Chapter 16

You can't (Minho ver.)


Tribble update if you didn't read chapter 14 and 15 go back ^^

"Don't go..." he said 

"Jinki what are you talking about ?" my voice became soft 

"Just d-don't go I beg you" I went on my knees and held his face in my hands 

"Look at me" he did as I said

"What's wrong ?" Luna and Jonghyun came back "Why is Jinki crying ?" Luna mutter something like 'he just wants attention' and I wanted to punch her into the face so bad 

"Nothing I can't handle so could you leave us alone please ? I will manage it alone" I want to be alone with him so I can calm him down 

"No, we will stay" Luna said "who knows what he's gonna do" I tightened my grip unknown 

"I said leave. Us. Alone" I was becoming angry. Why can't she just do what I say ?

"Luna I think we should really go now" Jonghyun said but she didn't hear at him 

"No, I don't want to" does she have to be so mean to him even in this kind of situation ? 

"GO AWAY" I screamd not able to controll my anger anymore that caused Jinki to cry harder. What should I do ? "Oh sorry I-I didn't want to... Don't cry Jinki please I'm sorry don't cry. Jonghyun can you take Luna away we will come to the location afterwards okay ?"

"Okay. Oh by the way Vic thought it would be best if we go to the same bar were we met the other day so just go there when everything is okay again" Leeteuk's bar ? Okay 

"Thank you" and finally they left "So what's wrong ? Talk to me please" I pleaded 

"D-don't go..." he said again but I didn't understand 

"Were should I go ? I'm here right ? So why are you saying that ? Please talk to me" I pulled him into my embarace so his head was resting on my chest carassing it 

"Y-you can't go Minho" it hurt to hear his voice so broken but for some reason I was happy too he showed himself like that to me means he trusts me right ? 

"Calm down Jinki and tell me were I can't go okay ? So breath in breath out" he did and not long after he calmed down "You okay again ?" he nod "Then talk to me" 

"What should I say ?" really now ?

"Are you kidding me ? Why are you crying ?" he didn't say a word "You said don't go... What did you mean by that ?" he blushed. Okay now I'm curious 

"Nothing that was just something I said out of the mood" I don't believe him  "Let's go Minho the others are waiting. Were are we meeting ?" I followed him not bringing up the crying part again since it looks as if he's uncomfortable with that

"Your work place" that seems to make him happy so I smiled slightly. We went to the bar and the others were sitting already

"Minho promise me something..." he began

"What ?"

"I want you to sit away from Luna so she can't reach your drink and don't drink too much" what is that about ? 

"I don't understand but I promise you" he smiled. The other three were already there talking. We sat down. Jinki was next to Jonghyun and opposide of me while I had to sit next to Victoria who glared at me 

"So what can I bring you ?" that Eunhyuk guy asked. All of us ordered beer but Jinki didn't "The usually for you ?" Jinki nod "Okay then. 4 Beers, orange juice and Leeteuk are about to come just a little moment" Leeteuk is part of his usually ? And why does that guy know his usually ?

"He knows your usually ?" I asked looking after Eunhyuk 

"Of course he does" he said in a obiviously tone 

 "JINKI BABY" Leeteuk screamed getting all the attention in the club. I smiled a little when I heard my future baby laughing "How come your eyes are red ? Something happen ?" he paniced

"Long story anyway I have a favor to ask you"  he bend over and wispered something in his ear. I was wondering what he said but let it go

"Oh Jinki by the way Joon is here"

"Joon ?" the five of us asked in sync but all in another way

"Yes, only for a little while but he's here" who the hell is Joon and why is Jinki so excited 

"Tell him to come out so we can talk" he nod and went back after a while another man came and I guess that must be Joon

"Hey little child how are you ?" he ruffled his hair "Hello I'm Joon. Nice to meet you" we introduced us to him "So something interesting happen while I was away ?"

"Nothing much. You know Eunhae became real" his eyes widen. Eunhae ?  

"Really ? it was about freaking time that the two of them finally confess. It was totally obivously how much they love each other "they laughed and I found myself ing jealous. The closenes they have with each other "What about you ?" my ears got wider at that question. Will he answer that ?

"What about me ?" is he playing dumb again ?

"You know what I mean" he gave him a look and Joon nod in understanding smirking afterwards. Okay that really bothers me... 

"How come you are here ?" I wonder too

"A friend of mine is moving to another city and I'm here to help him so I thought why not visiting my old friends at the bar ?" they laughed. that wasn't even funny... Okay I admit I'm becoming sulky but I have a reason. He talked with Joon only and I watched them without a break. I didn't even care that Luna sat now beside me. Leeteuk came and joined their conversation too "My neighbour is so weird he is actually walking his fishbowl around town" they laughed and had fun




On the way home Jinki texted someone and was blushing afterwards. Victoria and Jonghyun excused themself leaving Jinki, Luna and I 

"Minho isn't your house in another direction so why you walk with us ?" Luna asked 

"You didn't know I will sleep at Jinki's house tonight" my answer was simple 

"WHAT ?" they asked in sync.I smiled at them 

"Oh okay... I have to go that way" Yeah just go I thought but I didn't thought she would kiss me... again... And this time in front of my beloved. I was shocked so I couldn't react but to my luck it was only 5 seconds "bye Minho" I was still in shock when Jinki just turned and walked away

"Jinki wait" I walked after him "Jinki..." I followed him in silence 

"Good night" he was about to go inside but I didn't let him   

"Wait" he raised an eyebrown "Are you angry ?"

"Well you were the one that promised me you wouldn't go near her but in the end she was sitting beside you and had the chance to kiss you just now so yes, Minho I am angry" that wasn't my fault I was distracted by you... 

"First of all she was the one that kissed me and I was shocked what should I do, Second you didn't even talk to me in the bar all you cared about was Joon" I said bitter

"Joon hyung isn't in love with me" I know Luna is in love with me but that doesn't mean I like her back 

"Who knows ?" I said angry 

"He isn't. He's a friend of us that worked at the bar before he moved away nothing more" nothing more ? Can I belive that ? They are too close to my liking +

"And that text massage was from him too right ?" he nod. I knew it "Why did you blush if he's just a friend ?" 

"Because he wrote something embarassing" he laughed bitterly "I can't even understand why we fight about that it's not like we are a couple"... If we have to be a couple to fight like this then... 


"I like you..."


Updated Aug 11, 2013 23:24:52
I don't know how to continue but I know there will be a date and the question is should I make the date, and ending in one chapter or just the date in chapter 17 while the and ending is in chapter 18... I can't decide so it's poll time ^o^
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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.