Chapter 04

You can't (Minho ver.)


The first two lessons were boring as always and sometimes I wonder if the teacher even understands what she teachs us 'cause it doesn't look like it. Well class was hell so I hoped I would find something fun to do at lunch break and I found it as soon as I set a foot into the room. I imediately spotted Jinki talking with Jonghyun. Luna sat there too so why not go there ? I did and came just in the right moment 'cause Jinki was about to give Jonghyun his cell phone number

"Thanks" I snatched the paper away

"Choi Minho give that back" I like to

"Don't want to" I said simple. Jinki wanted to say something else but was cut by Luna

"Hello Minho oppa"

"Hello Luna" she smiled as if she just won the lottery... Girls I will never understand them. I looked around the table spotting their lunch "Your lunch looks delicious. Made it yourself ? And how come you and Jinki have the same ?"

"Yes, I made it myself and Jinki has the same 'cause I make his lunch box too. I make too of them everyday" that's a surprise. She doesn't seem like a person that would dirty his hands

"Really ? That must be a lot of work"

"No, not really it's quiet easy to make them after a year of making them I got faster" when I look at the food my mouth begins to watering 

"You think it would give you more work if you made one for me too ?" that's a really rude question Choi Minho but it looks so delicious. I talked extra cute so she would agree "it really looks fantastic and I didn't eat anything today"

"No, I will make one for you but how come you didn't eat anything today ?" she was really shocked but I just shrugged my shoulders "That isn't good for you. You are in the soccer team after all so you need energy otherwise you will faint or something" don't overreact it's the first time I didn't eat in the morning... "Wait here I will get you something to eat. I would give you mine but there isn't enought" she said and went away to get his food. She really didn't need to react like this

"Sit down Jonghyun" Jinki said but without looking at him. How come he's still standing ? "Now to you... How come you are so nice to her suddenly ?" he narrowed his eyes. What's wrong with being nice ? Didn't he want me to be nice ?

"'cause you want me to" I think it's the best to say the true but he just raised an eyebrown

"What's that supposed to mean ?" 

"Exacly what I'm saying. You said I have to remember her name and so I did. I bet you also want me to be nice so I'm nice to her" maybe it's a bad reason but well it is good enought for me 

"First of all you know that it's a ridiculous reason to be nice to her and second you realize that you make her hopes which she shouldn't have ?" not my fault if girls think like that 

"Why you care ?" 

"Maybe she means something for me ?" okay I didn't like the sound that question/ answer. Could it be that he likes her ?

"So you are in love with her ?" his eyes widened and he wanted to replie but it never came 'cause Luna cut him off for the second time today 

"Here some food so you have enought energy for the day" 

"Thank you I smiled at her 

"Hey Jinx" a voice I didn't know said and it came from a girl I never saw. Maybe I just don't remember her 

"Amber" they high fived. They seem to get along pretty well

"You saw the hair of Mr. Park today ?" she laughed. Who's Mr. Park again ?... I can't remember 

"Hell they looked awful I wonder if he forgot to comb them after he woke up" Jinki laughed too. He has a really pretty laugh and so cute

"Maybe he just slept over ? Oh I can totally imaginate how he falls out of his bed looking at the clock realizing that he slept over stroming out of his house without making his hair" they laughed harder an I really had to hold back a smile 

"But if I think about it he doesn't really have hair anymore" now they even cried. Jongyung laughed along with. Every fun I just had by watching them disappeard when I saw Ambers hand around his shoulders and I even glared... Don't ask me why 'cause I don't have a clue myself 

"I bet he still lives at his moms house" I didn't stop glaring and I think Jinki noticed it

"By the way I came for a reason" Amber said after they calmed down again handing him a paper. Then she wispered something into his ear. I saw him nod a few times "Well anyway bye Jinx see you in the next math class and Jonghyum it was nice to laugh with you" and with that she went away

"Jinki oppa what is that for a paper" okay I'm curious too but it's not nice to ask that 

"Nothing for you" still it bothers me...

"Oh come show me pretty please" she whined. Why does she have to be so annoying ?

"You may trick others with that whinning but not me" she doesn't fool me either. Jinki continue to eat his food but stopped apruptly to write something on a paper "Jonghyun here's my number" he smiled... No, don't give it to him

"Finally ! thank you" 




I walked into the locker rooms and changed my clothes. I still had a little time before practice would start so I went to the field spotting Jinki with a clining Luna

"Hey Jinki, Luna" I nod my head as if saying hi

"Hey Minho oppa" she giggled

"Wish me luck for the training" I winked but only Luna reacted to it. Not exacly what I wanted... Okay that was defenitiv not what I wanted 

"Where is Jonghyun ?" he asked instand and that didn't please me. Why does he have to search for Jonghyun ? 

"How should I know that ?" I think you could hear clearly that I was a little pissed

"I'm here" 

"Jonghyun. Where were you ?"

"I took some time while changing" if you ask me you didn't have to come...  Both of them began to talk totally forgetting about Luna and I 

"So oppa how long do you play soccer already ?" Luna asked me 

"Since I was a child my father always played with me" she asked me everything about soccer when I got a shock. There came a person out of nowhere kissing Jinki's cheek. Jinki was shocked too but it faded not long after

"Hello Victoria" she clung to Jinki's other arm. Why do they have to be so clingy ? "Umm Victoria this is Luna my best friend" she smiled "Luna this is Victoria my girlfriend" we gasped. Girlfriend ? I didn't expect that one bit

"Girlfriend ? Since when ?" Luna was shocked too

"Today" today ? So that was what the paper at lunch was about ? 

"Why you didn't tell me ?" 

"Well you were busy talking about Minho so I forgot to tell you. I'm sorry" Luna blushed. You think I can still tease Jinki ? They just got together today... I glared at Victoria not really caring about Luna's blushing face 

"It's okay I forgive you. Hello Victoria it's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too" okay I have to admit this Victoria seems nice. The soccer practice bgegan and I did well like always even if I was a little disturbed with the fact that two girls cling to Jinki's arm like that. After practice we walked home together. Victoria was home first

"See you tomorrow" he pecked her lips. She went inside with a red face and he turned back to us "What ?" 

"Nothing. Just surprise that you have a girlfriend" Jonghyun said and I have to agree. The next one that left was Jonghyun and I left not long after him




My hair was still tripping from the shower I just took. I decided to do my homework so I won't get detention tomorrow. I packed out my school stuff when I found a little paper with a number. It was Jinki's cell phone number 

"Should I call him ?" I talked to myself "But he can't see me so it is a little useless to when I can't see his face" I debated with myself and before I knew it I had dialed his number calling him. I got panic what have I done ?

"Hello ?" he answered...

"Is your head full of thoughts about me ?" what the is that ? God how embarassing...

"... Minho ?" he recognize me by my voice. I unknown smiled  




Okay what for a of a chapter xD  in the next chapter Onho's kiss scene is coming yeah :) please leave a comment and thanks for reading ^^ 

Update: 27 Jul, 20:58:08

Dubuleaderonew: What would we do without teasing ? xD I bet there would be a lot of boring love storys :)  (mine isn't good either but you know what I mean xD)

SnHiromi: Did I make Luna so bad ? :) I'm so sorry but Minho isn't so bad ;)

meandmyself: Okay I think I made Luna really bad... Well someone has to be de devil right ?

Dubu89: Thanks for reading ^o^ glad you like it ^^

(I even rememberd your usernames by now xD)




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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.