First Chance~~

I Don't Believe


 “Um…it doesn’t sound good.” Jiyeon protested. But she had no option actually.


She sighed. “Then, I give you a week.”


Chanyeol smiled. “Cool, I have 7 chances then, huh?”


Jiyeon nodded silently.


“Will we come too?” Sun Hi questioned.


“Umm…Yeah, I want to see that actually.” Soo Jin confirmed.


Jiyeon smirked. “Yes, it would be good. I can be sure that he won’t me then.”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Of course not! It’s a date, just Jiyeon and me. No more people!”


Sun Hi and Soo Jin chuckled. “Well, anyway…It will be surely interesting.”


Jiyeon sighed. “Then, tomorrow come and take me from my home. Meet my parents, okay?”


Chanyeol nodded eagerly.


Jiyeon rolled her eyes and mumbled. “I’m leaving.”






It was 6 p.m. when their door was knocked. “I’ll open it!” Jiyeon shouted and opened the door.


Chanyeol was standing there with a simple shirt and jeans. He smiled widely. “Hey! What’s up?” He asked with a cheerful voice.


“Who is it?” It was Mrs. Park. She came slowly and saw the boy. She was surprised. “Oh, hi! Are you Jiyeon’s friend? Come here, don’t wait outside. What is your name? How old are you? Are you new? Since it is summer break you didn’t meet at school, right?”


She was talking and talking and talking. Chanyeol was shocked. He was watching the woman with wide-open eyes. So, is this her mother? Is Jiyeon adopted?   


Jiyeon sulked. “Mom! Stop, you’re scaring him!”


Mrs. Park laughed a little. “Oh, sorry. I’m just too excited. It’s your first boyfriend!”


Jiyeon blushed madly. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing” She mumbled.


“Darling, come here!!” Mrs Park called his husband.


A man came up. “What is…”Then he froze. “Oh, who is he?”


“He is our daughter’s first boyfriend!” Mrs. Park cheered happily.


Mr. Park widened his eyes. “So…” He slowly smiled and shook hands with Chanyeol.


Chanyeol bowed severally and replied their infinite questions.




“Ugh! They’re helpless.” Jiyeon was complaining about her parents. Chanyeol chuckled. “Um, I don’t know. They are just excited. I loved them.”


Jiyeon stared at him. “That’s because you’re always excited.”


Chanyeol smiled again. “Anyway, that’s our first date. I made a list for whole week. We should go to the cinema today.”


Jiyeon nodded. They started to walk slowly. Then Chanyeol held her hand. Jiyeon immediately rescued her hand and mumbled. “Don’t do this.”


Chanyeol bowed his head a little. “Sorry…”


Jiyeon looked away. “What will we watch?”


Chanyeol smiled warmly. “Umm…I don’t know…”


When they arrived, Chanyeol bought 2 tickets. “It starts now, let’s go!”


He beamed happily and they found their saloon.




“Chanyeol-sshi…It’s…a horror movie?” Jiyeon talked with a fear and after that she gulped.

Chanyeol smiled and nodded. “Yep, I know.”


Jiyeon glared at him and tried to watch it. When the murderer appeared she screamed a little bit. Chanyeol held her hand. At first Jiyeon wanted to take her hand back but the murderer appeared again so she just tightened their hands.


5 min later she realized their hands again and immediately took her hands. “Don’t touch me!” She whispered. Chanyeol chuckled. “If you say so…”


It was almost after half an hour, Chanyeol tried to put his arm around her shoulders. Jiyeon moved uncomfortably and glared at him. Chanyeol gulped and took his arm back. He just focused the movie.


Finally it was over. Jiyeon relieved. “It was the longest hours in my life.” She complained. Chanyeol sighed. “Not that long…”


Jiyeon looked at him and felt bad. “Sorry, Chanyeol. It’s…just not my thing.”


Chanyeol smiled with ambition. “It was just the first day! I don’t give up easily.”


Jiyeon rolled her eyes. This guy was impossible.


“Let’s walk to the home!” Chanyeol beamed happily.




“Isn’t it exhausting? I mean you’re always happy…” Jiyeon asked while walking.


Chanyeol bit his bottom lip. “You know, If there’s something making me happy, I’ll be happy.”


Jiyeon blinked severally. “I guess you’re right… Oh, we’re here. Thanks Chanyeol…”  


Chanyeol gulped and looked away. “So…It’s a farewell for today, right?”


Jiyeon nodded and waved at him. “Yep, see ya!” She tried to come in her home but Chanyeol caught her wrist. “YAH! Don’t touch me!”


Chanyeol brought his finger to . “Sshhht!”


Jiyeon nodded. It was late, though. “I mean…farewell, you know as lovers.”


Jiyeon glared at him. “Go watch your stars monkey, I’m sleepy.” She got rid of his hand and walked in.


Chanyeol sighed. Okay, now I have 6 chances…



A.N// Aww, Thanks for subscribes and comments, I love you~~

And speacial thanks to ' kmjcsd ' like three times, for upvoting:D:D 

and I have a chanyeol for you:D

you know he can be cool too...not, he is always cute:P:D

I guess I should give you a Jiyeon too, and I think she should be angry because in this story she always is:P



Anyway, I love you


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Sweetaamy #1
Chapter 10: ewoo too cute
I can't handle it
love this story sooooo much
thank you
NatashaL1234 #2
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! haahahhahahahahahah i'll never get tired of 'the loof is fiyah' xD
mizzkpop96 #3
Chapter 3: Sequel ,,, please ,,, buing2 ,,,,
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 10: I finished reading this fic.. and I love it.!!!♡♥♡♥♡♡♥ if you don't mind doing a sequel please do it.. or another chanyeon fic would be great. .!!! Well fighting author-nim...
Waiting for more :-D ♡
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 8: That's was so... nice I really love it.. you're amazing...!!! Can't wait to read more..!!
rosemistress #6
Chapter 10: So sweeeeeeeeettttt i think i'm addicted to chanyeon couple nowwwww!!! >,< ^^
Chapter 10: Sweet story ♡ awwww!
Chapter 10: I want that star too...