Worries and Fears

I Won't Give Up


No One's POV


Pardon?” Sohee squeaked out after a moment of silence.


We, the Park family, want to help your family out Sohee,” Chanyeol's father said in a kind voice. “I understand you don't know us personally and it's hard to take in the fact that we are willingly to pay for your brother's hospital bill with your consent. Please take into consideration our offer.”


Sohee slightly shook her head confused, “I'm sorry. With all due respect, I can't accept your offer. I am gratefully for having complete strangers wanting to help me, but no. I would forever be in your debt if I do accept. I am a person who doesn't like to owe people anything. So thank you, but no thank you. I can't accept.” she stood up to bow and was about to leave when Chanyeol gently grabbed her hand.


Please Sohee, think about it,” he pleaded.


Chanyeol, please understand. I already made a decision. This is something that's just so hard to wrap my head around.”


He sighed, “Sit and have lunch with us.”


Yes please Sohee, sit.” Mrs. Park said softly. Sohee nodded and sat down, soon enough their appetizers arrived. “Will Hyorin be joining us Chanyeol?”


No, she's out with Suho I think. Actually, I don't know. I saw hyung earlier and he was alone.”


Oh, maybe they're meeting later.” Mr. Park stated and turned to Sohee. “Do you know her Sohee?”


They don't see eye to eye dad.” Chanyeol answered without looking up from his plate. He felt Sohee's questioning gaze on him. He sighed and looked up at her. “Hyorin is my step-sister. No one knows it besides my friends, not even her little followers knows it. Mrs. Park is my step-mother.”


shaped into an 'O' as she nodded her head.


Throughout lunch Chanyeol's parents got to know Sohee better and instantly fell in love with her. They talked and laughed like they've know each other for years. Sohee forgot all of her troubles that day and it was all thanks to Chanyeol's family.


My parent's really like you, you know?” Chanyeol said as he was driving to the hospital. Sohee smiled.


I really like them too. They're nice people. Your step-mom is nothing like Hyorin at all.”


Yeah. I'm still wondering where she got all that iness from.”


How long ago was it when they married?”


When I was around twelve. My mom left us for another man when I was around five, so its always been my father and I. I remember the day my father came through the door with a smile on his face and a spark in his eyes that I haven't seen in years. He told me he met this wonderful woman, I knew right then I was going to get a new mother and I was frightened. I wondered if she was going to leave us too. So when I first met her, god I was so bad. Whenever she tried talking to me, I just ignored her.


When she came over to have dinner at our house, I was upstairs. They thought I was asleep when I heard her crying downstairs. My father was in the bathroom, I went downstairs and asked what was wrong. That was the first time I actually talked to her. She asked if I hated her and I told her my worries of getting too attached and then she leaves us in the end. I didn't want my father to go through another heartbreak. She said that she loved my father and would never do that. I saw that same spark in her eyes that my father had, I knew then that she would be my new mother and she would never leave. And she hasn't yet.”


The whole time Chanyeol was speaking, Sohee watched him. The street lamps hit his face in the perfect angles that made him look perfect. He was telling her his fears and was pouring out his heart to her. She couldn't ask for more than a perfect moment than this. He barely knew her, but he begged his family to help her financially. He barely knew her, but he talks to her as if they've known each other their whole life. He barely knew her, but he was holding her hand like he's done it for years.


Everything about him made her heart skip a beat and stomach flutter with butterflies.


Come on, let's go inside.”


It was then she realized that they were already parked in the parking structure of the hospital.


You think your parents will be here?” Chanyeol asked as we made our way inside and to the elevator. The nurse that the front desk already recognizes my face, so I didn't need to check in.


My dad will most likely be here. My mom would probably be out job hunting.”


I'm sorry about lunch Sohee, I just wanted to help and that was the only way I thought of.”


It's fine. It was just a shock really. No one really dared on helping and plus I never really told anyone. I stopped trusting people after what Joonmyun did.”


Well you have me now.” Chanyeol squeezed her hand and she smiled in glee.




Mrs. Yang, I understand your financial status and your family problems so I would like to make a proposal. You can work here as one of our staff and I will help pay for the medical bills until it is all paid off. How does that sound?”


Wonderful. Thank you so much.”


Now this will only be between the both of us. Your daughter or husband may not know what is going on. My wife knows as well, she was the one who suggested to talk to you. You will work here from 8 in the morning til after dinner time.”




Great you will start next Monday.”


Thank you so much Mr. Park.”


It is my pleasure.” he smiled.



A/N I'm back! I finally finished one of my other stories and now I will start focusing on this one.

I know it was not much this chapter, but I am trying for the plot of it all. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time.



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meeska #1
Chapter 11: Loving this so far. Update soon please :)
dawnxiamara #3
Chapter 12: So good to hear that you'll not be deleting this story. Ill be patiently waiting for your next updates.....thank you so much...FIGHTING!!!
dawnxiamara #4
Chapter 11: I've read this in one sitting and i have to say, this is very good. I usually read stories of Luhan,Kai and Kris not Chanyeol this is the first time reading Chanyeol fanfics and its really good. But, Ms Author, you are going to delete it? No please..... Its my first reading Chanyeol's but to be deleted is not worth thinking. I beg you just please no.....FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 11: DON'T DELETE THIS PLEASE!!!!!! you can just have the story as Chanyeol and Sohee get together, then Sohee finds out that Suho still loves her, and drama goes down, then someone looses their memory(preferably Suho cause he won't remember his pain) and only remembers Sohee, she has to choose(cause Suho is better off without her or he gets back false memories of her as a , when actually its Hyorin he imagined but no one knows...), and in the end chooses Chanyeol! Ah, that would be my dream story!!!!
Chapter 11: noooooo >_<" come backkkkk ~
Chapter 11: Why auhor nim why him chanyeol oppa was changed for the characters