Chapter 14

You can't (Minho ver.)


Will he response or not ? I was asking myself over and over again his lips asking for entrance. Jinki imediately opened up and I shoved my tongue inside without a second thought. We tasted each other and I was glad to have his taste on me again. I hear the gasp of my friends, Jinki did too but instand of pulling away he put his arms around my neck pulling himself closer to me deeping the kiss. I lifted him onto my lab, put my arms around his waist and on his tongue making him moan that caused me to smirk into the kiss. I felt something sharp on me and opened my eyes a little seeing Leeteuk glaring at me so I pulled away earning a growl of disaproval from Jinki.

"We don't want Leeteuk to kill me right ?" I wispered into his hear making him shiver. He turned his head and saw Leeteuk's shocked expression. Taemin and Kibum were as red as tomatos... I totally forgot about them 

"K-kind of hot in here..." Kibum said. Jinki blushed and hid his face in the crotch of my neck. I smiled at that cute action

"Mhh" I hummed satifisted. Suddenly he snuggled even closer to me which is weird 'cause I doubt that he would do this just like that "You okay ?" I asked with concern. He shook his head. "What's wrong ?"

"Luna, Jonghyun and Victoria are here" say what ? Did they see us kissing ? Not that I care about them but how come Jinki is so calm about that ? Isn't he together with Victoria ? And Luna is his best friend right ? Shouldn't he be worried about that too

"How come so calm that your girlfriend is seeing how you cheat on her ?" I asked 

"Ex girlfriend" my eyes widened 

"What ? You broke up ?" he nod. I was happy but still it must have been a shock to him right ? "Are you okay ?" I thigened my hold on him 

"Never been better but I think I should go now before Luna is killing me" he wanted to stand up I didn't let him "Minho let me go I have to work in... 15 minutes" I took a hold of his cheeks and pressed a kiss on his lips. It was something like a little warning ? That Jinki will be mine so no one messes with him. He got off me "Make sure he goes home as soon as possible you understand me ?" both nod still blushing from the scene earlier

"The two of you should go and cool your head down" I laughed 

"Are you kidding us what the hell was that ?" they asked shocked "You are together now ?"

"No, we aren't" sadly

"B-but that kiss... You can't tell me he doesn't like you Minho. The way he responsed and all" Taemin said eyes still wide

"How could you do that in front of our Tae baby ?"

"I just got caught up in him okay ?" not long after saying that the trio that stood by the door came to our table

"Minho oppa" Luna squealed I just smiled at her not caring that they were here. Jonghyun and Victoria glared at me probaly 'cause they saw that kiss. "How come you are here ? You should be at home and rest your leg"

"Jinki said that too" Kibum laughed "Don't worry we will take him home when it's the right time okay ?" 

"And you are ?" I frowned at that question. The way she asked wasn't nice at all 

"Lee Taemin and Kim Kibum" Kibum hissed at her "Minho's best friends by the way" now he even glared. The three of them gasped... Is it so hard to believe that I have friends too ? Luna imediately took the seast beside me clinging to my arm. I saw that Kibum didn't like that

"Sit down too" Taemin said to Victoria and Jonghyun"

"I will go and greet Jinki" he said walking away 

"So what are you doing here ?" 

"I wanted to go out and thought it wouldn't be nice to take you with me since your foot is injured so I took the other two with me" she smiled "And you ?" 

"I was going out with my friends too" I said simple. Victoria was uncomfortable with that and I saw it 

"I'm back" Jonghyun annouced

"So what is Jinki doing here now ?" Luna asked  

"He didn't say why but he said that he's always here" she growled

"Oh you don't know that he works here ?" Taemin asked "How come you don't know when you are his friends ? At least it looks like you are his friends"

"He works here ?" they asked shocked "All of you know that ?" 

"Of yourse we all know that" Kibum said pissed "Shh it's beginning" he meant Jinki who went on stage to start his work. Jinki looked at the people till his eyes stopped by mine and we looked at each other 

"Hello guys how have you been the last week ?" he asked 

"Jinki ? What is he doing up there ?" 

"Last week was totally boring without you Onew but your replacement wasn't bad at all you should do a duet with him" he had a little small talk with the guests like always 

"Onew ? What the hell is that for a name ?" Luna scoffed,. A lovely name 

"I will think about it but for now I will sing solo. And now the typical question what song would you like to hear ? I'm not taking 'I won't give up' 'cause I always have to sing it" they laughed including Taemin, Kibum and I 'cause we know he always has to sing that song when he's upstage. The other three just looked dumb. And then it begun I felt goosebump all over my body, shivered uncontrolable and was memorized. His voice is the most beautiful voice in this world and I can't get enought from it 

"I didn't know he could sing. Did you know ?" they shook their head

"Aren't you his friends ? You don't know anything about him" Taemin said again "Even Minho knows that he can sing" they gasped but didn't say anything else. The two hours passed faster than I would like

"Minho we should go now otherwise Jinki will sue us for staying even thought he said we should go"

"I want to say goodbye to him" I said stubborn and stood up

"Careful" Luna said but I didn't care and went to Jinki with help from Kibum

"Great as always" I said when I stood behind him

"Didn't I say you should go home ? And what is the rest of you still doing here ? We have school tomorrow so go home and sleep little kids shouldn't be here" the other four followed me to him 

"Then go home too" Jonghyun said

"I was about to okay ? Kibum, Taemin I want you to bring Minho home and go straight home afterwards you hear me ?" oh he's worried about me "Leeteuk hyung, Kangin hyung, Eunhyuk hyung I will go now"

"I have leftover food for you so wait a minute" we stood there in an awkward silence

"You can go home if you want to..." but we shook our head waiting for him

"So Jinki baby here is your food. Your homework is finish right ?" he was silent "Are you kidding me ?" are you kidding me ? He didn't finish his homework ? 

"I started but it's so complicated that I couldn't finish everything" Leeteuk shook his head and sighed 

"What am I going to do with you ? You will go home and eat the food I gave you afterwards you will go to bed just make the homework tomorrow morning" he nod and hugged him "Night Jinki. See you tomorrow" he nod again




"I swear who was that glaring at me like that ?" Kibum yelled on the way home "And why the hell was she so close to you ?" 

"Kibum calm down okay ? She's a so deal with it" I rolled my eyes

"But why did that cling to you like that ?" he can't stand it when people he hates cling to me 

"'cause she's annoying that's it okay ? Just calm down or you will get wrinkles" he imediately stopped "You know she's Jinki's best friend"

"WHAT ? That thing ? How can something so cute as Jinki be befriends with a hag like her ?"

"I wonder that too"

"Did you see her glaring at him ?" Taemin butted in "I think they aren't best friends anymore"

"That's even better. Now she's glaring at my baby"

"Since when did he become your baby ?" I asked

"He's cute okay ? And when you get together with him he will be part of the family anyway. I bet Taemin is welcoming him warmly right Tae baby"

"Yes, umma" they laughed. He's my baby. I pouted inside

"I don't even know if he becomes part of our family"

"Why not ?"

"What if he doesn't like me ?"

"Hell Minho after that kiss you can't possible say that. Why are you so dumb ?" I don't want to get my hopes up okay ? "If JInki doesn't like you I'm going to shave my hair" he laughed. The two of them brought me home and I was about to go sleeping when my phone rung

"Hello ?"

"Didn't I say you should stay away from him ?" Victoria

"Why do you care ?" I fought back

"Minho Jinki is too good for you and your games so don't disturb him" I'm not playing with him

"Shut up that isn't your bussines anymore. You broke up" I was getting annoyed

"I saying this the last time. Stay away from him. He's too good for something like you" whoa that hurt. I hung up not even bothering to hear the rest we don't have to make it worse right ? I turned off my phone went to bed. It took a long time before I fell asleep always thinking about what Kibum and VIctoria said. 'If he doesn't like you I'm going to shave my hair' does he like me ?... If yes, what should I do ? 'He's too good for something like you' I cringed at that memory. She's right Jinki is too good for me but... I don't think I can let him go... What now ?   



The next day I could feel all the tention around the house. The 'best friends' glared at each other for half an hour now

"You fought" I said simple 

"Yes, we did" 

"It's my fault" I feel guilty for breaking them apart 

"Yes, it is"

"No, it isn't" Luna said and Jinki glared imediately "it's Jinki's" don't kid with me why sould that be Jinki's fault ? I officially hate her. How can she be so mean to my future baby ? The front door opened and my mom came inside   

"Jinki you are back" we smiled "By the way I have some really delicious recipes for you come into the kitchen with me so I can give them to you" Jinki followed her that left me and Luna in an awkward silence 




I was nervous really nervous. My foot is better of course but I didn't have enought time to train so I'm scared. What if I fail ? or something like that ? But there was something else I was nervous about. It was the question I wanted to asked the past weeks but didn't get a chance. 'If he doesn't like you I'm going to shave my hair' I heard Kibums voice again but Victoria's too 'He's too good for something like you'...  

"Say Jinki do you like me ?" there I said it... I'm scared what will his answer be ? I'm good enought for him right ? I have to or I'm going crazy



New update ^^

Updated Aug 11, 2013 22:41:42 


HikariLee: I was hoping to make Minho different that you imaginated hope I managed to do so ^^ And you don't have to wait too long xD

laurachoileto: Of course we don't know about the kisses Minho gave him. Jinki wasn't supposed to know that that'S why he was sleeping xDD  my favorite scenes are the kissing scenes and the one Leeteuk is treating him with his baseball bat xDD  Okay really now what is so different about tha chapter ? It's like the other ones xD 


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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.