
English 101

Sentence Structure
A normal sentence structure is: subject(noun) action(verb) object

We are running to the store.

I ate hamburgers.

objects: an item recieving the action (it doesn't have to be used to create a a whole sentence.)

I ate.

Go! (a few exceptions of not needing a subject. But it's directed at someone or subject(s).)

"GO!" Key screamed when Lee Soo Man came. We ran out of the room.

I saw a gang coming towards me. Run! Maybe I can escape...

Interjections (isolated expressions)

(they can be given it's own sentence)

Ouch! Hi! Hooray! Goodbye.

We erhm ate uhh something.


they're used to seperate ideas, phrases or things.

We bought peanut butter ice cream and apples. (with out)

We bought peanut butter, ice, cream, and apples. (with)

After eating beef for dinner, we ate dessert.

Tony's grandparents, John and Mary, came to visit for the weekend.

Run-on Sentences

Sentences conjoined without conjuctions,semi colans, etc or seperated by periods.

I'm a singer I'm a boy.

I'm a singer and I'm a boy.

Fragmented Sentences

Because my dog ran away. (what?)

I'm sad because my dog ran away.

My dog ran away.

Quiting the job. (who?)

I'm quitting the job.

Compound Sentences

(Complex ones) (because, since, after, although, or when) (that, who, or which)

After we ate beef, we had some dessert.

Before we get the cakes, we should go to the bank. 

Navy blue is his favorite color because it reminds him of his dad.

Repetive sentences

I had nice day today. I met an old lady and her dog. I fed her dog. I swam in a river today. I could touch the bottom of the river. I was sweating because it was so hot. I saw many birds out. I ate a hot dog and slushie for lunch. 

Stop with the repeats! I this I that blah blah blah


Today was a nice day. I met an old lady and her dog. Her dog loved the food I fed to it. I could touch the bottom of the river that I swam in today. It was so hot out today that my shirt was soaked of sweat.  Many birdsa were out. At lunch time I grabbed a hot dog and slushie. 

try not to write with the same beginning or:

It was hot out so I bought ice cream. The river looked cool so I went out. The dog was cute so I petted it. My mom brought my sister so I played with her.


A/N: on ch 1 I forgot other conjunctions [F.A.N.B.O.Y.S.] so i added it in there (when I wrote that I was thinking of School House Rock)

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