☂ Luhan ☂

Aeru Oneshots ♥ - Closed
Forgive me

Luhan's eyes traveled around the small park and his eyes rested on the bench that was at his side. His slender fingers touched the bench and a long sigh of sorrow came out of his mouth. He missed you. He missed his girlfriend, or is better to say, he missed his ex-girlfriend. Why did you two have to break up? Why did you two have to get angry over something so stupid? Why did the words, 'I want to break up with you’, came out of his mouth just like that? He is a stupid person. He knew he had always been stupid but now he was more stupid. How can he let you go? How can he break up with you? With the only person he loved?

"Forgive me, ______-ah." He muttered the words turning his face to the sky. He longed to feel your own lips on his lips. He longed to embrace you and tell you 'I love you'. He loved it when you said those words full of feeling. He knew that you were the one for him. He knew he didn’t want any more women in his life, without being you. In one leap he stood up and a smile spread over his lips. He was willing to take you back, he would find you and ask for forgiveness. That's right, screw it, and screw the pride. The important thing is to forgive and ask for forgiveness. The important thing was his love for you and nothing else mattered.

He got up from the bench and quickly patted his left pocket of his pants pulling the phone. He had to call you because he didn’t know where you were, but are you going to answer his call? If you'd see his name in the calls, would you answer? He hoped so, if not, he would go all over the town looking for you, even if it lingered for days, he would definitely find you.

He searched for your number in his contacts list and clicked the green button when he found it. He approached the phone to his ear and bit his lip impatiently while you didn’t answer. Just like his suspicions, you didn’t answer. How stupid to think that you were going to answer. You two had the discussion for how long? Oh yes, a week ago, and neither one of you two called or texted. Both were stubborn, very stubborn, but eventually one of you had to take the plunge. It was always like that when you two were arguing but this last discussion was the worst.

He again tried to call you but without major improvements. You didn’t answer again. Luhan sighed resignedly and put the phone in his pocket, hastily. His eyebrows arched as he looked at the front. A girl was leaning against a tree listening to music and watching the birds play with some bread crumbs. He put a hand on his back and bring his other hand to his forehead, rolling his eyes. Of course you would be in the park. You always go to the park when you are sad. Luhan took a few steps forward and stopped walking when you turned your face and saw him.

“______-ah.” He smiled when you heard him say your name. What did he want? From what was discussed last week, you had broken up, right? So why is he smiling at you? And why did he called you ______-ah? You astray your look and you kept watching the birds play with the bread crumbs. It was better to ignore him or think he was a complete stranger, until he asks for forgiveness. "You're going to ignore me?" He asked, tapping his foot impatiently on the grass and you didn’t say anything because you were trying to ignore him. Luhan sighed and sat by your side leaning his back against the tree and bringing his knees close to his chest. “______-ah…” He whispered your name, resting his chin on his knees and looking forward. "Forgive me." He asked after a few birds fly away from you two. "I know I haven’t behaved well. I know I shouldn’t have argued with you because of a stupid ice cream." He said with a sad voice and you turned your face to the other side, trying to control a small laugh. Yes, you had argued because of an ice cream and he had broken up with you because of a stupid ice cream. Luhan sometimes don’t seem to have his age, he sometimes is very childish but you loved that side of him.

"Indeed, it's absurd..." You cleared your throat because you've been a long time in silent. "Break up with me because of an ice cream..." You looked forward pretending to be serious. You knew he was coming after you. You knew he was going to apologize. You became a little sad when he broke up with you, but you knew he would come. "Just because I made a mistake in the flavor." You rolled your eyes and he put a hand on your arm. You turned your face to the left and you looked into his eyes.

"I know I was stupid." He admitted your arm affectionately. "I know I shouldn’t get upset with you." He poured the words slowly and closed his eyes, trying to make the words, not hurt his heart. "I love you ______-ah." He confessed and your lips formed a small smile. You also loved him, that's why you were with him and therefore you thought that his way of arguing was cute. “Do you… Do you forgive me?” He asked looking at you and biting his lower lip from time to time, while he was waiting for your answer.

"Yes... I forgive you, but it is the last time." You warned him pointing with your finger at his chest. Luhan's mouth formed a big smile and he opened his arms with joy. "But that doesn’t mean we're together again." You said in a serious tone. You would play a little with the situation. Luhan closed his arms and the smile he had on his lips disappeared like a gust of wind. He frowned.

"What... Huh?! We're not together?" He asked a little distracted and confused. You nodded in response.

"I just forgave you." You said, and his eyes widened. "To be together again, I need a reward." You said with a mischievous smile on your lips and it didn’t go unnoticed in his eyes. Suddenly, he opened his arms again and hugged you tightly, causing both to lie down on the grass. Luhan looked into your eyes, passed with his fingertips by your cheeks and drew ever closer his face to yours.

"I hope you like your reward." He said before landing his sweet lips upon yours. He bit again and again your lower lip and ended the kiss passing with his nose in yours. "We're together now?" He asked with a smirk dancing on his lips and you nodded. "Ahh, I love you ______-ah." He said and gave a peck on your lips. "Oh, and next time don’t forget to ask the flavor I like and not some other flavor, please." He asked looking into your eyes.

“Ok, ok…” You said, and again he captured your sweet lips. He managed to get his girlfriend back, he knew he would achieve it because he loved you and that feeling was reciprocal.

Jewelandelf, here's your request dear ♥


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Awwww cute I've read my biases chapters and it's greeeeatt
Chapter 29: OH MY GOSH..this chanyeol...ugh ugh ugh i cant stand it anymore...chanyeol's cuteness...
Chapter 29: Omg this was so cute x3 Channie is a big baby :D
Chapter 29: Hahhaaha chanyeol being a clockblocker between you and youngjae in the learning section! His jealousy was so cute and really fits himself! ♥ XD
Chapter 28: OMG!! Woohyun is so cuteeeeeee when he told the truth about the milk! Hahahaa XD
Chapter 27: Too much sweetness events!! Jungkook cooking my favorite dish then confess that he loves me and jealous when I'm talking to another guy or can't be with him is gonna be the best moment in my life!!! ♥
Chapter 26: Awwww!!!!! This story is cute!! I can imagine how does she feel when tao act like that!! XD
IloveInfinite7 #8
Chapter 28: This is so cute!!! Kyaa~ I love it a lot. Thank you for making it♥ The last part when Woohyun said the truth was so adorable. I smiled like an idiot throughout the whole one-shot c:
Chapter 27: Nsnsmsnssn OMG I LOVE THIS KIND OF STORIES *-*
toukyo #10
Chapter 27: Omg it's so sweet!!! ♡
Made my day tbh, THANK U!!!!