The Girl with White Hair


Kyana's from England. Her mum got a job as a hairstylist for SM Entertainment. She moved to South Korea against her will. Her mum thinks she needs to get in touch with her Korean half. It's her mission to get Lee Soo Man to fire her mother.


Lee Soo Man called me in. I bet he's going to talk about my behavior. By the time I'm done Lee Soo Man will want to fire my mum and I out of South Korea.

I went in his office and sat at a seat in front of his desk.

"Kyana, I've given you plenty of warnings. I treat your mother and you very well, why do you disrespect me?" Lee Soo Man said annoyed. Treat us bloody well..

"I don't want to be here. South Korea is not my home. England is."

"You vandalize the property, distract people from their work, and more. You can get fined for these things, yet I won't" Well someone has you wrapped around their finger.

"What are you going to do about it? Fire my mum? This is the only place for me. My mum won't let you ship me out somewhere anyways."

"I wouldn't ship you somewhere or anywhere." I know you want to. "I'm going to have some people look after you." Again? I scared the person who was to watch over me. I broke him when I went into detail about how vikings did blood wings on people for torture. I told him I find it quite fascinating and I dream of doing it to someone I don't like. (I told him other torture ways..)

"What people? Last person you sent, he was too scared to stay."

A group of guys came in the room. 

"I've instructed TVXQ about looking after you and warned them of your tricks. I thought you may like your people this time." Oh I see, you hope that I have a crush on them and will listen to them. Too late for that. I beat you at your own game without realizing it.

Some of them looked really nervous at me. "Now Lee Soo Man if you were ever to go gay, I would recomend that dude in the red shirt. He's a good snogger."

"Snogger?" wow do I have to explain everything?

"Kisser. I snogged all of them except for the white haired poser." I come naturally white. Tch I can see his roots. My mum must have worked on him.

Lee Soo Man had a shocked expression on his face.

"Hey since you're going to be my baby sitter, you can have a snog session also. I don't want you left out." I whispered to the poser. I came up close to him so he could get a good look at me. Lee Soo Man, you have no idea what kind of war you're in.

(A/N: I'm not british so the british impersonation is going to be bad)


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