Fifth Chance pt.1

I Don't Believe


 “What does it mean?” Soo Jin asked to Jiyeon.


“I have no idea. He just said to me wear a dress and be perfect like always.” Jiyeon replied while lying on her stomach.


Sun Hi gave her a dress. “You should wear this, then.”


It was a dress with a deep vent. It looked y. Jiyeon shook her head rapidly. “In your dreams…” She mumbled.


“Not her, just in Chanyeol’s dreams…”Soo Jin chuckled and they high fived with Sun Hi.


“Yah! You erts! Stop it” Jiyeon shouted at them.


“I don’t know Jiyeon…You just said he really likes you.” Soo Jin tried to be serious.


Jiyeon nodded. “And you said yesterday you just nodded to his confession and wanted to come home.”


Jiyeon nodded again. “Then you’re a heartless …” Sun Hi shook her head dramatically.


Jiyeon glared at her. “What could I do anyway? He said he likes me and…I got scared! I just want to be in safe.”


“Well, I’m sure he can do everything to protect you” Sun Hi chuckled.


Jiyeon glared at her then she shook her head. “I just need a dress, not a life lesson.”


Soo Jin gave her another dress. It was cute and had pink flowers on it. Jiyeon checked it and nodded with agreement.


“Okay, it works…” She murmured, took the dress and ran to her house.




“Wow!” Chanyeol gasped when he saw Jiyeon. Jiyeon blushed and closed their house’s door. “Let’s go…” She tried to change the topic which was her.


Chanyeol nodded eagerly and held her hand. Jiyeon relaxed when she felt his hand holding her hand. Yeah…I’ll become addicted to this…





“Chanyeol…Are you sure? This place looks very expensive.”


Chanyeol grinned. “So? Seeing you like that…totally worth it.”


Jiyeon blushed again. Damn…Why am I blushing like that?


They sat down a table. The waiter came, gave them their menu and left.


Jiyeon gulped while looking at it. Jeez…They’re just food, right? Why so expensive?


Chanyeol was watching his date. Oh, she looks so gorgeous…How does expect me stay away from her if she looks like a princess?  


“So…What do you want to eat, jagiya?” He asked with a joy. She is perfect and she is my date…


Jiyeon gulped again and looked at Chanyeol. “Um…water maybe?”


Chanyeol chuckled. “Come on, Jiyeon! Don’t be afraid of eating something.” He was really having fun.


Jiyeon pouted. “I don’t know what to eat.”


Chanyeol sighed. “Okay, crab cake for start. I want tomato basil soup, you?”


Jiyeon reddened. “I’m fine with everything...” She mumbled.


Chanyeol nodded and called the waiter. The boy came slowly. “Okay, for start crab cake, then tomato basil soup, bring some chicken salad…um…yep, for main course bring us sun dried tomato and goat cheese ravioli. I want tiramisu for dessert. ”


Chanyeol finished it with a grin. The waiter turned to Jiyeon. “What about you ma’am?”


Jiyeon looked at Chanyeol for help but Chanyeol was still smiling. She stuttered. “S.same…”


The waiter took notes and asked a final question. “What’s your wish about the drinks, sir?”


Chanyeol smiled wider and took the wine menu. “Hmm…A bottle of Cheval Blanc 1942, please…”


The waiter took note again and left.


Jiyeon gulped the nth time at that day. “I…I can’t drink. I never did before.”


Chanyeol chuckled. “Then it’ll be more fun.”


Jiyeon glared at him but didn’t say anything.


When their meal came, Jiyeon felt really hungry. She immediately started to eat. Chanyeol sighed, he was watching her.  Finally Jiyeon responded his stare. “Stop it! It makes me uncomfortable.”


Chanyeol bowed his head. “Sorry…” And he started to eat too.


After almost half an hour Jiyeon cleaned . “You know…It’s the most luxury restaurant I’ve ever come.”


Chanyeol smiled. “I hope you like it.”


Jiyeon nodded. “Yeah, of course I like it but…I mean…do you have that much money, Chanyeol? I don’t want to make you poor or something.” She smiled apologetically.


Chanyeol smiled warmly. “Don’t think of it, just have fun!”


Jiyeon nodded and kept eating her tiramisu.


“So…Won’t you drink your wine?” Chanyeol .


Jiyeon nodded. “I…I’ll drink of course.” And she took a sup. She felt like burned. But the feeling she had after that, made her pleased. She took another sup.


“Um…It’s good, I guess.” She mumbled.


Chanyeol nodded. “Yep! It’s really good actually.” He smiled proudly.


Jiyeon laughed at him.




After 3 glasses, Jiyeon’s vision started to blur. “Um…Chanyeol…When did you become two people?” She asked while laughing crazily.


Chanyeol blinked severally then he got it. Oh, sh*t…


A.N// Helloooo~~

I hope you like it

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Thanks to ' zeenzz ' for upvoting^^ 

Have a nice day~~

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Sweetaamy #1
Chapter 10: ewoo too cute
I can't handle it
love this story sooooo much
thank you
NatashaL1234 #2
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! haahahhahahahahahah i'll never get tired of 'the loof is fiyah' xD
mizzkpop96 #3
Chapter 3: Sequel ,,, please ,,, buing2 ,,,,
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 10: I finished reading this fic.. and I love it.!!!♡♥♡♥♡♡♥ if you don't mind doing a sequel please do it.. or another chanyeon fic would be great. .!!! Well fighting author-nim...
Waiting for more :-D ♡
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 8: That's was so... nice I really love it.. you're amazing...!!! Can't wait to read more..!!
rosemistress #6
Chapter 10: So sweeeeeeeeettttt i think i'm addicted to chanyeon couple nowwwww!!! >,< ^^
Chapter 10: Sweet story ♡ awwww!
Chapter 10: I want that star too...