
I Won't Give Up


A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in about a week. School has started again and you know how difficult it is to juggle it all. So I'm sorry in advance to me updating late. I hope this somewhat of an interesting chapter. I honestly don't know where this story is going, so please bare with me. :) Enjoy!



I sat in my car as I watched the workers down at the port lifting things that are probably ten times their size. I sighed wondering how Yoseob and my father are doing. Mom must be so stressed out. We all are.


I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, saying a little pray, before stepping out of the car and heading to the main office.




Come in,” a husky voice called out.


I entered to see a man in his late forties probably, dealing with stacks and stacks of paperwork. When he looked up, curiosity flashed through his eyes.


Can I help you ma'am?” he stood up from his chair as I approached his desk.


Yes. I'm Yang Sohee, my father is one of your employees,” I stated.


Miss Yang,” he offered his hand, which I shook. “I'm Mr. Moon. Have a seat. What can I help you with?”


My mother told me that my father was in an accident today at work.”


Ah, yes. One of the boys that was with him at the time told me that he was struggling with one of the larger boxes and when he went to go help him, you father somehow slipped and fell and the box crushed him leg,” I shudder as I heard the story. My poor father.


Well, I was wondering if I could take his place here at the port.”


He raised a brow, “With all due respect Miss, but you're a female. You can't possibly do that same heavy lifting as the men here.”


Please sir. This is the only thing I could do or think of. Money is tight in our household right now and you have an opening for an employee.”


I guess you're right, but this is tough labor.”


I know. And if I can't handle it, I'll quit and get out of your hair.”


After some moment of silence, he finally gave in and agreed. I was led out of the office and into a warehouse, where the employees were taking their break. There was about ten to fifteen guys in there.


They all stood up and bowed as we approached them.


Men, this is Yang Minwoo's daughter,” I bowed to them and they bowed back.


How is he doing?” a boy chimed. He seemed like the youngest one there, at least in his mid-twenties.


I'm not sure, I just came here from school. My mother said he broke his leg,” I answered politely.


He's the boy who helped your father,” Mr. Moon stated. I smiled to the boy in gratitude. I watched as there was a slight blush rising in his cheeks.


So Miss Yang here will be taking her father's spot for now until his leg heals,” he announced and gasps were heard all over.


Is that even possible?” one of the men said.


Yeah she's just a girl!”


Oh they are so lucky I don't know who's saying it or else I would've kicked their !


All of a sudden, all hell broke loose. Some of them were defending me while others were highly against me being there.


A loud whistle was heard. I cringed at the sound.


Are you men finished yet?!” Mr. Moon yelled. “This decision is finally so it up! If you're unhappy about it, then steer far away from Miss Yang as possible. This port is big. You probably won't even see her. She might even have a different shift. So shut it! I don't want to hear any complaints about it! Understood?”


Yes,” they mumbled.


Miss Yang, if you are to follow me we'll work out your schedule.”


I nodded and we headed back to the office.






Hey buddy,” I smiled as I entered Yoseob's room. “Where's mom and dad?”


They went to talk to the doctor,” he pouted. “Is daddy going to be okay?”


His eyes glistened with tears. It broke my heart to see him like this. “Of course he'll be alright sweetie,” I cooed as I held him in my arms. “Daddy is a strong man. He's going to be alright.”


I love you noona,” he muttered into my neck.


I know. I love you too Seobie,” I released him to look at his face. “How are you feeling?”


Tired and hungry.”


I smiled and reached into my purse and brought out the bag full of pastries. “How about a little bit of chocolate cake?”


I watched as his eyes gleamed in excitement as he dug in.


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meeska #1
Chapter 11: Loving this so far. Update soon please :)
dawnxiamara #3
Chapter 12: So good to hear that you'll not be deleting this story. Ill be patiently waiting for your next updates.....thank you so much...FIGHTING!!!
dawnxiamara #4
Chapter 11: I've read this in one sitting and i have to say, this is very good. I usually read stories of Luhan,Kai and Kris not Chanyeol this is the first time reading Chanyeol fanfics and its really good. But, Ms Author, you are going to delete it? No please..... Its my first reading Chanyeol's but to be deleted is not worth thinking. I beg you just please no.....FIGHTING!!!
Chapter 11: DON'T DELETE THIS PLEASE!!!!!! you can just have the story as Chanyeol and Sohee get together, then Sohee finds out that Suho still loves her, and drama goes down, then someone looses their memory(preferably Suho cause he won't remember his pain) and only remembers Sohee, she has to choose(cause Suho is better off without her or he gets back false memories of her as a , when actually its Hyorin he imagined but no one knows...), and in the end chooses Chanyeol! Ah, that would be my dream story!!!!
Chapter 11: noooooo >_<" come backkkkk ~
Chapter 11: Why auhor nim why him chanyeol oppa was changed for the characters