Chapter 02

You can't (Minho ver.)

The lunch just began when yet another girl tried to seduce me and well... why not? I let myself be dragged on the school library, good choice. School libraries are often almost empty and it’s quiet there. Our make out session initiated and I kissed her along the neck, on it to leave a faint hickey mark. I proceeded to touch her and she moaned tily…  

"O-oppa~" I was so into her moans that I didn't notice someone walking in.

"Choi Minho." I heard an irritated voice and I immediately pulled away from the girl to look at who it was, "This is a library not your amusement park." I actually recognized him. 

"Oh, aren't you that boy that was with that weird chick yesterday?" I could see his brows knitted in obvious fury. Maybe I shouldn't have said that but it’s the truth anyways, I find her a little weird... 

"She isn't a weird chick so watch what you say." he glowered at me. I admit, his glare looked kind of cute… like a rabbit trying to be angry and I had to suppress a little smile.

"No need to be so moody." I said to that bunny boy while the girl I was making out with began fixing her clothes and hair.

"I'm not moody so shut up." He said in a firm voice. I watched the girl walk out... No. Not now. Just when I’m already a bit , she had to leave? I wanted to pout but no; it would look creepy if I do so I just shrugged the idea off. 

"Thanks to you she left." 

"It's not my fault that you can't pick better places for your little games." he said and turned to walk away too. 

"Wait." I want to talk a little longer to him. He interests me…

"Tell me your name." I could read disbelief in his eyes and I can’t help but wonder what's so wrong about that question. Isn't it normal to ask people about their name? 

"Why should I? You won't remember it anyways." That surprised me.

"Why do you think so?”

"...because you didn't know the name of that girl that came to us yesterday but it seems like you met her already and you also didn’t know the name of my friend which you only met yesterday so, why would you remember mine?" Oh come on! That’s totally different. I was drunk so how am I supposed to remember that girl’s name? Also, his friend isn't really worth remembering.

"You know it's different. I didn't want to know their names but they told me so I wouldn't remember" he gave me a gaze which said I was the most arrogant person he ever met and could ever meet... "So, will you tell me your name now? Because, I really want to know it." 

"You are a really disgusting person. If you really want to know my name, figure it out yourself." that hurt... For some reason, he bothers me with what he just said. He was about to continue his walk out but I won’t let him get off without getting a small tease from me.


"WHAT?" his voice was utterly exasperated but I didn't care. No, instead I leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

"See ya soon." I smiled and walked out. His expression was priceless. I laughed like a mad man but didn't care. Unknown to everyone, it was the reason why I smiled through the rest of the day.




"I heard we found a new manager for the soccer club." One of my teammate said with a nod. "A girl?" please, don't let it be a girl, all they do is continuously drool over us.

"No, I heard it is a boy." that changes the whole situation...

"Do you know his name?" 

"I don't know but I heard he's a popular guy in this school..." a popular guy? Who could that be? "I just hope there won't be more girls watching the practice when he's so popular." I said. Hopefully. We went to the soccer field. Our coach was already there but not alone there was a guy with him but not just any guy. It’s that bunny boy I kissed in the library.

"So guys I hope you are fit today…" the coach begun and yeah I think I have more enough energy today... "This is Lee Jinki the new club manager."

"Hello, I'm Lee Jinki." Lee. Jin. Ki... that name fits him. Jinki scanned through the soccer members, evidently searching for known faces and when his gaze landed on me, I smirked. I don't know why but I kind of feel happy that he's here… maybe my days will become brighter?

Who would’ve thought that I will be so obsessed with him in no time...? That time, even I didn't.



Second update for today :)))) 

Update: Jul 25, 2013 19:06:04    <------ again just for me :)


meandmyself: of course Minho is a little player but there are things that will surprise you xD 

Dubuleaderonew: How Minho fell in love with Jinki ?... I have to think about somethin too xD

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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.