☂ E.den ☂

Aeru Oneshots ♥ - Closed
I love you. 
"Jump, you just have to jump." You said to yourself, in a low tone. You didn’t want anyone to hear your whispers. You were on the roof of your school and you were just inches of falling. You didn’t want to live anymore. In what serves live if he doesn’t love you like you love him? He knows you like him, but he clearly doesn’t care about you at all. A one-sided love is screwed and you were feeling that inside your skin. You looked down and gulped. Your heart told you to jump but your mind told you to back off. You didn’t know what to do, you were among a large crossroad. "No one will care about me." You murmured again and you move your foot a bit. Your heart stopped beating when you looked down for the second time. You could see people in the form of ants. "Just give one more step." You spoke a little louder. You were alone anyway.

"Are you sure that's what you want to do?" You heard a deep voice speak a bit high for you to hear. You didn’t move and you kept looking down. You didn’t know who the person was and honestly, you didn’t want to find out. "Are you sure you want to waste your life because of something so unimportant?" The voice continued to speak, this time you felt the voice sounding closer, the person was approaching you.

"If I take a step forward, all my problems will end with me." You said, shaking your left foot in the air. You didn’t know why you hadn’t jumped yet. You believed that you were being a bit melodramatic, but love does something inexplicable to people. "And if I throw myself down from here, it will not be for something that doesn’t matter." You swung the other foot. "In fact, the reason I want to do this is very important." You pointed out the word 'important'.

"Is it really so important?" He asked. Yes, you knew it was the voice of a man because his voice was deep and the boys usually have a deeper voice than girls. This person certainly it was a boy.

“Yes.” Your lips moved around to unleash this little letter. Of course it was important. After all, it was your loved one that you were talking about. "He.. He doesn’t love me." You said trying to control your tears. You didn’t want to cry. You had already cried enough. You didn’t want that your head ache. You didn’t want to hurt your heart more. You didn’t want anything more, the only thing you wanted was to jump. It seemed easy to jump, but honestly, it wasn’t. “Why?” You asked, trying to bite your numb lip. Your body felt like it was numb with pain and with unanswered questions. "Why doesn’t he love me?" You asked, raising a little your face, to see the white and clean clouds that were covering the bright sun.

"Sometimes there are questions which have no answers." The voice murmured a little sad. "I also often wonder why you don’t love me." He whispered weakly and your eyes widened at what he said.

“Wh.. What?” You asked, turning yourself a little and for the first time you saw who you were talking to. You knew he was in your class. Every day he looked at you but you didn’t cared about him. Every day he'd tell you good morning but you didn’t answer. Every day he threw you a smile but your lips never gave him a smile.

"Yes, I'm sorry to tell you this, at this very inopportune moment but I love you." He took a step forward but you stop breathing for some seconds. You didn’t know what to do, much less what to think. A guy that you've never spoken, was telling you right now that he loved you. "I love you." He repeated the words that you've never heard in your life, and deep down in your wrenching heart, you knew it was really nice to hear these words.

"I'm sorry." You replied in a voice a bit sour. You didn’t love him, actually you only knew his name because once you two have done a group work, but you two never spoke to each other, you technically did the work group separated. He’s name was Park Hyung Jin but everyone treated him by E.den. “I’m sorry.” You repeated swiping your trembling fingers in your eyelids.

“Don’t say sorry.” He said coming closer to you. Every day I see you sit down on this bench.." He pointed to the bench that was beside him. This bench was your favorite, whenever you come to the roof of the school, you sat on this bench. "And I see you placing your bangs behind your ear. You look so beautiful." He whispered and lifted his head to get a better view of your sad face. "I see you always, and I yearn for you every time I see you." He said and held out his left hand, gently grabbing your cold fingers. Feel the heat emanating from his hand, consoled yourself a little.

"I.. I don’t know what you saw in me." You sighed heavily. Everything was turned upside down. Everything was being different than you thought it would be.

"As I said a few minutes ago, there are questions to which we have no answer, and this is one of them." He smiled a little sad and pulled your hand lightly making you leave the ledge of the roof. Your eyes no longer saw people. Your eyes saw only the sincere eyes of E.den. "Love has no answers." He passed with his forefinger under your eyes and a tear welled up from your left eye, watering your cheek. "I fell in love with you and it isn’t my fault. I can’t prevent my heart to stop loving you." He placed his right hand on his chest.

“I know.” You answered. You knew very well what that was. People aren’t guilty for falling in love and aren’t guilty of their feelings not being reciprocated.

"Stay with me. Don’t make any mess." He asked pulling you into a hug and you rested your head on his chest. "I want you to always smile." He said thickly, increasingly tightening the embrace. "I know I shouldn’t say this now, but please forget him and just love me, only me." He said near your ear and you felt his sweet words fill your heart.

“Gomawo.” You thanked and you took off your head from his chest. Your eyes met, and for the first time on that day you smiled. E.den patted your head and gave a small smile. "Gomawo for saving me with your pure love." You thanked again and rested your head on his chest while you were feeling his arms embrace you tightly.

Love has no answers, only questions.

Ding, Dong! NilaJaan, here's your request.. Thank you so much for this request, give me your feedback please ~♥


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Awwww cute I've read my biases chapters and it's greeeeatt
Chapter 29: OH MY GOSH..this chanyeol...ugh ugh ugh i cant stand it anymore...chanyeol's cuteness...
Chapter 29: Omg this was so cute x3 Channie is a big baby :D
Chapter 29: Hahhaaha chanyeol being a clockblocker between you and youngjae in the learning section! His jealousy was so cute and really fits himself! ♥ XD
Chapter 28: OMG!! Woohyun is so cuteeeeeee when he told the truth about the milk! Hahahaa XD
Chapter 27: Too much sweetness events!! Jungkook cooking my favorite dish then confess that he loves me and jealous when I'm talking to another guy or can't be with him is gonna be the best moment in my life!!! ♥
Chapter 26: Awwww!!!!! This story is cute!! I can imagine how does she feel when tao act like that!! XD
IloveInfinite7 #8
Chapter 28: This is so cute!!! Kyaa~ I love it a lot. Thank you for making it♥ The last part when Woohyun said the truth was so adorable. I smiled like an idiot throughout the whole one-shot c:
Chapter 27: Nsnsmsnssn OMG I LOVE THIS KIND OF STORIES *-*
toukyo #10
Chapter 27: Omg it's so sweet!!! ♡
Made my day tbh, THANK U!!!!