Chapter 01

You can't (Minho ver.)

This morning, I woke up on the floor of an unfamiliar room with an unbearable hangover and a girl that was almost sleeping on top of me. I scanned my eyes across the room and saw other people sleeping on the floor, the couch, anywhere possible actually. After a moment of deep thoughts, I remembered where I was. One of my party animal friends dragged me to this house party saying I have to check it out so yeah, of course, I went to the party. The girl who’s almost on top of me is the owner of this house. I’m still wearing my clothes so I don't think anything silly happened; there are a lot of other people in the room too. My eyes continued to examine the room; I flinched when I saw the clock… 6:08 am... I have school. I gently shoved the girl off me and was about to leave the room when someone spoke.


"You're leaving already?" a sleepy voice asked.


Assuming it was me that person is asking, since I was the only one up, I answered. "Yes, I have school." I left hurriedly, fixing my hair as I left. The truth is, I don't like waking up with someone I don't know, but then it always happens. I walked out of the house. I looked around the street but I didn't know where I was, I came here by my friend’s car and I don’t remember the directions. I have no time to get lost now so I asked the people that were probably going to work for the direction and after half an hour, I was finally at home. After I arrived at home, I immediately took a quick shower to wash off the alcohol smell, also to decrease the hangover and changed my clothes afterwards.


I sauntered down to the kitchen and saw my mom cooking.


"Minho where have you been last night?" my mother asked, she sounded worried.


"Well I kind of..." I scratched the back of my head and she understood immediately what I meant.


"Will you ever change?" she sighed.


"It's not my fault... Blame the alcohol." seriously the best excuse ever.


"I think you should blame yourself for drinking beyond your limit and also for drinking when you know you have school. Now eat your breakfast, you're already late." I shut up; my mom always knows how to shut me up. I sat down and ate the food slowly. My mom sat across me and sighed in frustration, "What do we need to do for you to change?”


"Sorry." I said in a low voice, I couldn’t help but feel guilty. She looked kindly at me and smiled. That's why I love her, she doesn’t push me but she’s always in my back when I need her. After breakfast I went to school as fast as I could and without a doubt, I was indeed late.


"Minho-oppa!" some random girls screamed. Ugh they’re so loud; it’s not helping my hangover. I rolled my eyes and ignored them as much as I could. Why are girls so annoying? I went to my class, apologizing for being late and after hours of study torture, we’re finally dismissed.


Next thing I need to do is attend soccer practice. I walked to the men’s changing room and changed to training clothes. I walked out of the field and the first thing that caught my attention were girls shouting and yelling cheers for us. It was too much; it was infuriating.


"Minho oppa! Jonghyun oppa! Saranghae! Go, go, go!"


"Can't they shut up for a while?" some of my teammates said in unison and I understand them because I feel the same irritation right now. We get on with the training and as usual, I had the most goals. The practice finally concluded and I sweated like a pig. I stood there for a while catching my breath when two people approached me: one guy and one girl.


"Hello." the young woman started and I flashed a weird look at them. This clearly isn't the first time girls advanced me to obtain my notice although this is one of the rare times someone dragged a male along.


"Uhm ... Hey." I think my answer is kind of awkward but I shrugged it off, she looks cheerful anyways.


"I'm Luna,” she said happily with a huge smile plastered on her face.


"Minho." Though I’m sure she knew that already. I glanced to the guy beside her and he’s noticeably holding back a laugh. Okay, that’s puzzling.  


My attention was turned to a loud squeal coming from another female. "Minho oppa!" She suddenly clung herself to my arm.


Oh, she was the girl this morning, “Hello..."


"Hey… You don't know my name anymore?" she pouted but it didn't look cute at all more like ty. I never knew her name in the first place... "Doesn't matter, I’ll tell you again when we are alone in my house, on my bed" the other female said in a ty and seducing tone. Well, it really didn't and I'm not going to do something twice with a girl I don't like that's my little rule so it won't change


"I will go and shower then we can go to your house." Of course, I don't plan going to her house again. I was just trying to escape the disgusted stare of the guy with Luna, and for some unknown reason I can’t stand it. I walked towards the changing room but I can’t stop myself from looking back to take another glance at the boy. He looks pretty cute for a guy -- but still the way he looked at me is bothering me. I went in and took a shower and afterwards, the dragged me to my car and I drove to her house. We arrived and I opened the door for her.


"Thanks." she said. I walked back to the car’s driver seat and I knew she didn’t expect that since she gave me a confused look, "Aren't you going to come inside with me?" She said while I revved the engine up.


"Sorry, but I'm not interested." I said with a small smirk and drove away. I felt slightly terrible but still, I chuckled in amusement, just thinking about her expression.








Yeah update ^o^     I actually realized the chapter won't be so long in this story... sorry and of course the dialogue when Minho and Jinki met is of course, the same ^^

Update: Jul 25, 2013   11:29:59  <---- just something for myself :) 


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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.