☂ Chen ☂

Aeru Oneshots ♥ - Closed
Stroll around? I'm tired
"Chen, it’s enough, I'm tired." You said placing the palms of your hands on your knees while you were feeling your chest rise and fall with a certain speed. You were tired of walking. You two had left early in the morning to give a stroll but it turns out the ride lasted until now. You raised a bit, your left wrist and you looked at the black watch that was trapped in your wrist. 4:27pm.. Exactly, the walk is lasting until now. You looked at the ground, while your ears heard the footsteps of Chen. You saw his sneakers and he put a hand on your back.

"Nick, just a little more." He said softly caressing your back and you raised up your head to look in his eyes. He was joking right? He isn’t tired? What have you been doing all this time? Well, you strolled through the park, then by some paths full of trees and now Chen decided he wanted to see the shop windows. No, this can’t be like this, it’s enough. “Please.” He bent his head and passed with his fingers on your temples. You looked at his beautiful eyes and you shook your head negatively.

"I can’t walk very fast." You said grabbing his fingers that were still in your temples. He approached you a little, and lowered his head slightly to maintain eye contact with you.

"Are you really tired?" He asked and you nodded positively. Yes, you were tired, your legs couldn’t handle more. Chen turned his back on you and bent down a bit.

"What are you doing?" You asked, placing your hands on his shoulders.

"Jump on my back. I carry you." He said gesturing with his hands, and you turned away from him. You didn’t want him to carry you, you just wanted to rest a bit, and most of all, you didn’t want to tire him. You knew he wasn’t too tired because this walks were like a routine for him, but you knew he was somewhat tired.

"Nick, what are you doing?" He asked standing up and turning to you. "If you're tired, I can carry you." He said taking a few steps until he stopped in front of you.

"I don’t want to tire you." You answered, and you bit your lip slightly, the muscles of your legs never stopped complaining. Chen, put a hand on your neck and you joined your fingers with his. You knew he would do whatever it took for you. You knew he would do anything for you, but you also knew your limits and this was one of them. You didn’t want him to carry you on his back because you have to think about his career and his future. "I think if you give me your hand and we walk slowly, I can accompany you." You said looking at him with a small smile on your lips and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, forming a small but beautiful smile.

"Ok, if you want me to walk slower, tell me." He said and you nodded. He squeezed your fingers that were united with his and you began to walk calmly. You loved the way he is, you loved more, his romantic and affectionate side. You deep down loved strolling with him. See his long legs, walking slowly, see the wind swinging his silky hair and the sun caress his face was something surreal. You loved those little moments. You loved watching him close his eyes and a small smile appear on his lips when a comforting wind passed him. At such moments there was only you, he and the nature, nothing more. "I love it when your fingers snared in mine." You heard him say, breaking the line of your thoughts. You blinked your eyes a few times and you turned your face to see him. "It’s so comforting feeling your delicate fingers, embrace, my fingers and feel the softness of your skin." He confessed in a low voice and lifted your hands, until his lips landed smoothly in your hand in a quick kiss. "Thank you for always accompanying me in my walks." He said putting your hands in the same position.

"You're welcome, after all, we have to take good advantage of the few moments that we have together." You said gently squeezing his fingers. He nodded and you continued to walk in silence. Unexpectedly, he released your fingers from his and you looked to your side but you only managed to see his back. He was entering a store without at least have warned you. You frowned. He had never done this, this was the first time. You crossed your arms and inwardly you were exploding with impatience. Why had he done this? He had left you alone in the street. Minutes later, you saw him leave the store with two bags in his hands. He stopped in front of you and handed you a bag.

“Open it.” He asked pointing to your bag and you sighed. You'd not open the bag until he explain to you why he have left you in the street without warned you. Yes, sometimes you are demanding.

"Kim Jongdae, why the hell you left me here like this without warn me?" You asked, tapping your foot lightly on the floor. You were waiting for a response.

"Open the bag and you will see." He said pointing to the bag again and you reluctantly peeked through the bag. He had bought food for you. You took on a sandwich, and you gave him the other.

“Thank you.” You thanked taking the sandwich to the mouth. Your impatience disappeared in a snap. He was worried about you so he bought food. You didn’t have to be upset with him because he didn’t deserve and technically, he didn’t do anything wrong.

“One more thing.” He said pointing to the other bag that was hanging on his arm. "I bought this for us." He pulled out from the bag two t-shirts and handed you one. You grabbed the t-shirt and saw it was a t-shirt for couples. "Next time when we stroll again, we will put it on." He said and put the shirts back in the bag.

"Stroll again?" You asked, opening your mouth slightly. You hadn’t yet recovered from this walk and he was already thinking about the next one?

"Oh, I know you like to walk with me." He said winking his left eye. "I feel your eyes on me every time I take a step." He said and chewed a chunk of the sandwich. You looked at him in shock, and you left the place where you were, when he laced again your fingers with his. You looked at him sideways still a little dazed. You can never fool him. "Don’t worry, I also do the same when I see you." He said kissing your forehead quickly. You nodded slightly flushed and begin to eat the sandwiches again. Never in your life you would be annoyed with Chen, this is true. You have to love these walks and especially him, Kim Jongdae.

An_elf! Here's your request! Feedback please? ~♥


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Awwww cute I've read my biases chapters and it's greeeeatt
Chapter 29: OH MY GOSH..this chanyeol...ugh ugh ugh i cant stand it anymore...chanyeol's cuteness...
Chapter 29: Omg this was so cute x3 Channie is a big baby :D
Chapter 29: Hahhaaha chanyeol being a clockblocker between you and youngjae in the learning section! His jealousy was so cute and really fits himself! ♥ XD
Chapter 28: OMG!! Woohyun is so cuteeeeeee when he told the truth about the milk! Hahahaa XD
Chapter 27: Too much sweetness events!! Jungkook cooking my favorite dish then confess that he loves me and jealous when I'm talking to another guy or can't be with him is gonna be the best moment in my life!!! ♥
Chapter 26: Awwww!!!!! This story is cute!! I can imagine how does she feel when tao act like that!! XD
IloveInfinite7 #8
Chapter 28: This is so cute!!! Kyaa~ I love it a lot. Thank you for making it♥ The last part when Woohyun said the truth was so adorable. I smiled like an idiot throughout the whole one-shot c:
Chapter 27: Nsnsmsnssn OMG I LOVE THIS KIND OF STORIES *-*
toukyo #10
Chapter 27: Omg it's so sweet!!! ♡
Made my day tbh, THANK U!!!!