Chapter 1!~

My Life is Like Cinderella..but...

“Kim Ye Eun! Hurry before were late to school. I don’t want to be late for the big theme of the school!” says twin number 1.

“Is she even awake? Let me go check on her” says twin number 2. “KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Kim Ye Eun! Rise and shine you big weirdo.”

I wake up and still hear twin number 2 screaming at my door while knocking so loudly that my alarm clock can’t even wake me up. I go to my door and open it.

“As I was expecting. The loser who doesn’t even wake up for her first day of school. Did you not want to go to school today? Are you scared?”

“Scared of what stupid? You two being idiots and embarrassing me, yes, and my first day of school. Hell no retard.”

“You know you should be really nice to your elders.”

“Be nice to my elder, who includes Joon oppa, and well everyone else? Those elders, I’m. They adore me.”

“You also forgot your two older sisters.”

“Just because you both are a month older than me, doesn’t make you guys I quote and unquote elders.”

“Yeah it does, now hurry up and change, I don’t want to be missing a single minute of this big day.”

“Yeah, and I want you and Katrina to disappear, but apparently that couldn’t happen. Life doesn’t always have what you want sometimes loser.”

“Shut up and go change”


My name is Kim Ye Eun. Daughter of both famous people. Mother, Kim Ha Eun, the famous chef who owns a bunch of 5 star restaurants, father, Phillip Kim, a famous actor and singer. Both amazing and awesome. I’m 16 years old who’s about to enter my junior year with two retards, and a boy that lives in the house with me. The two retards are identical twins, Katrina and Karina. Same age as me, but just one month older than me. They both say I should respect them because they are my “elders”, but that’s never going to happen. The boy’s name is Joon. He’s a friend’s son who is helping my stepdad with work and stuff like that. 6 days older than me. We both have the same month; it’s just that he’s six days older than me. Mine is December 25, and his is December 19. Pretty close, but oh well.

This is my life. My life is like Cinderella but in a much sweeter version. I don’t have a stepparent that’s seriously strict and makes me do all the work, no prince charming, I go to school and have lots of friends that are not animals, but, the only thing that is like Cinderella is having two retarted and stupid twin sisters who search for love but don’t even have a chance of finding love, and having a parent die because of something going on with their body.



Today is my first day at school as a junior. There’s nothing wrong with that. I guess, being a junior means to give a chance for the senior class to go tease us, but for the juniors to go tease all the freshmen and the sophomores.

“Kim Ye Eun!”

“I’m done! Sheesh!”

“If you’re done, then the door to your room would be opening, and you’ll be all dressed in your uniform!”

I open the door, dressed in my uniform, with my bag on, and looking sharp, and prepared to go to school.

“Finally! Let’s go. Dad’s not going to be able to take us to school today. So the chauffer is going to take us.”

My stepdad is alright. He’s a producer for music videos and dramas. He created music videos for so many stars. Mostly Korean stars, but still. I never really got the chance to open up to him ya know? It may be because I always had my dad, I just...didn't really want a new Dad. I've tried plenty and plenty of times to open up to him whenever I want to get something or try to ask him something, but really, it never truly worked. 


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Chapter 7: You typed it twice in this chapter but so far its great!