Chapter 24

The Translator and... the Idol?

You walked back to the hospital room with Zelo, hand in hand. you were all smiles. You were thankful for having such a loyal boyfriend. Even though he can be timid at times, he still expresses himself with you. You were glad he was comfortable with you. You knew that Zelo could be self-conscious at times, but he wasn't with you. At first he was, but after you opened up your heart to him, he opened his. He kept tickling you and you slightly punched his shoulder. He faked that it hurt. You couldn't help, but smile at him. Before you entered the room he suggested sitting down on the bench outside of the room. You nodded your head and sat down. You couldn't help, but just stare at him. his eyes, his nose, his lips--everything was lovable in your eyes. He looked so cute and you were proud to say that he is yours. 

"Why do you keep looking at me? Am I that good-looking?" he said while smiling. You just smiled back and pushed his bangs back. 

"Hey! I have a big forehead...stop..." he suddenly was cautious. You cupped his face and kissed his forehead. 

"No you don't. You have a normal forehead and you're beautiful just the way you are Zelo-yah," you said as you took your hands off of his face. He blushed and kissed your nose. 

"You're beautiful" 

You forgot his nickname for you was baby. Even though you hated nicknames and couple T's, bracelets, sneakers, anything couple matching you hated, but this time was different. You didn't mind Zelo calling you baby. You actually enjoyed it. After talking for a couple of minutes you took his hand and brought him into the room. 

As soon as you enter the hospital room you found your grandmother and boss talking. 

"You're still here boss? I thought you would've left.." 

"I would never leave my employee here in pain. I wanted to see you before I left, but you went out to find Zelo. I was very worried about you....anyways Mama Song..." 

You knew he was lying. He never cared about his employees. You knew he was only like that because your grandmother was there. 

"typical..." you thought. You glared at your boss and Zelo saw you. he slightly giggled and nudged your side. 

You turn your attention away from your boss and turn to Zelo. Suddenly all the bad things you were thinking about your boss disappeared as you looked at Zelo. Whenever you looked at him you felt a sense of innocence. He was just so innocent. Even your first kiss was innocent. Even though it was his first kiss it wasn't mine. However, when he kissed me it didn't seem like he was an amateur. He's a good kisser. You grabbed his hand and rested your head on his shoulder. He brought his hand back to grab your waist until you felt someone behind you. 

"Please get a room. This is a public place. Thank you," he said while smirking. 

"Hyung!!" Zelo said as he jumped in place like a little bunny. 

"Bin-ie how are you feeling?" 

"I'm feeling better. Do you know I can leave?" 

"You can actually leave now. You just have to sign some papers." 

You nodded and excused yourself to get the papers from the nurse when you accidently bumped into someone coming in through the door. 

"Whoa! Watch out!!!" 


"Hey I got the papers for you. There were some packets and I just thought I should bring it to you. Less of a hassle." 

You smiled and touched his arm. You squeezed his arm as a sign of a thank you. He smiled and brought the papers in. 

You signed the papers and was allowed to leave. 

"We'll wait downstairs while you change. Take your time." 

Like that they all left except for your grandma and Zelo. 

"'m going to change so I think you should--" 

"Who cares? You two are dating anyways! Just let him stay." 

You could hear Zelo gulp his spit. you saw his adam's apple moving. You slightly hit your grandma on the shoudler and blushed. 

"Grandma...we're not at that stage yet..we're still--"

"What are you 90 years old? There are stages? You're so old-fashioned. In my time, even if you weren't dating men and women walked around looking at each others bodies. And my time was loooong ago. Stop being like a little girl and just let him stay!" 

Both you and Zelo had your mouths open. You couldn't believe your grandma said such words. Zelo tugged the collar on his shirt. 

"I think I'm just going to go--"

"Non-sense child! Just stay! I'll be right back. You better stay here sonny!" 

Like that your grandma left the room to get some water. 

It was awkward. You weren't sure if you should change or not. You kept looking around the room and avoided Zelo's eyes, which is what he as doing as well. 

"I'll just turn around so just change." 


He turned around and your quickly took off your hospital gown. You reached for your pants first. You quickly slipped on your jeans and looked around for your shirt. 

"Why do I always lose my shirt???" 

You kept rummaging through your bag, but you couldn't find your shirt. You wanted to tell Zelo, but you were embarrassed. You were about to call his name when you heard the door open. 


Zelo quickly turned around to see you standing without a shirt on and with only a black lace bra on. His face turned red, but he didn't look away. He wasn't scanning your body either. He kept staring at something on your upper body. He got up and walked over to you. You started backing up even though you knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt you. 

"Um..Zelo-yah..what are you doing?" 

"What happened? It's really big..." 

"What? What is?" 

"Your..." he couldn't say it. He just kept circling his hands around your chest area, not touching it. Your face turned red and you pushed him away. 

"Zelo there are some things you don't say to a girl and one of those things is saying they have big s! I mean...I know you're a guy and stuff and you're at that age, but..I'm not ready for this!!" 

You heard your grandma laughing in the back. 

"What are you talking about? I'm talking about that scar around your chest area. s? I didn't even notice your s. I was staring at that scar. Are you okay?" 

You looked at him and touched your collar bones. You realized you did have a scar there. You kept rubbing and suddenly you felt Zelo's hands on your collar bones. You didn't know how to react. You were a bit embarrassed that he was 'touching' you, but you didn't mind because he wasn't thinking anything inappropriate.

"Oh. I think it was from when you dropped me at the record store that day after the amusement park. I think a book fell from the top shelf and scratched my skin." You were relieved. 

~Zelo POV~

My hands were sweating when Bin-ie's grandmother told me to stay. It's not that I didn't want to stay, but I wasn't prepared to see her like that--. I mean when she first came to the hospital I accidently walked in on her changing, but she just wants me to stay and watch her change. I was indifferent about it. I didn't know what to say. I suggested I should just go down, but her grandmother stopped me. She sat me down and left the room. I turned around and allowed Bin-ie to change. My heart was beating, I could feel the sweat from the back of my neck sliding down my back. I was nervous. I wasn't imagining her or anything, but just the thought of Bin-ie changing behind me was weird. I was about to take out my iPod when her grandmother suddenly came into the room. 


I quickly turn around to make sure she was okay, but I found he standing there only in her bra and skinny jeans. She looked I didn't know what else to think. My mind went white and my cheeks were red. I tried not to look at her body, but I couldn't help but look at her chest area. She always wore loose clothing, so it didn't emphasize her body too much, but right then I saw her in her black lace bra and a [air of skinny jeans. I mean, I bet any guy would stare at her. She looked hot. I tried not to look, but I couldn't help it. She asked me what I was staring at, but I couldn't tell her. I was embarrassed. i tried to make something up, but that's when I saw the scar. I knew what the scar was from because it was from me, but I just acted like I didn't know. 

I told her I was staring at her scar and thought it would be natural for me to walk up to her to take a closer look. It sounded good in my head, but I guess not out-loud. She pushed me thinking I was staring at her s, which I was, but I was surprised by her sudden attack. I told her it was her scar and touched it. Her pale white skin was very soft. She smelled nice too. Even though she was in the hospital, she didn't smell like the nasty hospital smell, but a nice lavender scent was flowing from her body, slightly , but I let it pass. Her cheeks turned red. She looked so cute! I quickly returned back to my seat and turned around telling her to finish changing. 

I was glad she had that scar there. I wouldn't have known what to say when she asked me what I was staring at. Whew!

~End of POV~ 

"See? I told you it was fine!" 

"Grandma!!! Help me. I can't find my shirt..." 

Your grandma quickly gave you an extra shirt she had in her bag. It fit you just right. You grabbed your bags and left the hospital. You thought it would have been awkward in the elevator, but it wasn't. You grabbed Zelo's hand and smiled at him. He patted your head and kissed the back of your hand. 

You came out of the hospital and walked up to the van where the members were waiting for you. 

"Hey you're here!" 

"What took so long? What were you guys doing??" Yongguk slightly punched Himchan's shoulder. 

"Bin-ah. I have to go now..." 

"What? So soon! When are you coming back up?"

"Probably in 4 months. Don't worry about me!" 

"But I didn't even get to eat dinner with you!" 

"Buy me dinner next time silly! It's fine. I only came up because I heard you were in the hospital. Don't worry my sweetie." 

You gave your grandma a huge bear hug. You kissed her cheek and waved bye as she left in the taxi. 

"Call me when you get home!!!!" you yelled at the taxi. 

You walked back to the van where the members were, but the ambiance wasn't so positive. Something felt weird. 

Everyone was looking down on the floor. Zelo looked somewhat appalled, but I don't know why. 

"Hey what's wrong guys?" you said while smiling. 

"Um...well Bin-ah..we're--"

"Can I talk with you Bin-ah?.....alone?" 

You nodded and followed Daehyun out of the parking lot. 

You arrived at the entrance of the hospital which was far from the parking lot. 

"What's wrong oppa? Did something happen?" 

"I'm not sure how to tell you this, but...we're leaving..." 

"...leaving for...your hotel?" you said guessing why they were going to leave.

"No...I mean we're leaving leaving. We're leaving for Korea..." 

You stood there motionless. You couldn't believe what he said. You didn't believe it at first. 

"W-w-what? You guys are leaving? For Korea? When?" 

"W-w-we're...leaving tonight...I'm sorry..." 

Your heart literally dropped. You couldn't believe what he just said. You didn't want to believe him. You felt tears coming out of your eyes. You wanted to break down and cry, but you couldn't. Something in your body prevented you from falling on your knees and crying. You stood there with two fists. 

"How long did you guys know?" 


"How long did you know...that you were leaving tonight...?" 

"...since the beginning of our concert....Bin-ah--"


"Bin-ah don't cry! You know we didn't want to hurt you, but--"

"BUT WHAT? DID YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT ME? DID YOU REALLY CARE WHAT THE CONSEQUENCES WOULD HAVE BEEN IF YOU GUYS JUST LEFT WITHOUT TELLING ME? I should've known from the beginning not to let you uys into my house, I should've known not to skip work the next morning, I should've known...I should've know that I shouldn't have fallen in love...I should've known love wasn't real or trustworthy. I should've known...that you guys don't really care. I'm just another staff member to you guys. I'm not anything to you, or Yongguk or Youngjae...maybe even Zelo..."

You wiped your tears and turned around to walk to the parking lot. You were crying like crazy. You couldn't endure the pain. You regretted saying that the guys never cared about you, and that you should've never fell in love with Zelo, or say that he didn't care about you. You regretted saying it, but you couldn't help it. You were appalled and couldn't think of anything else to say. 

You were heartbroken. 

finally i updated this chapter! yay!

sorry if it was a rollercoaster chapter. I make you guys all happy and then sad.  but at least i updated right? :)

thank you for subscribing and reading :) I GOT A VOTE! THANK YOU TO WHOEVER VOTED!! :)

keep reading and subscribing :) thank you all!!!!  actually just started college apps (i know i'm late), but please keep supporting the story :) i know i said this was going to be the last chapter, but :)

just keep anticipating :) 

p.s: sorry if it's getting boring :( 

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Chapter 32: It's really nice story, I really loved it ^_^
If you wanna check my new story about Zelo I would be happy ^^
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claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 32: there a happy ending for them??? Going to read the sequel now,hehe :)
Chapter 21: that's so sad._.
Chapter 29: SEQUEL! Now i hate you for doing that to Bin-ie and Zelo TT put them back together pleeeeeeasee~~~~ jaeeebal TT
ChocolatePandaCookie #8
Chapter 28: Please update soon! I really like this story but please make the story end up with them two being together!!!
Chapter 28: ... rush writting the next chapter or... idk what i will do.. i'm TOTALLY in love with this fanfic.. really, so, please update soon TT thnk u so much!!!
Chapter 27: it isn't boring! :D it was my first zelo fanfic and it's the best that i have read!! so please.. update soon!! *-*