Chapter 17

You can't (Minho ver.)


"I like you"

"W-w-what ?" Jinki was shocked so shocked that he forgot all his anger 

"I said I like you" and suddenly Minho's voice didn't sound so strong anymore he became nervous after realizing what he said but still he didn't back off "Why are you so surprised ? It's not the first time I tell you that remember ?"

"I-I thought t-that was a joke" he said rather quiet. At that time Jinki was too afraid to get his hopes up so he just dismissed Minho's words from his head  

"It wasn't" Minho's voice became strong again because of the little anger he felt for Jinki doubting him. "Jinki I mean it and I want you to be my boyfriend" he wanted to answer 'of course I will be your boyfriend' but the words didn't come out so instand he keept quiet. Minho got even more nervous at his behavior and if the two of them stood any closer they could hear each others heart beat

"Minho I-I..." he begun but got cut of

"DON'T" he flinched "D-don't say anything... T-tomorrow is sunday means no school... Go on a date with me... Please" it was silent again and Minho was thinking the worst

"When will you pick me up ?"

"11pm" with that he disappeard not wanting to embarrasse himself even more in front of his crush. Jinki went inside the house heart still beating and ready to burst out of his chest. He trew himself on his bed squealing like a little high school girl afterwards recalling the whole conversation again

"... That idiot he should have let me talk" he pouted but that didn't change his happy mind. "I have to call someone... Leeteuk or Joon ? I don't know..." in the end he called both of them and believe it or not Leeteuk squealed more than Jinki afterwards getting all teary saying 'my baby is going on a date. Kangin what should we do ? Our baby is growing up' 




That was the most embarrassing thing Minho ever did in his life. Confessing. Now that this was over he had to think about the date... What should he wear ?, were is he taking Jinki ? questions over questions and Minho went into panic modus after tons of worry he fell asleep




When Minho woke up and looked at the clock he got a shock it's already 10am and he doesn't have a clue what to wear so he went up and rummaged throught the whole closet without sucess. So he took his phone and dialed a number

"Hello ?"


"Don't scream like this" he hissed 


"What`s wrong ?" his anger long forgotten 

"I don't have any clothes to wear" he wined

"That's is ? That's why you are screaming ?" 

"I have a date in less than an hour..."

"..." it was silent for a while "HOLY " with that Kibum hung up and went to Minho as fast as he could helping with the clothes 

"You look good" Kibum said satifisted with his work "A date huh ? With whom"

"J-jinki" he said shy. The eyes of the other widen he was about to say something but Minho didn't let him "Just shut up okay ?" 

"But are you going out now ?" he shook his head

"Just a date anyway I have to go now" he went down the stairs, passing his mother and out of the house at point 10.50am hurring into his car driving off to Jinki. He managed to show up before 11am since Jinki doesn't live too far away and with the car it's even faster. Standing in front of the door Minho didn't dare to ring the door bell but that wasn't nessecary since the door opened itselfs releaving a very very y Jinki at least in Minho's eyes. He was wearing wearing his Onew glasses, white skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, a grey cardigan and grey nike high tops it gave him a smart, adorable and still fashionable look but for Minho it was just y. Minho didn't know where he should look first it was an amazing sigh and he had difficults to breath probaly

"H-hello" he shuttered 

"Hello" for some reason Jinki didn't seem nervous at all and that frightened Minho more 'cause that only means he isn't interested in him the way he would like him to be. "So were are we going ?" Jinki too even if he didn't show it he couldn't breath probaly 'cause Minho looked y too with his black/red college jacket, black skinny jeans, white t-shirt and white/red jordan shoes

"I was thinking about going to the amusment park but if you don't want to we can go somewere else" he was unsure with his plan

"No, it's been a long time since I was at an amusment park so I'm fine with it" he smiled geniously. Minho sighed in realive "But I have rules for you" 

"Rules ?" 

"Yes, I don't want you to kiss or touch me okay ?"

"No kissing ?" Jinki shook his head "No touching ? Are you serious ?" he nod

"Well that's my condition for the date if you don't keep that then there won't be a date" he eyed Minho while thinking the worst 'what if he doesn't want to date me now ?'

"Okay I promise to not kiss and touch you so let's go now before the place gets too crowed" Jinki smiled again and Minho brought him to his car opening the door like a gentlemen




"Hell the place is already so full"

"The weather is good and we don't have school so it's naturally that the most families go to the park" Jinki said simple "So what do you want to do first ?"

"Let's go to the rollercoaster" Jinki smiled brightly and walked to the rollercoaster faster than Minho could follow "Wait for me" he yelled catching up on him. In front of the ride was a really little queue and so they didn't have to wait long for their turn. Sitting in the wagon Jinki squealed from excitement like a little child causing MInho to laugh at that cute sight. When the ride began everyone screamed only Minho and Jinki laughed 

"Whaa that was so much fun" he beamed "Come let's go to the next one" he said dragging Minho to the next exciting ride not even noticing the blush Minho had on his face 'cause Jinki held his hand without realizing that. He was just too excited to botter about that and wanted to go on. After two hours they went on everything twice or thrice

"Let's eat something" Minho suggested and Jinki nod "What do you want pizza, hot dog, burger, ice cream ? Tell me I will get it for you"

"You sure ?" he asked trought his cute glasses and Minho nod "I want pizza and ice cream" he said childish 

"Okay I will get it for you but you have to let go of my hand" JInki looked down at their enwined hands getting wide eyes when he saw that he hold onto Minho. Minho bend down to him and wispered "Funny how you said no touching and in the end you are the one that holds my hand" he laughed at the blushing mess in front of him even if he didn't look better that Jinki two hours ago

"S-shut up and get my food" he said and stomped off to a free table waiting for Minho with a pout on his face

"Stop pouting or I will kiss you" Minho said placing the food on the table. He imediately stopped and they start eating. It was silent so Jinki had a little time to think about some things

"Since when do you like me ?" he suddenly asked. Not that he doubts him it's just that even if they are on a date he doesn't behave much different so he's a little curious

"..." he thought for a while "Honestly I don't know Jinki. I'm sorry. It juat kind of happen at some point I woke up and liked you maybe I liked you even before all that ? Maybe that was the reason you got me so curious the first time we met at the soccer field with Luna..." he was thinking hard for an answer but that's all he could come up with. Jinki was pleased by his words but also really happy that Minho was curious about him and not Luna the first time they met

"Mhh so I think you like me pretty much ?" he asked amused

"C-can we talk about something else ?" 

"About what ?" MInho thought for a moment 

"Say are your Onglasses fake or real ?" 

"Onglasses ?" 

"Yeah... Well 'cause you only wear these glasses when you sing as Onew so I named these Onglasses..." Jinki laughed

"Well my 'Onglasses' are real glasses but I only need them to read books and things like this futhermore I don't like wearing it much so yeah"

"Why today ?"

"It matches good with my outfit. Why does it look bad ?" he asked looking for something like a mirror but Minho stopped him

"No, not really you actually look... Cute" he wispered making both of them blush afterwards there was an awkward silence

"Here is the ice cream you ordered" a waitress broke the silence bringing the ice cream Minho ordered for later cause it would melt in the sun while they eat their pizza

"Thank you" he said glad that she choose that moment to bring the rest of the food. She went away again "Eat up" 

"There is only one bowl" Jinki said. "What about you ?"

"I don't need anything just eat"

"B-but... I don't want to eat when you don't have any food" he thinks it's kind of rude to eat in front of others that don't have food 

"If you feel so guilty then you can share with me" he smirked and ate a spoon full of the ice afterwards taking another one holding it to Jinki's mouth "Open up" Jinki can't understand him. Sometimes he's nice then all flushed afterwards teasing him and then behaving like a player again. He slowly opened his mouth. Minho smirked again "Indirect kiss~" he sang 

"Shut up" he blushed. It was a really embarassing moment but still they finished the whole bowl together




Curently they are in the haunted house. Jinki clinging to Minho 'cause he's 'scared'... Don't misunderstand he is scared but not that scared. He's still a man and could handle it actually but come on not only girls can play some tricks. Minho doesn't mind and plays the cool protector even thought he's more scared than Jinki. They don't notice the other is only pretending and like the way it is 

"That was scary" Jinki lied 

"It was okay" Minho played cool. "Do you want to look around the shops for a while ?" 

"Let's go" he was excited so they went to the little souvenir shops in the park Jinki still clinging to Minho's arm. They found some cute and funny things like cat, bunny ears and ribbons in pink, blue, green and red with white dots. They tried it on and laughed at how ridicoulous they looked. In the end Jinki bought Minho a pink ribbon and Minho bought him bunny ears, a 75 cm yoshi plushie and pink cotton candy. While eating his candy Jinki had the sudden urge to kiss Minho but remembered his own rules for today not only that it would be embarassing too. The last thing that was on their list was taking a photo so they went into one of these photo machines taking some snap shots from them sharing them afterwards  

"They look good"

"Yes, they do. Ready to go home ?" Jinki nod and they left the park going to Minho's car. They stood at Jinki's house door not knowing what to say just as Minho thought about something he was interprupped

"Minho oppa" he knew that annoying voice without looking and Jinki's annoyed sigh just confirmed that

"Luna... What are you doing here ?"

"I could ask you the same"

"Non of you bussines" Jinki barked "Anyway I'm going inside. Bye Minho" Minho's eyes widen he can't leave like this not before he get's his answer

"Wait for me" he yelled "Sorry Luna I have somthing I want to talk with Jinki about... alone so see you tomorrow" he said following him inside before the door closed. They walked to the living room sitting on the couch

"So what do you want to talk to me about ?" his voice was still a little pissed 

"I-I wanted t-to ask... Jinki... Will y-you be my boyfriend ?" it was silent afterwards



Wow that update took longer than ever but that's because I didn't know what they should do on their date an all still I hope you liked it and I know it's another cliffhanger... BTW the next chapter will take a little longer since I have to write and that will be awkward ^^

Updated Aug 17, 2013 00:32:46 


xeber_97: Don't worry it'S not like you have to comment my story anyway. I'm just glad you read it ^^

laurachoileto: I think there are some useless chapters... I'm teasing you again xDD  yeah next chapter will be the end... ^^

niaini1491: Don't worry you can tell me about your day if you want to and I'm sure your turn will come soon too just live your life and it will come ^o^ I have another ten years till I have to marry so I have time xD

ayumi13: Actually everyone is cute just Luna isn't so cute right ? xD well it's not goodbye Luna at least not yet... Sorry but next chapter she won't get another change to interprup :)

SnHiromi: Oh and there comes another cliffhanger xDD I'm so cruel right ? :)) 



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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.