As Low As Dirt

I Won't Give Up


No One's POV


Mr. Kim, Yang Sohee is here to see you,” the school secretary said.


Oh, send her in please,” a minute later there was a knock on the door and Sohee entered.


Hey Mr. Kim,” she smiled brightly.


Aye, why is my wonderful daughter skipping class?” he joked. He always treated Sohee like a daughter of his own. He knew about Suho's and her friendship and how they broke up, but he didn't know exactly what happened. No one did. Not even Sohee herself.


However what he didn't know was people bullying Sohee. As much as Sohee hates Suho now, she would never want him to get in trouble, especially with his father.


So you gonna tell me why you're skipping class?”


No reason really. It's just these two students were really annoying me, so I yelled at them, got detention and walked out and now I'm here.”


Sohee, Sohee, Sohee. You need to control that temper of yours.”


I know.”


I'm serious and that sharp tongue of yours. It can get you into a lot of trouble in the future.”


I'll try to tone it down. In the mean time, you need any work done?”


Nope. No work at all.”


Say, do you happen to know any place that's hiring? I really need a job.”


Aye. You're only in high school. Focus on your studies for now. You'll be working the rest of your life, why waste your precious time now working?”


It's because my father was just fired,” she lied. “And I need a job to help pay off the bills. So you know any place?”


Mr. Kim sighed, “My sister is looking for a few workers at her bakery. You can go check it out after school. I'll give her a call later today telling her you're coming over. Sounds good?”


Perfect. Thanks Mr. K, I really don't know what I'll do without you,” she smiled in glee.


You're welcome. Hey, when do you think Joonmyun and that Hyorin girl is going to break up?” he leaned in on the desk. “I really don't like her. She seems like a bad influence on my son.”


Ha! You have no idea,” she muttered.




What? Nothing. I don't know. He seems happy with her,” she shrugged. “They've been dating for almost a year now.”


Yeah for the past few months he's been either coming home super late or sleeping over at a friend's house. He never did that before. I'm worried.”


It'll be fine. He'll come around eventually. Maybe.” just then the bell rang. “Well I'll see you later Mr. K.”


Okay. I'll phone your teacher too about dismissing you from detention so you can go get a job.”


Thanks!” she chimed and walked out.




Sohee's POV


The next three periods flew by quickly. It was now lunch and I was at my locker, putting books away. I wonder how Yoseob is doing. I hope his first treatment went alright. He's a strong boy, I'm sure he did well. I should probably call mom to see how he's doing.


I suddenly felt cold surround me. I looked down to see my uniform was drenched. I turned around to see Hyorin and the rest of her clique laughing their asses off with a bucket in hand. Joonmyun and his seven friends were their too. He was laughing along while the rest of his friends stayed silent. It was then I realized that there were more people around us, laughing and recording what was happening on their phones.


What is your problem man?!” I snapped once more.


What?” Hyorin took a step towards me looking all innocent. I took a step towards he as well. “Doesn't a little dirt bag like you need a bath? You know because you can't afford it.”


I scoffed and rolled my eyes, “Are you serious? I'm dirty? Look at yourself! How low can you seriously go?! Yeah you're rich, so what? It doesn't give you the right to look down upon others.”


Oh yes it does. I mean look at you. You're disgusting. You don't belong here. And at least I'm not in deep like you, struggling to get by in life. Is it because your dad is an alcoholic? Or is it because your mother is a gambler?”


Something in me snapped. The next thing I knew, I had Hyorin up against the wall and my grip tightly on her collar. Her friends screamed in fright.


Terror was seen in her eyes.


You don't know what the hell you're talking about,” I hissed. “So shut the up.” I felt someone grab me and toss me back. My back landed hard against the floor.


What the hell?” I looked up to see fury in Joonmyun's eyes, I just glared back. This isn't the Joonmyun I grew up with. This is someone completely different, “Don't you dare touch her. Someone as filthy as you shouldn't be allowed to step foot into this school.”


I felt my mouth open in shock and a knife to my heart as he went over and hugged his beloved girlfriend. I felt things hitting me, but I didn't even bother to cover myself. I was still in shock that he would say something like that.


The next thing I knew something covered my head, I was lifted onto my feet, and led out of the commotion.



A/N So how it the story so far? And who do you think this person is?

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meeska #1
Chapter 11: Loving this so far. Update soon please :)
dawnxiamara #3
Chapter 12: So good to hear that you'll not be deleting this story. Ill be patiently waiting for your next updates.....thank you so much...FIGHTING!!!
dawnxiamara #4
Chapter 11: I've read this in one sitting and i have to say, this is very good. I usually read stories of Luhan,Kai and Kris not Chanyeol this is the first time reading Chanyeol fanfics and its really good. But, Ms Author, you are going to delete it? No please..... Its my first reading Chanyeol's but to be deleted is not worth thinking. I beg you just please no.....FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 11: DON'T DELETE THIS PLEASE!!!!!! you can just have the story as Chanyeol and Sohee get together, then Sohee finds out that Suho still loves her, and drama goes down, then someone looses their memory(preferably Suho cause he won't remember his pain) and only remembers Sohee, she has to choose(cause Suho is better off without her or he gets back false memories of her as a , when actually its Hyorin he imagined but no one knows...), and in the end chooses Chanyeol! Ah, that would be my dream story!!!!
Chapter 11: noooooo >_<" come backkkkk ~
Chapter 11: Why auhor nim why him chanyeol oppa was changed for the characters