
Life with EXO-K


The sun rays were blocked by the thick curtain but escaped when Kai pulled the curtain away revealing the morning scenary. Yura immediately covered her face with her hand when she slept on the couch with her face facing the balcony.


Kai was a early riser while the other boys were still somewhere in their dreams. Yura groaned when the bright lights disturbed her sleep untill she fell on the floor for being half-awaked. A loud bang woke the other two boys unintentionally. Chen sat straight on the bed and rubbed his eyes while D.O simply went back to sleep.


Yura tried to stood up but her back was killing her. She ended up laying completely on the cold floor. Kai approached her and held out his hand offering a help. Yura stared at his hand for a while debating with herself either to take it or not and yes, she did. Kai pulled her up untill Yura was standing next to him.


Yura was in pain while touching her back. It was all because of sleeping on the couch and to add it up, the sudden meet up with the floor. The first time she fell on the floor and even had a so-called-romantic kiss with it was a few weeks ago. It also happened in the morning.


Suddenly, a loud knock on the door startled everyone, even got D.O fully awaked. Yura headed to the door when she saw none was interested to open the door. Kai was laying on the bed while watching the television, Chen was in the bathroom and D.O just woke up. Yura unlocked the door and someone pushed the door from the outside which brought Yura to lean against the wall.


"Where's Yura???" Suho shouted while walking passed the hallway towards the bed.


Chen who just got out from the bathroom was shocked to see Yura standing near the door(the bathroom was located next to the entrance). Chen did heard Suho's calling Yura's name for a quite several of times. But silence was overwhelming him. He was shirtless with the towel wrapped around his waist down his knees. It was obvious that he just showered since his hairs was soaking wet. Yura's eyes went wide and she shrieked untill Chen extended his hand to shut up.


"Yura-yah, there you are," Suho said while grabbing Yura's hand and lead her the way. Her eyes were still attached to Chen's bare chest untill Chen put on his shirt.


They sat on the couch while Kai and D.O were busy catching up stuff because they did't slept together last night. Suho took out his phone from his pocket. He was keenly searching for something while his eyes were narrowing to the screen of his phone. When he had found what he was looking for, he flashed the phone in front of Yura.


Initially, Yura was puzzled. She shifted her gaze to Suho trying to seek for his explainations but Suho was giving her a convincing look. Yura turned her head and faced his phone. It was a webpage of an article with it headline written, 'A Girl Spotted to be Around EXO'.


Yura's jaw dropped. The phone was now in her grasp. She read every words from the article from the beginning untill the end. There was a mixed of feelings, confused and shocked. It was a total mind-blowed to find herself to be the girl that was the article referred to.




The rising boys idol group, EXO was spotted a few times together with an unknown

girl that believed not related to be an idol or a part of the EXO's staff. The girl seems

pretty close with the EXO-K members than the EXO-M.


We caught her running with Suho out of a school compound and get into the

EXO-K's van. It was stated that they were running from the fans.


We also spotted her in Russia with the EXO's members. Sehun was holding her shoulder

with a big smile on his face.


The girl's identity still remained a mystery as we couldn't took a good shot of her. 

Clarification from their agency will be fully reveal soon. 



"Is this a joke?" Yura couldn't believe it.


She stared at the two pictures taken by the paparazzi below the headline. The first picture was at Seoul in front of her school and the second picture was at the streets of Kazan. Then, she figured out that she was right all along. The weird feelings that she felt was actually her sharp senses. There was a paparazzi that have been following her like a gum.


Fortunately, the two pictures doesn't revealed her face. A relieve feeling slipped into her heart and bring her to feel ease. After a long thoughts, something popped up into her mind, an image of someone that she knew and to be suspected the person who was behind all these nonsense. Yura dialed a number using Suho's phone.




"Do you really have to go this far?" Yura picked up the pace.


"Hah? I don't understand. You're the one who're going far."


"Aaaa, so you knew that I'm in Kazan. I guess I'm right," she sounded sarcastic.


"Yura-yah, what're you trying to tell me?"


"Listen Yusong. I know you're threating me with this article. I know it was you. Don't need to act like you're clueless," Yura headed to the balcony leaving Suho behind. She wanted privacy.


"Fine, if you really want me to keep on doing the job. I'll do it. You don't have to play your dirty games," she continued.


"Wait, I don't unders----" the call ended before Yusong got to finish his words.



The twelve boys, Manager Kim, Manager Lee including Manager Im were gathered in one room to solve the issue. Lee Sooman had called manager Lee to handle it while he was trying to come out with a clear statement ragarding this issue later on in the interview. 


"Yurasshi, you need to move out from the apartment. If they find out that you live with them, it will jeopardize EXO's image," Manager Lee spoke up.


Yura was considering Manager Lee's wise words. Maybe it was time for her to move out and find a new place to crash in. The stalking business still can be done without living under the same roof as them. Yura can still watch over EXO-K from a distance because she was born to be a spy. There was other choices and tactics that can used. 


But somehow, deep in her heart, she felt like she wanted to remain close to them. Not because of the fact that they are idols but because of the fact that she wasn't alone. Yura used to hate being near to them but then, the urge to surround by their presence was undeniable.


And the words that came out of was, "ok. I got it." 


If it was the old her, she will be smiling widely knowing that she will be free from the boys. The new Yura was the opposite of the old her, a fake smile was drew on her petite face. 


"No. No way. I won't allow that from happening She can't survive alone. I mean, she don't have anyone except for us," Suho defended which made Yura to smile with her head low.


Sehun, Kai, D.O, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were nodding their heads, agreeing to Suho's statement. They already considered Yura as a part of their family. She was no longer a stranger but someone in their life. On the other hand, EXO-M was confused because they did't got the whole deal yet. They just met Yura recently and accepting her right away was beyond reach.


Everyone fell into silence. None of them mutter a word. Their minds were somewhere far from there trying to figure out a way out of this mess. Trying to figure out a way to make things right.


"Why do you have to budge into them in the first place?" Manager Im said while facing Yura. He sounded like he was mad and accusing Yura for being the reason of this matter to happen.


"It was the house dealer fault. Not her fault," Manager Kim responded.


Yura was sitting on the egde of the bed in between of Suho and Chanyeol. The three managers were sitting on the couch while the others were sitting around the room, some of them sat on the floor, some of them sat on the bed.


"I got an idea! A very good one indeed," Chanyeol voiced out.


He turned his head to Baekhyun direction, on the bed next to his. They were interacted towards each other without making a sound. Seems like Baekhyun caught his idea because good buddies does think alike. Chanyeol faced Yura and a smirk appeared on his macho face. Then, he started to raise his brows rapidly followed with a small laugh.


I can feel that his idea....... will sounds outrageous.



"NOOOOOO! I won't allow you to do it. Kyungsoo, don't touch my hair!" Yura yelled and smacked his hand.


"Yura-yah, this is the only way. We have to change your image to ensure the public won't recognize you anymore," Chanyeol was trying to convince her.


"I can tolerate if you want to cut my hair short but not in Kyungso's hand. He isn't qualify to be a hair dresser."


"My initial ambition was a hair dresser. Note that," D.O said and smacked Yura's head as a revenge.


Yura shot thousands of glares to D.O in an express. While D.O was avoiding the virtually glares by moving his head from side to side like a lost kid looking for his mother. D.O cupped her head from the back and made her to face the front. There were only Chanyeol, Suho, D.O and Yura in the room. The others already left to proceed with their own business.


D.O started to comb her long thick black hair slowly and run his fingers through her hair. The rose smell coming from her was mesmerising and yet making D.O to fell for it completely. But his rationality stop him from taking a wrong step.


Chanyeol and Suho left the bathroom to dress up and start packing their things.  


Yura was sitting on a chair in the bathroom facing the big rectangle mirror. She couldn't think straight as she already knew what will about to happen. The most important asset as a girl will about to be terminated. Yura can stand that her hair will be cut short but she can't trust D.O to do it for her. The posiblilites that she will end up bald-headed was high.


"Trust me," D.O whispered next to her ear and continued to make the first snip.


The world stop for a minute. Yura's mind went blank. It was her first time being that close to the opposite gender. The soft soothing voice gave a good feelings in her. It send her up to the sky, flying and playing with the fluffy clouds saying that she is a lucky girl.


The next snip brought Yura back to consious. The third snip, forth snip untill the last snip made Yura to feel such odd feelings. It was her first time being in this state. To have butterflies in her stomach, to be enlighten over a small thing and to smile because of someone.


"Done. So, what do you think?" D.O asked.


Yura did't answered. All she did was staring at her reflection on the mirror expressionless. She doesn't know how to react. Her hair was short like a boy and her bang made her look like a cute little boy with a pink cheeks. It was a perfect haircut. Looks like she could saved her head from getting bald.


"Do you like it?" D.O asked again a minute later.


"Its fine," Yura said with a dull tone. She did't want D.O to know that she compliments his job.


"Ok. Get ready and we will be leaving in 15 minutes. We need to get on board in an hour," D.O ordered and left the bathroom.


After locking the bathroom door, Yura went closer to the mirror and took a good look of her brand new image. She looked boyish and it really suits her spy image. Getting a haircut wasn't a bad idea after all.



Sorry for the late update T_T I hope you guys enjoy it!!!!

Thanks for reading and subscribing guys~~~~

Please wait patiently for the next update within this weekend.



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I'll be away for a week. Will be coming back for double or perhaps triple update!!! :)


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mendoza0227 #1
Chapter 17: he he he
but i wonder whats the meaning of the book?
why is it a warning?
and who was the man in the limo?
update please
MingMingMingMinggyu #2
Chapter 17: OMO the kaisoo and the hunhan and the sekai at the end..... I love it haha....
Chapter 15: is she gonna be an idol? xD
omo! xD
Chapter 15: I almost forgot the story
o.o Mian~
ryurolan #5
Chapter 14: Please, please update soon. I can't wait anymoreeeeeeee >…<
Chapter 12: author-nim can you let her dye her hair? so it wont be plain black? p.s i am starting to get attached to this..
Chapter 11: yaAaAaAYYyy updated!! do is adorable omgomg

keep writing!! fighting!!
mehmeh #8
Chapter 11: Oh so glad you updated! I really like this fic it's refreshing
Awwww D.O is so adorable hahahaha
I know you just did but I hope you update soon :p
mehmeh #9
Chapter 10: Oh oh ooh! New reader xD
Update soon please!