Fourth Chance

I Don't Believe


  “Okay, I can handle with it.” Jiyeon was talking to herself.


She was nervous because she started to feel something new. He…is so clingy, yeah just because of that…


She took a deep breath and checked herself in her mirror the last time. Then the door bell rang. She looked at the outside from her window and shouted at her mom.


“MOM! I’m leaving!”


A happy Mrs. Park replied her from the kitchen. “Okay my darling, don’t be in a hurry. You two love birds just take your times for coming home!”


Jiyeon rolled her eyes because she had opened the door and Chanyeol had heard her mom’s every word.


He chuckled. “I love you too…” He beamed happily.


Jiyeon rolled her eyes and realized something.


“Yah, Chanyeol, what is that basket?”


Chanyeol grinned. “That’s for our 4th date.”


Jiyeon nodded slowly while staring at him but he stopped talking and kept walking.


“So…” She tried again.


Chanyeol took a deep breath and held her hand. Jiyeon stared at their hands but kept her silence. Where are we going now?


Finally Chanyeol looked at her and talked happily. “We’re going to picnic!”


Jiyeon raised her brows. “Picnic? You mean in the forest?”


Chanyeol laughed at her. “Not like that. We can’t go that far but…”





"Yah, Chanyeol! You said not that far! Coming here took almost an hour!” Jiyeon pouted.


Chanyeol smiled. They arrived at there by bus. “Like I said, here’s not so far from the city. I searched a place for our picnic and I loved here because it’s always empty.”


Jiyeon’s eyes were wide open right now. “ one is here?” She talked with disbelief.


Chanyeol nodded. “Yep! Come on, let’s sit!” He cheered and flattened a spread on the ground.


Jiyeon gulped. I don’t want to be alone with this monkey…


But finally she decided to sit. Chanyeol opened his huge basket and started to empty it.


There were sandwiches, cakes, little pies and some drinks. Jiyeon blinked severally. “Who did these things?” She asked curiously.


Chanyeol pointed himself proudly. “Of course me! I wanted to feed you myself!”


Jiyeon laughed at his childish behavior. “You’re still cheesy Chanyeol.” But I start to like it…


When his job finished Chanyeol took a deep breath. “Okay, now we can start!” He sang happily.


Jiyeon was watching him silently. He opened all the things and offered a pie to her. Jiyeon gulped and pointed herself. “For me?”


Chanyeol nodded. Jiyeon took it with hesitation. She slowly ate it. Why do I feel hot? My heart…


“Chanyeol! This is awesome! You’re so much better at cooking than my mom.”


Chanyeol clapped his hands and kissed her cheeks. “I’m glad to…” Then his words were cut by a slap. Jiyeon glared at him. “Don’t…kiss me…just like that!”  She talked with a whisper.


Chanyeol bowed his head. “Oh, I’m sorry jagiya…I…I’m just happy…”


Jiyeon gulped and looked away. He’s so cute that I feel like a …He shouldn’t be that sweet…


“Um…can…I eat that, j..ja..jagiya…” Jiyeon stuttered. She was showing a sandwich.


Chanyeol beamed happily. “Oh, Jiyeon-ah! Of course! All of them are for you!”


Jiyeon blushed and mumbled. “Thanks…”


Chanyeol lay down on the grass. “You know, actually, it was the first time I have ever cooked something so I was nervous about that.”


Jiyeon blinked while eating her sandwich. “B.but Chanyeol, they’re… delicious.” She tried to talk when was full of food.


Chanyeol sighed. “Then, if you want, I’ll always cook for you…”


Jiyeon gulped and stopped chewing. “Um…sure…”


Then they stopped talking. Chanyeol was watching the sky. Finally Jiyeon finished her sandwich.


“Um…Chanyeol…” Jiyeon started to talk.


Chanyeol straightened and looked at Jiyeon’s eyes directly. “Yes, jagiya?”


Jiyeon cleaned . “That night…why did you kiss me?” Jiyeon blushed and looked away. Yes, she didn’t like kissing people but normal people didn’t kiss every people either, right?


Chanyeol laughed awkwardly. “Well…that was…an instantaneous thing…I mean you were under a moon light and…I felt an urge to do that.”


He couldn’t look Jiyeon’s eyes now. Jiyeon felt weird. What is happening to me?


She slowly took Chanyeol’s hand. “Thanks Chanyeol-sshi.” She tightened their hands.


Chanyeol looked at their hands and blinked blankly. “Thank for what, Jiyeon-ah?”


Jiyeon sighed. “Thanks for being here. Thanks for helping me. Thanks for everything.”


Chanyeol’s cheeks reddened. “Oh…It is a pleasure…”


Jiyeon smiled. This boy gets happy easily...and he can make me happy too…I owe him so much…


Then she took a deep breath and stood up. Chanyeol was watching him carefully. Jiyeon gulped and walked clumsily. She stopped Chanyeol’s behind and encouraged herself. I can do it…


After a second she back hugged Chanyeol. Chanyeol was surprised. He didn’t move and waited for Jiyeon’s next action.


Jiyeon talked in his ear. “You’re amazing jagiya…I’m grateful…”


Chanyeol’s heart started to beat rapidly. I’m gonna die because of heart attack…


Then suddenly Jiyeon left him and sat down her place again. She was as red as tomato. She hid her face between her hands and waited for Chanyeol’s reaction. Please don’t laugh at me, I’m embarrassed enough



Chanyeol gulped and cleaned his throat. “Um…I…I like you,I...really do Jiyeon.” He spoke with a weak voice.


Jiyeon looked at him with unbelief. O..okay, it was unexpected.



A.N// Hello~~

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thanks to ' aisharahmi ' for upvoting^^

Live long and prosper~~

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Sweetaamy #1
Chapter 10: ewoo too cute
I can't handle it
love this story sooooo much
thank you
NatashaL1234 #2
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! haahahhahahahahahah i'll never get tired of 'the loof is fiyah' xD
mizzkpop96 #3
Chapter 3: Sequel ,,, please ,,, buing2 ,,,,
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 10: I finished reading this fic.. and I love it.!!!♡♥♡♥♡♡♥ if you don't mind doing a sequel please do it.. or another chanyeon fic would be great. .!!! Well fighting author-nim...
Waiting for more :-D ♡
Retsel_ #5
Chapter 8: That's was so... nice I really love it.. you're amazing...!!! Can't wait to read more..!!
rosemistress #6
Chapter 10: So sweeeeeeeeettttt i think i'm addicted to chanyeon couple nowwwww!!! >,< ^^
Chapter 10: Sweet story ♡ awwww!
Chapter 10: I want that star too...