Chapter 8!!!! LALALA!

My Life is Like Cinderella..but...

Guys...I'm literally about to cry. I have a flippin horrible grade for f***** enviornmental science already. I hate science with a burning passion -sorry to all you science fans out there...but not a big fan here.- yea..i'm crying now. enjoy the story. 

“Mian. Phone call. I went outside. I’m single now. I don’t know what to do. He broke up with me over the phone, and I could hear…I could hear…I c-c-could hear…”

        “Hear what?”

        “s. I think he was having an affair with another woman on the phone, called me, told me it was off, forgot to end the call, and I heard…s. Some girl was doing it with my boyfriend.”

        “Wow, umm…who is this guy?”

        “He’s a student from a different school. He’s from BAS. I’m pretty sure you don’t know him. He’s not the type of guy to be participating much in school activities.”

        “I’m sorry Ji Soo. Do you know the girl?” Daehyun added.

        “The same girl that made out with my first ex. Claudia.”

        “Your cousin Claudia? That snitch. How could she? I thought you didn’t tell her about him!” I replied.

        “I didn’t. I don’t know how she found out.”

        “I’m sorry Ji Soo. Daehyun, I think we should go visit your school next time. I think I need to take Ji Soo home.”

        “NO. Don’t let me ruin this. Kim Ye Eun, we are not going home. You are going to go to the school. And so will I. Let’s just hope I can get him out of my head.”

        “Ok, are you sure?”

        “Yes I’m sure Ye Eun. Daehyun, let’s go?”

        “Yea, let’s go. Kamsamnida!”

        As we left for the car, the whole car ride. Awkward all over again. Ji Soo texted me, I texted her back, Daehyun reading…his book. Like a normal president I guess? I don’t even do that. As we entered into BIAS, I looked at the school. Wow, the gate in front of the school, and the school itself. It looked like a castle. As we got dropped off, the driver waited, and Daehyun told him to pick him up whenever he calls. Or he can ask his hyung to drive him home.

        “Shall we go girls?” Daehyun asked with one arm out.

        “Haha…yes we shall.”

        We entered BIAS and wow, the front of the school, wow. The entrance of the school was beautiful. Posters, awards, lockers, and a garden? Daehyun lead us into the student council room. Past the garden, and into the patio. This patio, is for the student council? And the ASB cabinet members? Wow.

        “HYUNG! YOU’RE HERE!” A boy with red hair jumped out. “Hyung, who’s this? NO BRINGING GIRLS IN AGAIN???”

        “I thought the hyungs told you that I was bringing people in.”

        Ji Soo and I stood there, with an awkward aura, and the feeling of uncomfortableness.

        “What people? AH! THE GIRLS FROM GSA!”

        “Yea, where is everyone?”

        “They’re getting some documents from teachers, they’ll be back in a moment.”

        “Alright, well I’ll introduce you to these girls after everyone comes back. Ladies have a seat. Zelo, I got drinks for you guys, drink up. Girls, would you like anything to drink? Water, tea?”

        “I think we’ll both have water. Thanks Daehyun.”

        As Daehyun went to go get water. I looked over at Ji Soo who still looked like she was sobbing. “Han Ji Soo, seriously, we need a girls night out soon. No boys, and you got that yoga class! We’ll let ALL that tense out from Docs’ class. Come on!”

        “Mian Ye Eun. Thanks for caring about me. It means a lot.”

        As Daehyun came back with waters, he came back with a handful of papers. So did 5 other boys. Wow, handsome looking guys. Ji Soo still sulked in her depressed little world.

        “Girls, meet the rest of the ASB Cabinet members. Starting with our ASB Vice-President, Yoo Yongjae. Junior year.”


        “Our ASB Secretary, Choi Junhong. We moved him down there because he’s the only one that has the nicest handwriting in our group…haha. Like the girly types. Sophomore year.”

        Oh so that’s the red haired color guys name.

        “HYUNG! BWOH? That’s mean. Hi!”

        “Our ASB Treasuer, Kim Himchan.”

        “Well hello there. The name’s Kim Himchan, the most good-looking, handsomest man in this group. Senior year.”

        He took my hand and kissed it.

        “YAH. Kim Himchan. No. Next, our ASB Planner, Moon Jongup. He plans all of the events that will be happening at the school. Sophomore year.”

        “Hi! Nice to meet you!”

        His smile was so cute.

        “And last but not least, our oldest member, Bang Yongguk, senior year. He is our ASB Facilitator. He handles all of us. He’s like the dad of the group.”

        “I’m confused. The grades. They’re everywhere. Why is a…”

        “Basically, these are what we wanted. Like how you wanted to be the presidents. The same goes for me, I was confused on why we picked these selections, but Yongguk, he handles all of us. He would be more of the Big President, and I handle the school. You get it?”

        “So let me get this straight. ASB Facilitator, Bang Yongguk. ASB President. You, Jung Daehyun. ASB Vice-President, Yoo Yongjae. ASB Secretary, Choi Jun…sorry I meant Zelo. ASB Treasuer, Kim Himchan. ASB Planner, Moon Jongup.”

        “Basically that’s the order.”

        “I sort of get it now.”

        “So, what brings your girls here.” Himchan asked.

        “What are your names?” Yongjae asked.

        “Do you like cherry tomatoes?” Zelo asked.

        “Are you guys dancers?” Jongup asked.

        “Are you guys the girls Daehyun called about? The two members of the student council at GSA?” Yongguk asked.

        “Uh…I don’t know if I can answer all your questions at once, but uhhh…I’m Kim Ye Eun, uhh…yes I’m a lover of cherry tomatoes, I am a dancer, and yes, I guess Daehyun did call about us. I’m the President at GSA.”

        “Wow, such a pretty, smart, and nice girl you got there Daehyun.” Himchan replied.

        “Shuddup. Stop being a player hyung.” Daehyun responded back.

        “Who’s the girl over there noona?” Zelo asked.

        “Noona? Wow…makes me sound old. Haha…her, that’s my best friend. Something on the way happened, so she’s a bit depressed about it. Han Ji Soo. Come over here and greet them.”

        She walked over, puffy eyes, still in the depressed mood. The aura around her wasn’t a good thing.

        “Annyeonghaseyo. I’m Han Ji Soo. I’m the Vice-President at GSA. Sorry about my mood today, something..umm..on the way…uhh..happened.”

        “Is everything ok Han Ji Soo? Do you need anything?”

        “You guys are sweet. Can I tell them Ji Soo?”


        “Yah, Ji Soo-ah.” I looked over at the boys. “She just got dumped over the phone and she’s a bit depressed because she found out her ex was taken by her cousin, Claudia. This is the second time already. That little snitch. Sorry guys.”

        “I’m sorry Ji Soo-ssi. Please, if you need anything, do tell us. What’s his name?” Yongguk asked.

        “Samuel Lee. He goes to BAS.”

        “He goes to our rival school. Ouch. I’m so sorry, do you want me to get him!?” Yongguk asked.

        “No it’s ok. I don’t really need anything right now.”


        “That sounds like a good idea hyung!” Daehyun replied.

        “We’re in!” the boys yelled out.

        “Ji Soo, you think you can go?” I asked.

        “I don’t know. I just don’t want to be in this sulky mood anymore.” She replied back.

        “THEN LET’S GO SING OUR HEARTS OUT JI SOO-SSI!” Himchan replied.

        “It will brighten you up. Trust me. These guys know how to have fun.” Daehyun replied.

        “Alright then. I hope this helps.” She replied.

        “ASSA! LET’S GO!” Himchan screamed out.

        “Wait…you don’t want to go out like this. In our uniforms?”

        “Oh that’s true. I don’t want to look like a ditcher. Let’s go change!”

        “Guys…we’re girls. We don’t have anything for us to wear remember? We need to go home and change.”

        “Oh right. Umm…we can go drop you off and wait for you.”

        “That sounds fine.” I replied. “Han Ji Soo, you up for it?”

        “Umm…I think I’m gonna go home.” Ji Soo replied back.

        I looked over at Ji Soo. Went over to her and hugged her. Her voice was completely depressing. All sad, sulky, depressed, dark, the aura around her was horrible. It made me want to cry with her. Her heart was completely broken. “HOW ABOUT REVENGE?”

        We looked up to see Himchan with the face of evilness. “HOW ABOUT IT? We can use my amazing handsomeness and I can flirt with your cousin, and then…”

        “No, it’s okay. I don’t really want revenge right now.”

        “YAH! KIM HIMCHAN!” Yongguk yelled out. “Get your over here right now.”

        Himchan went over to Yongguk, and Yongjae came over to us. “Han Ji Soo-ssi, please, do come with us to sing. It’ll help. All the songs you can sing, you can even cry, and we can even cry with you. You shouldn’t hold it in. Ye Eun-ssi is here, and so are we. We’ll help you through this. So, do come with us and have an enjoyable moment with us. It’s okay, we don’t bite. Maybe Himchan, but the rest of us don’t.”

        “Thanks a lot Yongjae-ssi.” Ji Soo stood up, looked at me, grabbed my wrist. “Let’s go get ready for karaoke shall we?”

        “THAT’S MY JI SOO! Thank you so much Yongjae-ssi.” I said to Yongjae.

        “Seriously, can’t you guys go informal on us? WHAT’S WITH THE SSI? Why not OPPA?” Himchan interrupted.

        “Uhh…oppa?” I looked at Ji Soo confused.

        “No way. See, if you were trying to call me, then you would say, “Himchan oppa!” Like that!”

        “Oh god. Himchan hyung please. Let’s not go all crazy please.” Yongjae looked at him.

        “Ani, it’s fine. It’s cute. Alright Himchan oppa, can you do us a favor and drop us off at Ji Soo's house and wait for us to change out of these uniforms?”


        I looked over at Ji Soo and she was smiling. Thank the Lord! She’s smiling already. Now for laughing and crying.

        “We can drive you guys there. Who’s car are we taking?”

        “I’m lazy to drive.” Yongguk replied.

        “I’m not in.” Yongjae replied.

        “For sure a no.” Himchan replied.

        “Well I’m not doing it.” Daehyun replied.

        “We can’t drive…” Jongup and Zelo replied.

        “ROCK PAPERS SCISSORS! YES! Let’s do it! The winner has to drive.” Himchan says back.

        “Seriously? Fine! Ready…ROCK PAPERS SCISSORS SHOOT!” Daehyun yelled out.

        “Rock? Papers, no scissors. Who are the papers? Himchan hyung and Yongguk hyung are papers. Daehyun hyung and Yongjae hyung are rocks. Himchan and Yongguk hyung, both of you will be driving.” Zelo replied.


        “Uhh…Himchan-ssi, I thought you said that if we called you oppa, you’d help us. Anyways, can we get going. We’re wasting time?” Ji Soo replied.

        SHE SPOKE. HAN JI SOO SPOKE! “Yah! Han Ji Soo, YOU SPOKE!” I hugged her as much as I could.

        “Yah! Kim Ye Eun! Can’t…breathe! KIM YE EUN!”

        “Mian. Alright! Let’s go!”

        We all went into the parking lot. We split up. Himchan, Yongjae, Jongup, Daehyun. He whispered something in Yongguk’s ear. “Hyung, please take care of them. Especially Ye Eun.”

        Zelo, Yongguk, Ji Soo and I sat in Yongguk’s car. I sat in the back with Ji Soo. Zelo and Yongguk sat in the front. “Noona! So, what grade are you guys in?”

        “Wow, seriously? Hearing noona and not being in the hospital is sooo different. I’m a junior and so is Ji Soo.”

        “Wow! Do you have any siblings?”

        I looked down, Ji Soo looked at me, “I’d rather not mention. Please, can we just...go to Ji Soo's house? It's much closer here.”

        I’d like to not think of Katrina and Karina as my siblings at all. If Dad didn’t die, I would have been an only child. If my Mom didn’t get remarried and my Dad never died, I would have never had this problem with Joon and my step-sisters.

        As Yongguk drove us home and I directed him, until he had to use the GPS because I was starting to become a horrible navigator, we reached our destination. I opened the doors, and the car behind us, parked.

        “HYUNG! Sheesh! I was lost and confused where to go! Horrible!”

        “Umm…Himchan oppa…it’s not his fault. I didn’t show him the correct way. Actually, out of all the people, the only person that knows how to get here in an instant is Ji Soo and the chauffer. I never really got to see how I would get home. I remember how to go to my old house…but still not working around with the new house. Mianhae. Guys...can we please not be in the house. I'm not a big fan about being here.”

        “Mianhae everyone. It’s my fault we took so long. Don't tell me that I didn't warn you.”

        I rang the doorbell and the maid answered. “Uhh…it’s me…Ye Eun.”

        “Ah! Agasshi! Yes ma’am.” The door rang, and I the gates opened.

        “Omo, noona, you have a big house.”

        “Who’s house do you live in Ye Eun-ssi.” Daehyun asked.

        “This is my step-dad’s house. Umm…you guys might know him…uhh…Jang Lee Woo? The director?”

        “That’s your step-dad? No flipping way. I can’t believe it.”

        “Well believe it, because here he comes now.”

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Chapter 7: You typed it twice in this chapter but so far its great!