Chapter 15

You can't (Minho ver.)


"Is your ankle okay ?" I nod but that didn't satifist him "You sure ?" 

"Yes, Jinki I'm sure that it's okay. Why so worried ?" He's cute when he's like that futhermore I feel special when he's so concern 

"I-I'm not worried" he shuttered and blushed

"Yes, you are" I smirked "Jinki come here"

"Why should I ?"

"Just come" I pulled on his hand so he was sitting beside me "Say Jinki do you like me ?" there I said it... I'm scared how will he answer ? 

"W-why do you ask ?" he avoided eye contact 

"I have to know it. So tell me do you ?"

"That depense" depense ? On what ? 

"On what ?" he took a deep breath and our eyes meet

"It depense on what you feel for me" w-w-w-what I-I feel f-for him ? 

"W-what d-do you mean ?" I blushed lightly

"Minho what... What am I to you ?" he blushed more and this time I was the one that broke the eye contact. Should I answer ? I-I will just do it. Come on Minho you can do it tell him how you feel. I was about to answer but Luna interpruped us 

"Minho oppa" we both got a shock "Oh sorry I didn't want to frightend you" she patted my arm. "Anyway is your ankle alright ? Any pain or something like this ? Should I give it a massage ?" the girl knows her timing but I hate it. She even clings more to me than before 

"No, my foot is perfectly fine why all of you have to worry about me ? Jinki too" Luna glared at him. Stop glaring at my future baby 

"Well I don't know why Jinki is worried about you but I don't want you to get hurt again" I frowned at the way she said 'Jinki' but didn't say anything 

"Say Luna could you bring me a bottle of water ? I don't want to use my foot till the match starts" she nod and went away. That was a good move "Finally... So Jinki do you like me now ? 'cause I have no clue what's in your head and that frustrates me"

"You have to anser my question first Minho... What am I to you"

"Why do I have to answer first ?" I-I don't want to say it first

"Just do it you were about to answer when Luna interpruped so I want one now otherwise you won't get one from me" he crossed his arms as if telling me I don't have a chance 

"What are you to me ? Y-you you are..." my heart beat like crazy, the palm of my hands sweated and I couldn't look into his eyes

"The match is beginning in 10 minutes please strech yourself now" Jinki let out an annoyed huff but I was glad for the discturbance and ran for my dear life




I streched myself before the match beginns and thought about ways to avoid Jinki only that I couldn't think of any

"Here you are. I searched for you" my heart beat go crazy again

"And why ?" what for a dumb question

"You still have to answer my question Minho" I don't want to. I got a idea 

"Let's make a deal. When SM High wins today I will give you an answer to all questions you have without you answering any. If not you have to answer all my questions but you have to give me a 'good luck' kiss" 

"In other words you have to answer... No way we lose but I won't kiss you right now" he's right we will win but I can prepear myself a little before that happens and I get a kiss 

"Too bad then we won't have a chance to win this match" he looked around 

"Here are so many people..." I stood up and dragged him into a dark corner kissing him. Just lips on lips but it was enought to give me strenge. I smiled softly at him

"Now I'm determinded to win" he blushed cutely and sent me away




The game started and I was about to my pants and wanted to cry for my mother but I didn't show that. I took a glance at the audience and saw Jinki sitting there. That calmed me a lot so I had a clear mind when it started. We made a goal but YG High is good too so they shoot two goals and then half time. We are laying one goal back now. I need Jinki right now. I walked up to him as fast as I could  

"My battery is really low right now and I want you to charge it"  he blushed 

"What do you mean ?" Victoria asked and the other two looked clueless too 

"Nothing just something I need Jinki for right now or we will lose the game" he went with me without a complain to 'charge my battery'




"WE WON" we screamed and jumped like little children around the field 

"Good play" we shook hands with the enemies and smiled. Suddenly I had the urge to go to Jinki so I walked to him 

"We have to celebrate" Jonghyun said excited

"I'm in" I said. No way I will let that oppurinty slide away "I will change my clothes and we can go" I went to the locker room and changed my clothes thinking about how I can avoid Jinki's questioning for a while. I went back to the rest 

"Let's go" all of us were excited but Jinki didn't follow so I turned and saw him crying. W-what is wrong with him ? What should I do ? I freaked out 

"Jinki why are you crying ?" he was shocked and tried to wipe away his tears but more flowed down his lovely cheeks. "Jinki are you okay ?" I was worried about him. That isn't the first time he cried at the bar too but Leeteuk was there for him. He looked up and what I saw was the most heartbreaking sign I ever saw. Teary face, red cheeks and broked eyes  

"Don't go..." he chocked out. What should that mean ? 



I'm bored so I will tell you a little story: A few days ago after work I was so exhausted from standing eight hours straight that all I wanted to do was sitting down. I had 20 min before my bus came so I sat down at the bus stop not caring about the two drunkards next to me... At first I was like should I sit down ? but my feet hurt and I couldn't stand anymore so I just went ceside them on the bench. They weren't drunk just alcoholics with a bottel bechs in the hand talking loud and they were like talking about how you have to eat so you won't go crazy if you don't drink one day. The eyes of one of the mens was already yellow which means his liver is damaged and the other one looked exhausted. I did the same as Taecyon in dream high putting my earphones in my ear without music... They talked more and I hear that one of them is drinking like 15 bottels in one day but that isn't even the worst his wife is drinking more and disappears afterwards. It was a monday and he said she didn't came home since last friday... I was like dafuq ??? And they lost their jobs. Even so I tought they were really correct people 'cuase the one with yellow eyes said "No matter were we live or what our skin color is we are all humans the only difference is good and bad" aren't they correct ? And the one with the wife was calling her (I would have too) and was about to apologize to me because he used such a word but broke the sentence when he saw I heard music what I didn't do for which I'm glad. I even know that he can't leave her 'cause he loves her to death at least that's what mister yellow eyes said. I was a little angry at the other poeple who stood there not daring to sit next to us even if there was a free sit instand they looked at them in disguist the men even noticed that saying "They must be scared of us so they won't sit by us" I felt so bad and now I even regrett not saying goodbye when I went into the bus... I feel really guilty for that

I hope you enjoyed that chapter and read my little story. I even told my mother about that and she was like 'Oh so they were correct alcoholics' and I just said totally correct :))

 Updated Aug 11, 2013 23:04:06 

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Chapter 19: I realm loved this story! Your amazing author-nim!
christinatheartista #2
Chapter 19: i hope you write a sequal!!!
Jinkimababy #3
Chapter 19: I saw a sequel there~~~~~
Who will propose? xD
I am surpirsed that onew's fangirls didnt glare at minho XD but ahh i will miss this!
SnHiromi #5
Chapter 19: hahaaha I know I just wanted to be dramatic XDDDD
I feel happy for Luna.. you know lol
but omg!!! how come that Minho was still a ? there is always people like that O.O! but well I thought Jinki was the not that amusing... anyway I liked the :)
awww the end <3
Chapter 19: the ending is perfect ♥ I totally love it!!!

The was hot but the words that they said after it were so sweet, I love u is not easy to say but they feel it and they will be so happy together in the future

I laughed so hard with jinki's parents xD at least they accept minho :3
Chapter 19: good ending...i like it...but the most shocking one is minho is ?! wow...unbelieveable....hihi...thank you for the exciting story...hope you can write an exiting story like this in the future...see you then...=)
PetitFreak0525 #8
Chapter 19: Perfect ending! The was great don't worry! I laughed so hard when Jinki couldn't walk xD. And his parents are ing perfect ahahah I love theem!

But..what the hell?! Minho was a ? This ing player was a ? You got to be kidding me?! XDDDDD I didn't expect that x'D'

So....congratulation <3 I will miss this story.