Chapter 4

The Red String of Fate

 Hi! Here's another chapter, at first i was going to post this chapter tomorrow but as i have promised you guys that i would update quicker so i'll be nice and here it is XD Ahhhh at last GuiLun finally meets each other properly!!!!! I hope you will enjoy this chapter and remember to comment and subscribe if you haven't!!!!! (i enjoy reading everyones' comment it really does motivates me)  ^_^ One last thing i might update later again this week as your comments really persuade me to write more and right now  i've already written some bits of chapter 5!!!!

[Gui Gui POV]

 As soon as our body collide on to each other, we both fell onto the pure velvet carpet.

“Ahh…” I said with a tint on pain.

“Arg…” I heard from the person’s voice.

“Erm…sorry….,” I apologised, still having my bottom against the carpet.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s my fault for walking too fast,” the person responded back.

The person then got up and sorted his clothes out within a few seconds and held onto my arm to help me get up.

“Are you o.kay?” questioned the person.

“Yes…and thank you,” I quietly responded.  

The person replied back with a smile. Just then Mrs Yan came out from the dining room.

“Ah…Gui Gui there you ar-Ya Lun why are you just standing there, you’re already late! Mrs Yan exclaimed.

 I heard a heavy sighed from the guy named Ya Lun and looked at him. He then turned his head towards me and suggested “Shall we go.”

I returned with a nod and we both made our way into the dining room. We both sat our self-down, I was next to Vanness ge ge while he sat next to Mr Yan.

“Thomas, Sarah, Vanness and Gui Gui this is our son Ya Lun and son this is the Wu family,” announced Mrs Yan.

 [Aaron POV]

Once my mum introduced me to the Wu family i politely greeted them. “Hello uncle and auntie.” I then gave a small smile to the other two. Dinner was served and everyone got along very well. When in the middle of our dinner it started to rain, I sighed heavy. At that moment a flashback came to me.


“Sir, are you alright?” a girl asked me sweetly.

I lifted my head up before I replied back to her.

“Erm….yeah I’m just waiting for someone,” i reassured me whilst my teeth were shattering.

I then placed my head down again in between my legs. After a few minutes had pasted I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I lazily raised my head. 

“Here sir please takes my umbrella,” the same girl is front of me offered.

“N-“before I could reject her, the girl had placed her umbrella into my hand and replied with

“Don’t worry about it,” she reassured me and began to leave.

 *End of Flashback*

“The girl…,” I mumbled quietly to myself. At the corner of my lips I formed a tiny smile as I remembered the incident that happened last night. Before I could continue with my thoughts someone interrupted me.

“Huh!” the girl named Gui Gui opposite me jumped slightly.

I gave her a concerned look; she looked rather shocked about something. She peeked under the table and her face expression changed, her eyes widen with full of surprises and her smile changed from a small one into a big smile that crept on her face. It was rather cute which made me smile as well. I wonder what she saw that made her feel this relax. I mean for the whole dinner everyone has been communicating with each other every now and then apart from her. She would just sit there quietly listening to everyone’s conversations, looking fairly tensed up. Although occasionally she would formed a tiny small on her face but it wasn’t as freely as this smile she has now. Out of curiosity I glanced underneath the table and stared for a bit at her and chuckled.

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update soon :)
update please!
kambelin #3
uuuuuuuuuuuuupdate please
iLoveStitch #4
update soon! =3
kambelin #5
keep writing the storie
AaronGuiGuiforever #6
please continued the story please. i realy love it :D
Yes. I really like this story. Please continue.
Please update.
Aw~ That was so cute but I could not
imagine how Aaron could do that in real
life but after all this is a fanfic.
OMG! I can't stop smiling this is way
to cute and sweet!

Please update soon! ^o^