
I Won't Give Up

Chanyeol's POV


I watched as the girls poured a bucket of ice cold water onto Sohee. That's all I did.




I watched as everyone in the hallway laughed at her misfortune while some even recorded it. I shook my head in disgust these people are animals. And here is Suho hyung, joining them as well. I looked to my left to see Minseok, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun, Jongin and Sehun with their poker faces, but I knew what was going on in their heads. They are as disgusted as I am.


I watched as Hyorin was slammed against the locker by Sohee, who was then thrown to the ground by Suho. Pain was written all over her face.


How dare he do that? How dare he say such dreadful words to her? This isn't my hyung. What happened to the kind and generous person?


I watched as she just sat there and let the rest of the student body threw eggs at her.


I couldn't take it anymore. I handed my backpack to Baekhyun and took off my school blazer and quickly approached her. I donned it on her head, brought her up to her feet, and wrapped my arms around her so her face was in my chest. I didn't care if it was me getting hit as long as she's safe from this humiliation.


The room went silent and everyone stopped throwing their eggs. I started walking and pushed past people.


Move out of the way!” I yelled and shoved them. Once we were out of the crowd, I took her to the school garden, knowing that barely anyone goes there. I sighed and released her. “Close your eyes. It's going to be bright,” I warned and took my coat off of her.


I saw her flinch and slowly open her eyes.


Are you okay?” I asked cautiously and picked a few eggshells from her hair.


W-why...why did you do that?” her big brown orbs stared at me curiously.




Why did you save me?”


Because I don't like the way people treat you. It's not right,” I answered truthfully.


Oh, well thank you Chanyeol-ssi,” she bowed.


Eh. You know my name?”


She smiled softly, “Who doesn't?”


Hyung! There you are!” I turned to see the boys running our direction.


What the hell was that man?” Baekhyun asked out of breath.


Yeah, Suho hyung is pissed right now,” Sehun said.


I honestly don't care how he feels,” I rolled my eyes. “He's such an . That's not how you treat a woman or anyone of the matter.”


Sohee-ssi, are you alright?” Kyungsoo asked and he kneel beside Sohee, who was now sitting on one of the many benches.


I'm fine. No worries,” she shyly smiled.


I honestly thought you were going to rip Hyorin's head off. Now that's a sight I would love to see,” Jongdae snickered.


Some of the boys hate Hyorin, that includes me as well. I mean I don't hate hate her, I just really dislike her. We're only around her because of Suho hyung. He's our best friend, we can't just leave him alone with that witch. Who knows what she'll do to him.


Oh you guys want to know something too? Hyorin is my step-sister. Yeah you heard right, my step-sister. She's cruel and evil and not to mention very very spoiled. I don't understand why hyung is even with her. All she ever does is complain at home and cries when my father doesn't give her money. She bosses around the maids like she's a queen and they're her loyal peasants. At least her mother is nice. She tries to control Hyorin's behavior, but fails every time. Hyorin even yells at her own mother, one time I caught her calling her mom a . Rude, right? Life with her is a living hell.


Well, I better get going,” Sohee stated as she stood up.


I asked baffled, “Where are you going?”


Home,” she simply said. She bowed to all of us, “Thank you again Chanyeol-ssi,” and then she left. How did she get pass school security? Who knows.


Let's go eat! I'm starving!” Minseok exclaimed and we all made our way to the cafeteria.


Uhm, hyung. I think you might want to get rid of the dried egg on you,” Jongin stated with a disgusted filled face. I sighed and decided to take a quick shower in the locker room. Lucky for me I always kept an extra pair of uniform in my locker.



A/N First off I want to thank all of you who's subscribed so far.

And also to thank sweetcuppycakex3cha_jenniferkissteenfinite for upvoting :)

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meeska #1
Chapter 11: Loving this so far. Update soon please :)
dawnxiamara #3
Chapter 12: So good to hear that you'll not be deleting this story. Ill be patiently waiting for your next updates.....thank you so much...FIGHTING!!!
dawnxiamara #4
Chapter 11: I've read this in one sitting and i have to say, this is very good. I usually read stories of Luhan,Kai and Kris not Chanyeol this is the first time reading Chanyeol fanfics and its really good. But, Ms Author, you are going to delete it? No please..... Its my first reading Chanyeol's but to be deleted is not worth thinking. I beg you just please no.....FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 11: DON'T DELETE THIS PLEASE!!!!!! you can just have the story as Chanyeol and Sohee get together, then Sohee finds out that Suho still loves her, and drama goes down, then someone looses their memory(preferably Suho cause he won't remember his pain) and only remembers Sohee, she has to choose(cause Suho is better off without her or he gets back false memories of her as a , when actually its Hyorin he imagined but no one knows...), and in the end chooses Chanyeol! Ah, that would be my dream story!!!!
Chapter 11: noooooo >_<" come backkkkk ~
Chapter 11: Why auhor nim why him chanyeol oppa was changed for the characters