Chapter 2~

My Life is Like Cinderella..but...

Right now, we’re in the car. One of dad’s chauffer is taking us, while he has to go do his business. Today, he’s going to be shooting EXO’s music video. That’s cool I guess. While going into the car, I try to find my shoes. Mom just got me a new pair of heels, but I want my old flats. Sooner or later, I’m not going to be able to wear those shoes. But I should wear them, since mom did go buy them especially for me. Although, heels aren’t my thing. I find my pair of shoes and slip in my headphones. “What is Love” sung by EXO-K plays, and instead of hearing six guys singing, I ended up hearing both the twins singing in their horrible voices. Ugh, the wretched pain of hearing those two sing. Believe me, if you were me, you’d also have these feelings.

        “I’M THE BEST! I’M THE BEST!” said twin number 1.

        “DUN DUN DUN DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH. BLEM!” said twin number 2.

        “For once, can both of you shut up? Please. I beg of you.” I yelled out.

        “You’re just jealous of our singing. Our singing is way better than you.”

        “Then explain why everyone tells you both to shut up when you sing and tells me to go up and do karaoke? Huh? That’s what I thought.”

        “Well probably because they want us to save our voices.”

        “Or probably because they don’t want you to even try your best at singing, and want you to shut up.”

        “That’s really rude.”

        Joon comes out from the garage and comes over to us and talks to the girls. I’m still trying to find my shoes.

        “Morning ladies.”

        “Morning Joon!” they smile and wave hi.

        “Morning Ye Eun.”

        I heard him say hi, and I ignored him. I insert my left headphone into my ear and start listening to my music again.

        “Morning Ye Eun.”


        “Well, actually I don’t want to give respect to any of you because both of you act like you’re younger than me. I’m more mature than both of you. So leave me alone.”

        “No need to be so harsh Kim Ye Eun.” Joon interrupts.

        “Whatever. Just leave me alone.”

        The chauffer comes out and tells us to leave. The girls wave Joon a flirting goodbye, but he gives a strange face and wave’s goodbye. He comes in the house and pauses at the door. Our lunches were still in the house, he tells the driver to wait for a moment, and rushes into the house. He comes out with three lunchboxes. The two retards and mine.

        “I made this for you Ye Eun. Hope you enjoy it.”


        “Joon! Did you make ours especially for us? You know how much we love the food you especially make for us!”

        “Umm...yeah. Hope you have a great day at school today Ye Eun! And I guess you too girls.”


        We drive off to school. I hope today goes well.

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Chapter 7: You typed it twice in this chapter but so far its great!