Third Chance^^

I Don't Believe


 “How was it? He’s such a gentleman, right? He brought flowers at first. Kyaaa…I can’t believe it!”


Yeah, she was such a fangirl and she wasn’t even a ‘girl’. That crazy woman…


“Ugh! Mom! Please stop!” Jiyeon rolled her eyes. “Yes, it was fun and tomorrow he’ll be here again.”


Mrs. Park screamed a little bit. “Finally! Someone loves you!”


Jiyeon glared at her mother. “Ouch?”


Mrs. Park didn’t even care her daughter right now. “Where will you go?”


Jiyeon shook her shoulders. “He doesn’t tell. He wants it to be a surprise or something.”


“Aw…How cute…”


“Yah, dad! You too?”


Mr. Park grinned. “Sorry baby but we’re eating at the same table. I’m listening unwillingly.”


Jiyeon rolled her eyes and mumbled. “Whatever…”




“So where are we going now?” Jiyeon asked curiously. Chanyeol grinned. “Ice-skating!”


“Huh? No way. I can’t do that.” Jiyeon gasped.


“Why not? It’ll be fun!” Chanyeol blinked.


Jiyeon sighed. She really didn’t want to make him upset. “Okay, whatever…” She murmured.


Chanyeol cheered. “Yaaay! Let’s go!”




When they arrived at to the building Jiyeon was nervous. She never tried it before. There is ice and skate and it’s sharp and...


Chanyeol was on the rink now and he was skating amazing. He was really good at it. How…Just how…


He pulled Jiyeon on the ice too and they started to skate together…not. Jiyeon was screaming. “No! Leave me! I said no!”


Chanyeol let her go. “Oh, come on jagiya! I’m sure you can do this.”


Jiyeon sighed. “O…okay I can do it. You’re right.” She slowly took a breath. As soon as she moved, she found herself on her knees. She had fallen.


“Aw…My knees…” She cried. Chanyeol grinned and grabbed her wrist.


“Come on, let me help you!” Jiyeon took her hand back and mumbled. “No need. I can do it on my own.”


Chanyeol rolled his eyes and chuckled. “If you say so…”


Jiyeon took deep breathes again. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale…I can do it. Even that monkey does it…


She slowly stood up but before a minute she was on her knees again. “Ugh! It’s so hard! Damn it!”


Chanyeol giggled like a little girl. He sat down on the ice and showed some people. “Look at these people. They can do it because they’re helping each other.”


Chanyeol was right, kind of. There were lots of lovers holding hands, hugging each other. They were skating together.


Jiyeon looked away. “No! I just…need some practice.”


Chanyeol sighed. “Whatever you say princess…”He murmured and stood up. Then he offered his hand to Jiyeon to make her stand up too.


Jiyeon looked at his hand, then his face, then his hand again. She shook her head and tried to stand up on her own. Of course she didn’t make it. Anger tears were forming in her eyes.


“Damn ice!” She shouted. Chanyeol was still waiting. Finally Jiyeon took his hand and murmured.


“If you let me fall, I’ll kill you.”


Chanyeol chuckled. “You know, I won’t do something like that.”


Jiyeon nodded shyly and threw a glance at their hands. So warm…and, it feels good…why?


“Oh my God, I’m gonna die!” Jiyeon started to scream as soon as Chanyeol started to skate.


Chanyeol took her in his embrace. “Nope, you’ll be perfectly fine.” He chuckled.


“You can laugh and skate at the same moment? I can’t breath!”


Chanyeol was having fun. This bet thing was absolutely the best thing he has ever lived.


“You know, I’m having fun with you.” He talked with a joy.


Jiyeon’s eyes were closed. “I’m happy for you; now please focus your job!” Jiyeon half screamed.


Chanyeol giggled and stopped with a sharp turn.


Jiyeon lost her balance and fell right into the Chanyeol’s lap.   


Chanyeol’s lips curved into a smile. “Yes, you should be there.”


Jiyeon gave him a death glare and won her balance again. She cleaned . “Um…I guess…I had fun, yeah definitely. We can go now!”


She was still holding hands with Chanyeol and she even didn’t realize that.


Chanyeol smirked. Or maybe she did realize…


Okay, it was impossible but Chanyeol liked that idea. “Then, Let’s drink something. My threat!”


Jiyeon sighed. She was feeling guilty because of ruining the ice-skating thing. “Okay, whatever…” She murmured again.


Chanyeol cheered and they left there to go a café.





“What would you like to drink sir?” The waiter asked kindly.


“I want a milkshake!” Chanyeol beamed happily.


“Can you bring me an iced coffee?” Jiyeon was looking exhausted.


The waiter took note, bowed and left.


“So…did you really have fun, jagiya?” Chanyeol asked with concern.


Jiyeon looked at his eyes. He was sincere. He really thinks I’m his girlfriend…oh,God


She sighed and nodded. “Yes, Chanyeol-sshi. I’m surprised too but…It was really entertaining.”


Chanyeol clapped his hands. Then he held Jiyeon’s hand. Jiyeon wanted to take her hand back but she decided to not to. She let Chanyeol have her hand. She let Chanyeol come in her little world. She let him do everything what he wants to do.


Chanyeol smiled warmly. “Thank you…” He slowly whispered. He knew it was important. He knew that he didn’t just hold her hand, also he was accepted.




Jiyeon wanted to go as soon as she drank her coffee and Chanyeol didn’t protest it. They walked to the Jiyeon’s home slowly.


Finally they arrived at her home and this time the first one who spoke was Jiyeon. “Yes, Chanyeol it’s a farewell for today.”


Then she held his hands. “And it’s my goodbye.” Then she let him go and ran to her home.


Chanyeol stayed there and watched her leaving. A big smile appeared on his face.


Yes, see you tomorrow jagiya…




A.N// Hellooo~~~~

Yes, double update today because I have no things to do, literally

Well, yes I can study but...I don't want to:D:D

I hope you like it

please don't forget to comment and subscribe~~


Here's my other story...


The Bodyguard                                   Kris & Naeun(OC)


And I have a weird crack too

The Witch and The Ice Boy             Sehun & Eunmi(OC)


And of course accept this cutie thing from me:P





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Sweetaamy #1
Chapter 10: ewoo too cute
I can't handle it
love this story sooooo much
thank you
NatashaL1234 #2
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! haahahhahahahahahah i'll never get tired of 'the loof is fiyah' xD
mizzkpop96 #3
Chapter 3: Sequel ,,, please ,,, buing2 ,,,,
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 10: I finished reading this fic.. and I love it.!!!♡♥♡♥♡♡♥ if you don't mind doing a sequel please do it.. or another chanyeon fic would be great. .!!! Well fighting author-nim...
Waiting for more :-D ♡
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 8: That's was so... nice I really love it.. you're amazing...!!! Can't wait to read more..!!
rosemistress #6
Chapter 10: So sweeeeeeeeettttt i think i'm addicted to chanyeon couple nowwwww!!! >,< ^^
Chapter 10: Sweet story ♡ awwww!
Chapter 10: I want that star too...