Chapter 3 :D

My Life is Like Cinderella..but...

“Katrina! We’re finally here!” says Karina

        “I know! We are finally here! Oh and look, there is the sign for us! Of course, there would be a sign for us. We’re the only famous people here!”

        “Wow. I cannot believe they actually put up a sign for us. Although, why did they have to include me?”

        “Probably because daddy told them to include your name in it.”


        “Katrina! Karina! Look at you. You both look beautiful! How are you darlings?” says one of Katrina and Karina’s “friend”.

        “Ashley! Oh my god. Is that seriously you? We are amazing sweetie! You look fabulous. Let us stop talking about us for a second. How are you! Look at you! You look like you did plastic surgery!” says Katrina

        Ashley only used them for money and parties. The truth about Ashley is that she is a slore. In other words, a and a hore mixed. Ashley cheated on Katrina’s ex because she wanted to be better than her, and did the same to Karina. Therefore, to finally be sincere and sorry, she is trying to become “true” friends with them.


        “Oh well, you looked skinnier. And we only had a week of break.”

        “Haha! Nice one!”

        “Yeah, whatever.”

        “I’m leaving. Don’t bother try to annoy me. I have my job, as the president to make sure this school is the best. So if you need anything, don’t come to me.”

        I walk into the school and a bunch of girls look at me. Oh yeah, some things you should know about my school. We are an all girl’s school. I applied for president in the beginning of first year, and won because I was the only one up against anyone. I wanted to see what it would be like to be the president. Actually, it is a lot of work but its fun. Girls Media Art School. In other words, GMAS. As I was walking down the hall, a bunch of girls stares at me. The principal comes down and greets me.

        “Oh. Kim Ye Eun!”

        “Oh Jung-sunbae! Annyeonghaseyo! How was your summer break?”

        “It was great! You?”

        “Did my job, practiced for an audition, help at shelter network, help the homeless, and many more. Nothing else.”

        “My goodness. You make it look like it was no big deal. That’s good to hear though.”


“Oh and make sure you show the new students around ok!”

        “No problem.”

        Mrs. Jung is the principal of the school. She was famous when she around my age until her 40’s. She is still young in my opinion. However, her father was a billionaire for all his work. He owned so much that no matter where you go in Hae Sung, which is their own street. Everything on that street, it is theirs. Supermarket, electronic store, cars, and especially, their phones. No, I do not even think billionaire. I think he was like a trillionaire. Therefore, after he sadly passed away, she took all the inheritance, well because she was an only child. Therefore, after she thought about it, she took over the whole company. Therefore, she built a school for the rich. Hence, how I came here was from my stepdad. Everywhere you went, everyone at least had a designer bag in the school. Their jewelry is real diamonds. In addition, if they are fake at the school, you’ll be known as a loser.

There were no new students wanting a tour of the school or needing any help. The bell rang and I was ready. As I walk down the hall, the speakers sounded.

        “Kim Ye Eun. Please report to the dean’s office.”

        Already? I’m already on duty? I thought there wasn’t anyone. Wow…that’s pretty fast. I guess that’s what I get for being the president huh?

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Chapter 7: You typed it twice in this chapter but so far its great!