumble the last couple of words so that no one heard you. "Thank you so much doctor. Um, when will I be released from the hospital?"

"All you have to do is fill out a couple of papers and you're done!" 

"Thank you."

As the doctor leaves the room, the other members surround your bed. 

"Sorry Bin-ah.." they saiad in unison. 

"For what? ahaha" 

"We didn't know know...abused..."

"Like I said, it's fine. It's all in the past. Don't worry oppas!"

"If there is anything you're uncomfortable with, just tell us. We'll take care of you!" 

You giggle at their kindness. 

"Thank you, but seriously I'm fine. I only have to be careful of my head."

"If you ever need a sturdy pillow, my shoulder is always open for you."

"Why would she need a hard pillow? She needs a soft lie down on my thigh. Even though I may look muscular and skinny, there's a marshmallow side to me." 

You giggled at his comment. 

"Thanks oppas. You guys are awesome."

"Hyungs what are you talking about?"

"What Jongup?"

"Translator Song should use Zelo's shoulder as a pillow." 

They all giggled, inclusing you and Zelo. 

"Don't worry, I'll provide all the necessities that you'll need. Just trust" he said as he smiled. 

"You guys have nicknames too? wooooo~~~~~ greesy~~" 

"Shut up oppa.." you say as you blush. 

The nurses came in and gave you the papers that you needed to fill out. 

After filling out the papers for a good hour, you were discharged from the hospital. 

"Wait, I just need to change out of this hospital gown."

"We'll bring the van around to the front."

"I'll stay here with Bin-ie until she's done changing."

"Oppa~ you don't need to wait for me! I can just take the elevator...anywayas...I have to change out here. There's no changing rooms here.."

"Well...if you put it like that, I guess I'll have to go. I think Zelo went to give the nurses the papers, so he'll be back soon. He'll probably just wait for you."

You nodded. He waved bye to you as he closed the door. After he left, you looked out into the hallway to make sure that no one was coming near your room. Once the coast was clear, you grab your clothes from the closet and start to undress yourself. 

You pull the gown over slowly and look for your bra. You dig into your bag for your bra until you hear the door open. 


"It's fine, we're just the nurses. You forgot to fill out a section here. We just wanted to come and make sure you signed your name here, or else you can't be discharged." 

"Oh...I see...sorry." 

You quickly pick up the hospital gown to cover your body and quickly sign the papers. 

"I hope you feel better."

After they leave, you make the coast is clear again. You walk back into the room and find your bra. You quickly clip your bra and look for your underwear. You her the door open again. You crouch down to cover your lower half. 

"Zelo don't come in! I'm half !!!! STOP!" 

"I didn' is....I'm...M.K....umm...." 

The atmosphere was so awkward. You covered your face with the hospital gown and made sure that he wasn't looking. You noticed that his back was towards you. You quickly tie the hospital gown around your waist so that it would cover your lower half. 

" you need something?"

We were wondering if Zelo was still here so I came up, but yea...guess he's not here..sorry."

"No I'm sorry..."

"I guess you were expecting Zelo to come in--" he covered his mouth. 

You start to blush and you start shaking your head. 

"NO! it's not what it seems! It's just...Daehyun oppa told me that Zelo was still here, so I thought that he walked through the door because...yea..."

"I I guess he's not here so..I'll go..."

"Yea...I'll be down in 5 minutes...sorry..."

M.K. left your room and went to look for Zelo. 

"You know what, how about I just change really quickly and get out of this hospital."

You were changing at the speed of light, but you couldn't find your shirt. You had your pants on, but your shirt was missing. You looked under the bed just in case. You didn't hear the door open, but you heard glass crashing onto the floor. you were startled and you bump your head on the edge of the bed. 

" head..."

"Bin-ah are you okay?? Bin-ah!! Do you need a doctor?" 

"No I'm fine...just feeling a little dizzy." You try to get up and Zelo comes next to you, helping you up. 

"Thank you Zelo."

"Um...Bin-ah..." you look at him and his back is turned towards you. 

"What's the--" you feel the air on your exposed body. 

"CRAP!" You quickly turn your body around, facing a corner and tried to cover your s, even they were with your bra. 

"Um...don't misunderstand this, but I was changing..and you walked"

" understand...umm...maybe I should leave the room..."

"Yea that sounds good..I'll be down in 5..."

He left the room while coering his eyes. He bumped into the door because he was convering his eyes. 

"dumbo..." you thought. 

He uses one hand to cover his face and the other to open the door. Once you hear the door close, you take a deep breath. 

"I can't believe he saw me almost half-..."

You start pacing back and forth. 

~Zelo POV~

I brought a cup of orange juice for Bin-ie because she was probably thirsty. I heard that the hyungs left, so I decided that I shoudl wait for Bin-ie. I opened the door and tiptoed in to surprise her, until I saw a skinny girl in a y black bra with a pair of white skinny jeans. I was speechless and I lost focus and dropped the cup of juice. I wasn't sure if that was Bin-ie or not. She turned around, and it was Bin-ie. She looked so cut ein her bra. I couldn't help, but just look at her body. She had such nice s...what am I saying? We're on 20...get it under control Junhong-ah! But...the way she turned back made my heart skip a beat. Her long black hair flashing in the air and her y gaze. I know she wasn't trying to be y, but the way she looked at me when I entered the room made her look y. After I heard her thump her head on the bed edge, I quickly ran to hear without realizing that I was caught staring at her s. They were small, but they looked so cute! I didn't know where to put my eyes. I soon got back to my senses and turned around. My face was burning up. I couldn't believe that I just saw Bin-ie haked...well half-. I quickly ran out of the room and into the hallway. I breathe heavily realizing what I just saw. I saw Daehyun hyung walk down the hallway. 

"Hey what's taking Bin-ie so--"

"Hey hyung! I think we should go visit the bakery they have here. I heard it's pretty good. Bin-ie is talking with her doctor right now..I think she's going to come down in a few minutes."

I quickly informed Daehyun hyung of the non-existent bakery the hospital had, but hyung believed me. 

"Bakery?? Cheesecake?"

We ran down the hallway.

But I still couldn't get the image of Bin-ie in her bra out of my head. 

Do I have to expose myself the next time she walks into my room?

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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*