Chapter 07

You can't (Minho ver.)

I will read it somorrow so there could be more errors :)

While Jinki went to shower I looked around the house noticing some pictures of his family. His house looks quite good and it's clean too. I went into his kitchen and saw something I didn't expect the lunchboxes Luna always brings to school. They were just washed up so they were near the sink to dry. Why are they here ? Shouldn't they be at Luna's house ? My thoughts were cut when Luna screamed

"Minho oppa"

"Yes ?" 

"Let's go. Jinki is ready now" I sighed and went with the others to the mall 




"So why exacly are we at the mall ?" Jinki groaned 

"Because I want to go shopping" Luna said. Didn't she say it was my idea ? 

"And why you have to take us there too if it's only you that want to go ?" 

"Victoria wants to go too and you know she isn't comfortable enought around me to be alone with me. Reason enought ?"

"I guess..." so easy ? Just for his 'girlfriend' ? 

"Wow Jinki just for your girlfriend ?" why is that dino always thinking like I do ?

"Doesn't this look cute ?" Luna squealed. The girls went to their own world and Jonghyun went with them

"Jinki do you think this would suit me ?" Jonghyun asked 

"Yes, I think so. It's white so it should make your eyes come out more" really now ? Jonghyun looked weird at him "It's not the first time that I have to go shopping with Luna" he added 

"Whatever" he tried the shirt on. Jinki was right it does fit him in some way

"Looks good" he said and I growled a little. 2 hours later Jinki and I were exhausted and not able to walk anymore. Never in my live life will I go shopping with them again even my mother is a pleasanter company then they are. 

"I can't anymore and it's only 11 am" I whined

"Oh come on don't be a Minho oppa" Luna joked "I thought you were the captain of the soccer team and had a lot of stamina" the three of them laughed

"I have stamina but not for shopping" I pout

"say Jonghyun what's wrong with you ? you're a guy how come you shop so good ?" Jinki asked. Yes, Jonghyun why ? Are you a girl or what ?

"My noona always dragged me along but you can't really talk Jinx since you are the one that told me if I look good in that shirt. I bought everything you said I should buy" I'm actually glad Jinki did that or we would have waited longer for our little break

"If you know Luna for so long you become a little sense of what you should buy and what not" we walked to a cute little cafe and when two out of five saw the chairs we walked as fast as we could letting out a sigh of realieve 

"What can I bring you ?" a waitress asked but not all of us no, just Jinki. That was totally flirting with him and Victoria noticed too 'cause her face was cold 

"I want an americano" she hissed and the waitress stared at her I could see the fight they fought about JIjnki and I want to join in 'cause no one of them can have Jinki. JInki was unconfortable but we didn't care

"And I want a vanilla milkshake" So I joined the fight. Luna looked weird at us before glaring at Jinki who glared back. That ... Stop glaring at him

"Okay I want a cheescake" Jonghyun half yelled only to stop our fight. We looked at him  

"Vanilla milkshake" Luna said simple

"I want a strawberry milkshake and a chocolate cake" Jinki said with a cute voice. Why does he do that ? I don't want anyone to see that cute face but no he has to smile at her. The waitress went away and we waited for our food in silence 

"Here are your orders" this time it was a boy good decision 'cause if she looked at him again I would hate her even more. He placed our food at the table and we ate/ drunk it

"That fight you had with that was so cool" Luna broke the silence praising Victoria "she deserved that. She was undressing him white her eyes" oh I totally saw that too. I pout 

"I could have killed her" shut up girl no one is interested in what you would do 

"Why you have to be so serious ? It's not like Jinki flirted with her" Jonghyun said. Are you kidding me dino ?

"That's not the problem the problem is that she undressed him with her eyes" I said. We discussed that thing. Why can't Jonghyun understand ? Something chatched our eyes and we imediately glared at the person...  It was the waitress from before with a coffee in her hands that she 'accidentely' spilt on Jinki. He let out a loud scream as he burning hot liquid met his leg and beautiful thigh 

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" she tried to do something. you burned him I pout glared at her 

"Don't even dare" Victoria warned when the waitress tried to wipe it off me but she raised her eyebrown and wanted to go on with the issue on my pants

"I'm really sorry" she said again

"Oh come on I know that you did that on purpose" Jinki hissed and went into the bathroom. The rest of us waited

"Do we really have to wait for him ?" ehh yes, he's hurt of course we have to

"The three of you can go and I will look after him" Victoria said and I responsed with a glare imediately

"No, I will look after him" andother eye battle

"He's my boyfriend so I will go"

"You are a girl you can't even go to the restroom" she growled. One point for Minho. The other two went out already saying we should follow them "Hurry and follow them or they will leave you and I will take care of Jinki"

"I don't know wha you are planing Choi Minho but don't dare to do anything to my boyfriend you got that ?" I raised an eyebrow. Should that be a warning

"I will do what I want. Just because he's your boyfriend doesn't mean I can't fo nothing to him right ? Anyway you should go right now see ya" I walked to te restroom leaving her behind  

"Jinki ?"  

"Minho ? what do you want ?" he wasn't in the best mood 

"You're are here for like 15 min and the others went shopping again telling me to look after you so here I am. How can I help you ?" I tried to be extra nice after that incident his mood was down

"Do you have another pair of pants ?" I shook my head "then let me be alone" 

 "Jinki..." I tried again

"It's not like you can do anything" he hissed trying to wipe his pants

"... Just wait a little" I went out of the cafe and into the next best shop just to buy him new pants then I went back to the restroom holding a paper back in front of his face

"What is that ?" he took it "Skinnies ?" that was the only normal looking thing I found 

"Just for now... I don't want you to wear it too 'cause other people can watch your y legs" he blushed. I was pleased with his reaction

"Stop talking" I laughed 

"Just saying the true anyway change your clothes and let's go" he changed his clothes and I was thinking about Kibum's words again do I like Jinki ? Yes, or no ? I don't know. We went out of the cafe looking for the others but we didn't find them. Our legs hurt and we didn't walk more so we sat down on a bench

"Let's just stop" JInki said

"I agree. What are we doing now ? want to go somewere ?"

"Were should I go with you ?" wow that hurt

"Hey I'm not that bad" I laughed "just come with me" I dragged him by his arm to my favorite place the gaming zone. We entered and pulled him to the next best car racing game. "That's my favorite game" I became really excited "It's for two players so play with me. it works like this" I showed him how that thing is played and we stared 

"Yeah I won" my jaw dropped. How can he win against me ? 

"What ? You sure it's the first time you play that ?" Jinki giggled. What a cute sight 

"Yes, it's the first time" 

"Let's play again. You just had luck can't be that you're better than me" I growled and we played again and again and again till we played our 50th game 

"I WON" now I was yelling happy 

"Congratulations for your first win out of 50 games" he smirked. First time he did that and I have to say that looks good 

"Doesn't matter I won" he laughed "don't laugh"

"Sorry" we had really fun for the rest of the day and it almost felt like a date 

"Don't you have to go that way ?" he asked me 

"I will bring you home" I tried to be as nice as possible and I think I managed it goo 'cause he was smiling 

"Well then have a good day" we reached his house and he smiled at me 

"You too" he was about to go inside but I instinctive pulled him to me and kissed him. I deepened the kiss and his lips but he didn't opened them. Doesn't matter I have fun like this too. What surprised me was that he stopped struggling after a while. Maybe he admit defade ? I pulled away and he wiped his lips the instand he was free again

"Deliciouse" I my lips "Anyway don't wipe it always and have a good night y" I smirked and went away. As soon as I was away from his house I felt hottness in my cheeks and looked like a tomato

*Bathump* why is my heart beating so fast ?  

*Bathump* Stop already... I don't like him. That's all Kibum's fault for saying that. I don't like him I don't... 




This night I was the one that dragged my friends into that bar I just wanted to know if that is Jinki

"So why do we have to go with you when you meet your lover ?" 

"He isn't my lover" I hissed "and I don't even know if he's here today" 

"Then your soon to be lover" I glared at them

"Shh he's going upstage" I shushed them when I saw Onew walking up

"I told you"

"Shut up" 

"Hello" Onew said "Had a good day ?" the people told him about their day while he listened careful so he won't miss anything. Like the day before he sung for two hours. I couldn't keep my eyes off him the whole time watching his every move 

"You are so in love" Kibum said 

"Am not. Why would you think that anyway ?" 

"Why ? Are you kidding us ? Your eyes sparkel when you look at him, you can talk about him non stop and Minho you kissed him" I pout

"Doesn't mean I'm in love with him. We are both guys it's weird to like each other"

"Didn't stop you from kissing him and don't pout" he shook his head "Why deny it ? Didn't you want to fall in love so bad ? Now you have a chance and you are a coward not able to admit it"  

"I want to meet that Jinki guy" Taemin suddenly said 

"W-what ? No way" he pout "I don't even know if that is Jinki maybe he just looks like Jinki"

"let's figure it out. I want to know the person that stole the heart of my friend"

"Did not" I pout again. The two of them stood up and pulled me with them so I slowly aproached Jinki if that person is Jinki... He sat by the bar talking with the barister

"Jinki ?" he turned around and got a shock

"M-m-minho ? w-what b-rings you h-here ?" how cute  

"Wow it's really you Jinki. I didn't recognize you with that glasses. I'm here with my friend and what are you doing here ?" I pointed at my friends and I could see his nervousness. The guy at the bar eyed us weird and then two other people appeard behind him

"Jinki I have some leftover food you can take home with you so you don't have to cook tonight since it's already so late" he gave Jinki a box with food which Jinki accept gladly. The atmosphare was really awkward 

"Okaaaay what's wrong here ?" the good built guy asked 

"One of Jinki's friends came here and greeted him" the bar guy said 

"Oh you're friends with my Jinki baby" Jinki baby ? I nod "Hello I'm Leeteuk and this is my partner Kangin we own this bar" he smiled kindly.

"Hello I'm Lee Taemin that is Kim Kibum. We don't know your 'Jinki baby' but my friend Minho does" I heard a loud 'snap' sound. Jinki, Kangin and that bar guy flinched. Leeteuk's face became red. "Are you okay ? You're face seems kind of red you have a fever ?" Taemin asked in his youthful innocence placing a hand on Leeteuk's forehead but I knew I should be a little careful

"GO" I was shocked 

"Excuse me ?" the three of us asked 

"GO RIGHT NOW. FOR YOUR INFORMATION I HAVE A BASEBALL BAT" he warned. We got scared and it looked like Taemin was ready to cry. He has a baseball bat ? 

"Just go" Jinki said in panic. he pecked the cheeks of the two bar owners which made me flinch 

"Bye Eunhyuk hyung"

"See you tomorrow little boy" Jinki rolled his eyes and shoved us to the exit

 "Onew you going ?" some customors asked on the way outside

"Yes, I'm tired"

"Okay see you on tuesday and Friday since I have to work the other days" he nod

"See ya" he didn't let go of us till we were outside. "If you want to live don't dare to come to the bar ever again" he warned us. Why ?

"What exacly was that about ?" Kibum asked still a little shocked over what happen

"We could say Leeteuk Hyung doesn't like Minho and you're his friends means he won't like you either and really he owns a baseball bat..." that word 'baseball bat' made me shiver 

"Why does he hate me ?" I asked innocent 

"You know he's like the older brother I never had which means I tell him everything. If there is something he doesn't know then no one knows but anyway when I say everything I mean everything Minho, that leads to the fact that he hates you" My eyes widen in realization. He told him that ? "Anyway I'm going home it's already past 1 am and I'm tired as hell since I had to wake up at 8 am just because some idiots wanted to go to the mall" with that he disappeard

"What did he mean with 'everything' ?" Taemin asked "And what the was that about ?"

"language Taemin language. Yes, Minho what did he mean with everything ?" I avoided that question "Just tell us what did you do?" 

"M-maybe I touched him a little ?" their eyes widen 

"Were ?" Kibum sighed when I didn't answer "Talk" he glared

"His most sensitiv area ?" their jaw dropped "just with my foot okay ?"  




I was finally home after having a talk with Kibum how unaceptable my touching was and that I should at least admit that I like him but I didn't admit anything 'cause I'm not in love with him

'And how do you explain your heartbeat ?' 

"That was because Kibum talked bull before that didn't mean anything okay" 

'Yeah right come on you even have the urge to call him right now' 

"Shut the up. I want to ask him about the bar okay ?" 

'Don't lie to me' I pout 'And don't pout it doesn't suit you' I raised a eyebrow. My own mind told me pouts don't suit me ? Unbelieveable but he was right I had the urge to call him. Just to ask him about the bar okay ? Nothing else... I dealed his number 

"Hello ?" it sounded as if his mouth was full. Maybe he's eating that food Leeteuk gave him ?

"So you told him everything ?" I asked

"M-minho ?"

"Did you also mention your y noises ?" just thinking about it...

"STOP" I chuckled "that's not funny" 

"Yes, it is. How you sat in the cafeteria and moaned while talking your face was a little flushed. It felt a little good right ? otherwise you wouldn't have moaned" 

"What are you talking about now ?" Oh it definitiv felt good

"Oh just admit it" 'Why should he admit if you yourself can't admit' my mind talked again

"Wouldn't there be something wrong with me if I didn't felt good ?" that's true but still I made him moan

"Maybe you're right but I will see it as an invitaton on which is written 'Touch me more'" I wonder why I can talk to him like this... So weird 

"Say Minho why exacly are you doing that to me when there are so many pretty girls outside ? You could just het a girlfriend and leave me the hell alone by the way I will say it again I have a girlfriend and we are guys. You shouldn't be doing that to me you know" the guys part is bothering me too but you are far more amazing as a girl... Not that I like you 

"Your girlfriend won't stop me from touching you and why not try something new ?" 

"You're bullting again" 

"Am not" I pout "I'm hanging up. Have a good night and think about me"

"As if" I hung up. I realized I always avoid his 'why' questions

'I tell you you like him'

"Shut up"


Thanks for reading please leave a comment ^^

update: Jul 31, 23:17:46


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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.