Chapter 11

The Translator and... the Idol?

You were staring blankly at the ceiling. You didn't know what to think or say. 

"Why did I dream about my dad?" you say as you scartch your forehead. 

You start rubbing your eyes to make sure that you weren't dreaming again. You started pinching yourself and it hurt you. 

"So I'm not dreaming..." 

You slowly get up, just in case your hand slips like it did in your dream. And as you get up you hear someone breathing next to you. You quickly turn the lights on and realize that it was Zelo. He was laying his head on the side of the hospital bed. 

"Was he here this whole time? Did he bring me to the hospital?" you thought. 

You try re-collecting your thoughts and clearing your mind. You slam your hands down on the bed, waking up Zelo. 

"B-b-bin-ah..." he said with a shaky voice. His eyes were filled with tears and each tear drop slid down his cheek. 

He stands up and walks over to the end of the bed so that he is face to face with you. 

"Please tell me you're feeling better..." 

"I am...I'm fine...what happened?"

"We were walking in the garden and then you bumped into my chin and fell to the ground crying. I thought I seriously injured you!" 

"Did I bump the back of my head into your chin by any chance?"

"yea! I grabbed your shoulders and tried pulling you in for a hug, but I guess I grabbed too hard and smashed your head onto my chin. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that. I should've just let you walk in front of me...stupid!" 

You lift your hand up and try reaching for Zelo's hand. 

"Zelo...don't be sorry. It wasn't your fault. I should've told you earlier..."

"Tell me what? Bin-ah we shouldn't have secrets between us!" 

"It's nothing serious, it's just that...the back of my head is really sensitive. I had an accident about 2 years ago that affected my head. I sometimes get a headache from time to time, but I'm okay."

Zelo stared at you while wiping his tears away. 

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"I never thought that I would bump into something, or in this case someone with the back of my head. I was trying to forget my past and I guess when I tried, I forgot that the back of my head was sensitive. After my accident, no one laid their hands on my ever...except for my grandma.."

"and me..." Zelo added. 

You quickly shot your eyes up at him. He was smiling and pointing to his lips, signaling that he had skinship with you. You start to blush. 

You reach out your hand and grab Zelo's hand. 

"Come into bed with me.." 

You tug on Zelo's hand and drag him into the hospital bed. He was flustered by your sudden gesture. 

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything ual..I just..want your comfort. I want you close to me."

He listened to you and crawled into bed with you. The bed wasn't too big, but you were okay because you had Zelo next to you. Whenever he was near you, you felt comfortable and warm. He was your rock, your shield..your everything. You snuggled up against him accidently wiping your cold sweat onto his bare skin. 

"Why are you sweating? Do you have a fever?" 

He touches your forehead and wipes away the sweat. 

"I think we should call the nurse over, you're burning up"

"No..Zelo...I'm really fine. Don't call the nurse!" 

"But have a temperature. What if something bad happens again?"

He tries to get up, but you grab onto his arm. 

"I just want to stay like this...please Zelo...just lie down and...stay with me...I need you."

Zelo looked at you, stunned. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. He stares into your eyes and you stare back at his. His light brown eyes staring into your dark brown eyes. You saw how comforting Zelo was just by staring into his eyes. You saw him smile and you smiled back at him. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. 

"Don't worry...I'll never leave you. No matter what circumstance, I'll always be there for you...believe me." he said as he hugged you tight. 

Even though you were sweating, he didn't care. He liked to have you in his arms. He felt happy as well. 

~Zelo POV/flashback~

She looked so cute and lovable. The way she looked into my eyes when she told me to stay with her was...I can't even explain. I know she's in pain, but..I can't control myself! I wanted to crawl on top of her and just hug her to death. The way she looked at me whenever she talked or just her precense made me excited. When she grabbed my hand to lay  down next to her, my stomach was filled with butterflies. I couldn't believe my ears. Is she accepting me now? Well...I mean...she probably accepted me before when I kissed her, but...I just can't believe I can officially say that she's mine.

When she fainted in the garden, my heart sunk. I didn't know what to do. I kept calling out for help, but no one could hear me because we were in the middle of the garden, and no one was there. No employees, no body guards, no manager hyungs..I was alone. I thought if someone saw us from afar, it looked like I murdered her. I had to quickly leave her on the ground by herself to find some help. After I get help I call 911 and the hyungs. When they all came down, they were too late to see what had happened to her. The ambulance encompassed the whole building and the garden. Then through a tiny gap between people I saw Bin-ie...but she was bleeding...a lot. 

I fell onto the floor crying. I couldn't believe what happened to my baby. I ran past the people and tried to get onto the ambulance, but I tripped over the caution tape. I fell onto the ground and had a huge cut on my arm. I quickly got up and ran before the ambulance left, but the police dragged me down, trying to calm me down. I couldn't stay calm. After the ambulance left, the policemen got off of me and picked me up. I kept grabbing onto my arm becasue it was bleeding. Even though it stung, I didn't care. I just needed to be near Bin-ie. 

"That was my girlfriend. She needs me now!" 

"Hey kid I'm sorry, but until she reaches the hospital and receives emergency treatment, you can't do anything about it. I'm sorry kid."

He just gave me a pat on the back and walked over to his car. I ran as fast as I could to grab a taxi. The hyungs tried to stop me, but I pushed through them. I needed Bin-ie...I needed to comfort her. As soon as you catch the taxi you get in, but there's one problem. I didn't know which hospital they took her to, and you didn't have any money. I was confused and worried that you didn't know what to do. The taxi man yelled at me to get out and I did. As soon as I stepped out of the taxi, I saw the hyungs and M.K. I grabbed Daehyun hyung, because he was the closest to me, and I kneeled down bringing him down with me; soaking his shirt with my tears. I felt him lightly pat my back and hugging me afterwards. I quickly cleaned myself up and stood up again. 

"I didn't know you and Bin-ie were dating..."

" come you didn't tell us?" 

" did you guys find out?"

"We heard you yell at the policemen, "She's my girlfriend! I need to be with her! My baby!!!!"

"Shut-up Youngjae hyung..." I thought to myself. 

"We found out where the hospital is. Let's get into the van and go to the hospital."

"YOU DID? YOU FOUND OUT WHICH HOSPITAL THEY TOOK HER TO????" I couldn't believe my eyes. I thought I had to spend the night thinking and worrying about Bin-ie, but we found her. 

~End of POV/flashback~

Two hours passed and both you and Zelo were still lying down staring at the ceiling. Letting out giggles from time to time. 



"If I die...will you still be there for me?"

Zelo squeezed your hand tightly and sat straight up. 

"Don't you ever say that again! Why would you die? You have me at your side! Nothing bad will EVER happen to you again!" 


"No! No buts! I'm always going to be there for you. This accident that happened is both the first and last time I will leave you alone. Remember that baby."

He kissed your nose and lied back down. He started to your hair and you liked it. You turned your body towards him and kissed his nose. 

He brought you in for a hug. 

"And....if you die, I'm going to die with you. I'm going to be there with you no matter what. I'll never leave you alone." 

And like that you start tearing and you bury your face into his shoulder. He hugs you tighter and you bring your arms around his neck and hug him back. 

You felt like you were strong again. 

I'm really bad with updating..SORRY! BUSY WEEK! 

anyways, thank you for all your support!!!

please comment! i want to hear your opinions or thoughts!!!! :) 

&& check out my other story "It's Cold..."

thank you :) 

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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*