Episode 3: The Tricky Art of Instant Transmission

The Unscrupulous Misadventures of Ajay and MOP (aka SeungMi): with Big Bang

Episode 3: The Tricky Art of Instant Transmission

(Guest appearance by Jay Park)


*YA~WN* Welcome to this weeks episode of 'The Unscrupulous Misadventures of AJay and MOP'. Today we join our girls in the mist of a calm moment. Nothing too exciting happening. *YAWN* Hopefully things pick up, 'cause this here ain't gon cut it! ....  I'm just saying. Let's have a look, shall we?



*watching the news*



….And hasn't been found since. There have been four more cases of K-Pop stars "Instant Transmissioning" and ending up in a black hole. Scientists are working hard to retrieve them, but they won't be back on the job until after their fried chicken break. This is Yoon Yi Eun with Seoul Action News.



*Walks in*

What's up? Why do you have that look of horror on your face?



….I can't instant transmission until they fix the air glitch. Apparently Jay Park and four other people got stuck in a black hole when they transmitted.



Are you going to tell Ajay?



Not yet. No telling how she might react….





*Watching KXX World, Entertainment Weekly*

That Daniel, he totally screwed DMTN

*smh laughing*

…. *sigh* ….

My poor DMTN.


Ent Wkly:

In other news... Where is Jay Park? Instant transmission gone wrong. Coming up after the break, the black hole that took the ultimate entertainer.


*Drops remote, grabs phone starts searching internet, finds article*

Oh. My. GOSH!!!

*runs from room crying*



Too late.




*runs after Ajay*

Jagi wait! He'll be found in a few hours!… After the fried chicken break!!!



Korea gets weirder and weirder. What other supernatural powers do y'all got!?!



*Stuck in an another world dimension*

Dude....it smells like fart here.


Wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE HERE! I know this isn't the whole episode!? Oh, LAWD we 'bout to get canceled! *sobs* How will I feed my ducks now? I need this gig. (Producer: *Threatens voice over with brick*) TT^TT Will Taeyang effectively console Ajay? Will Jay really be found after the fried chicken break? And why did the other world dimension smell like fart? Find out next week, if we even comeback next week... oh, GAWD! *smacked with brick*

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First few chapters updated with original art work.


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Chapter 5: There were to man6 great one liners on this I wont even begin to quote them since im on my phone.

But I must say...the whole shirt gig had me crying
Chapter 3: i forgot to mention tht i love whoever is drawing the chapter covers.
*pukes up foam*
Chapter 2: ㅣD <--this.

its my turn to spam your story now lmfao.

i need you as a writer for my big bang sitcom because you capture all of their personalities like crazy.
Chapter 1: im dead.
call me oppa.
a random taeyang appears.
hwo do you do that? HAIR GEL
i ...
i love this.
ugh. thank you. <3
instant transmissioning teydaddies. im already in love