
I Won't Give Up


A/N Double update! :) Thank you to all those who've subscribed so far <3



Sohee's POV


I've been at the hospital all night with my little brother because I didn't want him waking up at night and find that he's alone. I just recently slipped out and headed home to shower and change. Now I'm here in school, running to my first period class.


Luckily, class hasn't started once I entered, some students were still piling in before the final bell rang because no one wants detention.


Okay class,” my math teacher began once the bell rang. “It's time for a pop quiz. Nothing out on your desk, just a pencil.”


Kids groaned as I rolled my eyes.


Come on n-” just then the door swung open revealing the “kingka” and his girlfriend with arms wrapped around each other. Kingka my foot, he's just an arrogant who wants the attention.


Suho, Hyorin detention,” the teacher said sternly.


Oh I don't think so,” he smirked. “You know I can easily get you fired right? So I suggest not giving us detention,” he said cockily and walked off to the back of the class with his girlfriend. I shook my head in disgust. Using your family name to get out of trouble, that's low.


You see Suho's father is the principal of the school and he always listens to what his son says. It disgusts me, I don't know why I'm still here in this god forsaken school.


Joonmyun, or Suho as he likes to be called now, use to be my best friend until that girl brainwashed him into hating me. Life really hasn't been the same after that. I lost someone that was so important to me over five simple words: She is just using you.


After that, he became my bully. He use to protect me from them and always said how inhumane it is for someone to do that. He always despised people who take pleasure in other's pain, who uses people to do their work for them, but now he's one of them.


I let out a little scoff at the irony of it all.


Okay class you have fifteen minutes. Go,” the scratch marks of the pencil against paper was heard throughout the room as we all began working on the problems.


Mm,” I cringed in disgust, and I'm sure I'm not the only one either. You can hear the two making out and stuck each other's face off in the back of the class. I really couldn't concentrate after that. Five minutes past and I haven't finished one problem out of the three given because of the noises admitted from the back.


I slammed my hands on the desk and stood up, facing the two who've finally let go of each other, “I've had it with the both of you!” I snapped. “If you're just going to make out in here and not learn, then leave because there are some of us that are trying to learn. Can't you see we're taking a quiz? Now shut the hell with your and groaning because I'm pretty sure it's not just me who's cringing in disgust right now.”


I sat back down with a huff and felt all eyes on me. I knew all hell has broken loose then because no one dares to confront the kingkas and queenkas of the school.


Ms. Yang,” the teacher spoke. “Detention after school for talking while taking a quiz.”


You've got to be kidding me,” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I stood up and grabbed my things and slammed my quiz on his table then walked out of his classroom.


Where do you think you're go-” I slammed the door before he even finished his question and headed towards the principal's office.



No One's POV


As Sohee sat down after her confrontation with Suho and Hyorin, a certain student kept his eyes on her and his gaze followed her to the teacher's desk then out the door. A small grin made its way up to his lips.


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meeska #1
Chapter 11: Loving this so far. Update soon please :)
dawnxiamara #3
Chapter 12: So good to hear that you'll not be deleting this story. Ill be patiently waiting for your next updates.....thank you so much...FIGHTING!!!
dawnxiamara #4
Chapter 11: I've read this in one sitting and i have to say, this is very good. I usually read stories of Luhan,Kai and Kris not Chanyeol this is the first time reading Chanyeol fanfics and its really good. But, Ms Author, you are going to delete it? No please..... Its my first reading Chanyeol's but to be deleted is not worth thinking. I beg you just please no.....FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 11: DON'T DELETE THIS PLEASE!!!!!! you can just have the story as Chanyeol and Sohee get together, then Sohee finds out that Suho still loves her, and drama goes down, then someone looses their memory(preferably Suho cause he won't remember his pain) and only remembers Sohee, she has to choose(cause Suho is better off without her or he gets back false memories of her as a , when actually its Hyorin he imagined but no one knows...), and in the end chooses Chanyeol! Ah, that would be my dream story!!!!
Chapter 11: noooooo >_<" come backkkkk ~
Chapter 11: Why auhor nim why him chanyeol oppa was changed for the characters