My Life is Like Cinderella..but...

My heart felt a bit down, but seeing how the boys and Ji Soo tried cheering me up made it go up a bit. Daehyun looked a bit sad, and it kind of saddened me. I think it’s probably because of me, I don’t want to be a burden to any of them. Especially Ji Soo, she’s done so much for me. I think it’s time for a change.  I looked over at Daehyun and I saw him and Himchan fighting with each other. Something about Himchan being way too overboasted with his looks or something like that. I looked at Ji Soo and she was laughing along them. I have such great friends, why would I ever dare to push them away? I’m so stupid.

“Hyung! Stop boasting about yourself. You won’t be able to have those looks forever you know!”

“How dare you Jung Daehyun! Criticizing my looks. This beautiful handsome man will never be able to lose the great beauty that he has.”

“Whatever you say hyung. Whatever you say. Watch it. When you grow old…wrinkles. And spots, and more wrinkles, MWAHAHAHA.”

I laughed. They looked back at me, “SHE SMILED. SHE’S SMILING! SHE’S SMILING. THE SUN HAS RISEN. THE MOON HAS FALLEN ASLEEP.” Himchan replied.

“What is this? Are you guys telling me that I’m a sun and not a moon? I quite like the moon more than the sun actually thank you very much.”


“Well then, I’d have to take that as an insult. How dare you call me the moon? Am I that pale to you? That dark at the night that you can only see my beauty at night? Is it because I’m not beautiful? Well then Kim Himchan, I’m quite frankly disappointed. I thought you were sweet and kind. But your just rude and mean. Hmf.”

“WAIT WHAT?” Himchan yelled back.

Daehyun, Ji Soo, and I couldn’t stop laughing and Himchan was still confused as always. Oh goodness, this is just too funny.

As Himchan was still driving, the radio was on and we kept singing a bunch of songs.


“Oh goodness, Jung Daehyun, what is wrong with you. Your voice just cracked. Don’t tell me you’re still going through puberty. I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE PAST THAT AGE OR SECTION ALREADY.” I replied.

“HEY! I actually have a good voice thank you very much. Just you wait until we get to the karaoke section! Then you will see how amazing my voice is. HAHAHA.”

“Whatever you say Daehyun, whatever you say.”

We finally got to the karaoke bar and we stepped out of the car. Yongguk and the rest headed towards us, and waved over. We waved back, and we all headed in. We got into the room in the karaoke bar. Quite a big room. Wow. As we entered in, a boy came over to our room. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I will be your service guy today, for starters, would you like anything to drink?”

“Well, how about some non-alcoholic beverages for right now.” Yongguk replied.

“Very well sir. We will have our special drinks served right away. Anything else?”

“Can we get a menu please?” I replied back. “I’m starving. Still haven’t had anything to eat yet because of you guys.”

“Yes ma’am.”

As our server went out of the karaoke room, we all settled in and looked at the book filled with songs to sing. We were quite excited actually for this to be happening. “I WILL SHOW YOU MS. KIM YE EUN. YOU WILL SEE HOW AMAZING MY VOICE IS.”

“Whatever you say Jung Daehyun, whatever you say.”

As we look through the book, Ji Soo was in the middle of trying to get out of Himchan’s sweet talk. Oh goodness, this is going to be one fun karaoke night. As I looked over at Daehyun, teasing Zelo, he looks at me, and I look away. I’m not supposed to feel this way. The server came back into the room with the drinks and a menu. He handed over the menu to me, and I looked through it. “Guys! What sounds good? And NO! We aren’t going to have any sweets today. I had too much sweets yesterday. My mom brought over the leftovers, and well, let’s just say, my cravings were HUGE.”

“LET’S ORDER JUST FOOD. HOW ABOUT THAT?” Daehyun said out loud.

“Well that sounds nice, but what kind of food Daehyun.”


“Well thanks Daehyun, but you’re not the quite helpful person right now. Boys? Ji Soo?”

“I’m up for anything. Daehyun will eat like a pig, and well, no matter what, the food will be completely gone, because of Mr. Jung Daehyun.” Yongguk said.

“You guys make him sound like one complete pig. Wow…never expected that.” I replied back.

“YOU GUYS MAKE ME SOUND FAT.” Daehyun yelled out.

“Well you don’t look fat, but you sound fat. Sheesh. Daehyun, I’m pretty sure you don’t eat that much.”

“Well, noona, I think you’d have to check back on that. He’s quite the fatty head I know. He eats, everything. Everything. Every time we have food, all the leftovers are usually eaten by him. My mother even had to make his portion the biggest out of all of ours. He has the biggest hugest appetite any boy could ever have.” Zelo talked over.

“Well, sounds like every boy I know. If Joon has a big appetite, I’m pretty sure, you’d also have a big appetite. I don’t think he has a big appetite, but you guys have a small appetite.” I replied back.


“Trust me, you’ll see a big appetite Ye Eun.” Yongguk laughed back.


A/N: Guys. I'M BAAAACK. SO UH. Well...no colleges have responded to me yet, which still makes me worried as heck. But on the other point, I have a tumblr. And well recently, I just posted something about EXO. It shouldn't be bad, it's just my opinion of their saesang fans, if you would like to check it out, please go to lamoflife.tumblr.com it should be there. Do follow me if you check it out. As well as tumblr, I have an instagram, @lamoflife go ahead and search me up and add me! Hope to hear from you guys.


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Chapter 7: You typed it twice in this chapter but so far its great!