Let's make a deal~~

I Don't Believe


 “Oh my God, Jiyeon! It has been a week. Just get over it!” Soo Jin whined. She was just annoyed.


“Yeah, it up!” Sun Hi added with a grin.


Jiyeon glared at them. “You’re such bad friends.” She mumbled.


Then all of them turned a voice. “Oh, here you are…”


Jiyeon opened her eyes with a shock. “You…Stay Away From ME!!”


Soo Jin and Sun Hi looked at each other and grinned. “Yah, Jiyeon. You never told us that he’s good-looking.” Soo Jin asked.


Jiyeon shouted at her. “Because he’s not!”


Chanyeol smiled widely. “So, you think about me, too huh?”


Sun Hi nodded. “She just talks about you. You were her only thoughts during this whole week.”


Jiyeon glared at her friends then turned to the boy. “Look at me monkey boy. I don’t know who the hell you are plus I don’t care. But you should know…”


Before she finished her sentence she felt something on her lips.


“Um…I missed this feeling.” Chanyeol murmured.


Jiyeon opened her eyes widely. Her friends stood up immediately. “Okay, it’s gonna be interesting.” Sun Hi whispered to Soo Jin.


She pushed him. “Help! He’s gonna me!!” She started to scream.


Chanyeol looked at the girl with unbelief.


They were sitting in a park so people started to stare at them awkwardly.


“Okay, stop…” He whispered slowly but Jiyeon didn’t stop so Chanyeol hugged her and talked in her ear. “If you don’t stop, I’ll kiss you again.”


Jiyeon froze. What did I do to deserve this?


She slowly nodded and whispered back. “Please, let me go. J.just…don’t touch me…”


Chanyeol let her go slowly. Jiyeon’s tears were falling down again. “I…don’t do anything bad, why are you always crying?” Chanyeol snapped out.


Soo Jin sighed. “She has a little bit haptophobia. You know, she is afraid of being touched or whatever.”


Chanyeol raised his eyebrows. Then he smiled. “Then, I can teach you. I really love touching someone.”


Jiyeon moved away a little bit and turned to the girls. “Soo Jin! Stop talking with that ert!”


Sun Hi grinned. “I think she really needs you, Chanyeol-ah!”


Chanyeol smirked. “Oh, you know my name. So she remembers it. Cool…”


Jiyeon was really done. “I’m leaving. You can have fun without me!”


Soo Ji sighed. “Yah, Jiyeon! Don’t do that, please!”


Chanyeol smiled softly. “Yeah, Jiyeon-ah. Give me a chance.”


Jiyeon touched her forehead. “Don’t Jiyeon to me! He touched me, he hugged me, he kissed me… The next step will be me. I won’t play this game.”


Soo Jin glared at Sun Hi and mouthed. “Do something!”


Sun Hi sighed and back-hugged Jiyeon who was trying to leave.


Jiyeon stopped. I hate that feeling…It feels like asthma.


“What a.are… y.you… doing?” She asked with a weak voice.


Sun Hi slowly sighed. “Didn’t you get tired of it? When someone touches you, you are just petrified with horror. People think that you’re a freak. Isn’t it enough?”


Jiyeon was shaking crazily. “You don’t know, you can’t know! I live in hell. I can’t…help it.”


 Sun Hi smiled. I can handle it…Yes, I’m a perfect friend.   


“Give him a chance. He really wants to help you, can’t you see it? Besides it can help your family problem. You can show him you mother.”


Jiyeon raised an eyebrow. “But he is too clingy.”


Chanyeol chuckled. “Come one, you like me because of that.”


Jiyeon looked at Soo Jin. “You see what I mean, right?”


Soo Jin and Sun Hi talked at the same time. “YES! And it’s what you need.”


Jiyeon’s shoulders fell. Am I a freak? 


She threw a glance at Chanyeol. He was watching dogs right now and even barking with them. I think he is the freak one…


“But…what if he me?”


Chanyeol gave her a WTF look. “Do you really think it? I’m not that bad though”


Jiyeon nodded slowly. “But… what will you do then?”


Chanyeol smiled proudly. “I can heal you! You know what? Let’s make a deal!”


Soo Jin and Sun Hi were listening carefully.


“They’ll make a deal!”

“I hope Chanyeol wins”

“Maybe they’ll marry”

“Um…they must give my name to their first children”

“You’re an idiot.”

“I just will be an aunt.”



“Shut up, please! We’re here, we can hear you, you know.” Jiyeon snapped out. The girls shut up and Chanyeol went on speaking.


“If you win, I’ll do everything you want; if I win, you’ll be mine.” 




A.N// okay, I want to update today because...well because I got bored:D

I hope you like it, I don't think this story will be so long:) I hope it will be a short cute story but who knows...

Don't forget to comment~~

Have a nice day^^



If you don't think he is cute, you're lying:D:D

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Sweetaamy #1
Chapter 10: ewoo too cute
I can't handle it
love this story sooooo much
thank you
NatashaL1234 #2
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! haahahhahahahahahah i'll never get tired of 'the loof is fiyah' xD
mizzkpop96 #3
Chapter 3: Sequel ,,, please ,,, buing2 ,,,,
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 10: I finished reading this fic.. and I love it.!!!♡♥♡♥♡♡♥ if you don't mind doing a sequel please do it.. or another chanyeon fic would be great. .!!! Well fighting author-nim...
Waiting for more :-D ♡
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 8: That's was so... nice I really love it.. you're amazing...!!! Can't wait to read more..!!
rosemistress #6
Chapter 10: So sweeeeeeeeettttt i think i'm addicted to chanyeon couple nowwwww!!! >,< ^^
Chapter 10: Sweet story ♡ awwww!
Chapter 10: I want that star too...