Kenny's Disappearance

The Demon Lord's Bride

"Oh. He's away. I'm Kenny's new Roommate. My name is Jaejoong. Nice to meet you" He spoke as he took his hands out for me to shake.

Normally. I would give that out stretched hand a look of disgust and ignore it.

"Kendall" I responded as I took his hands.


And his hand were soft like tofu. I glanced up when I heard him snicker a laugh. I guess my expression asked the question before my lips had, when he answered.

"Your hand's are soft too" he glanced down at my hands He his lips, they were so red. As if he had just devoured a berry. His eyes flitted back up. It was the kind of stare that stops heartbeats. Yet strangely increased mines.

Too? Did he hear? Or was I that obvious. Then there's the way this man just radiates pheromones. " Why don't you come in?" he asked nodding into the house. It took me a full two minute to comprehend the situation.

"When would Kenny be home?" I asked. He gave me a short shrug.

"Honestly, I don't even know. I'm looking for him too"

Looking for him?

"How long has Kenny been gone?" I asked slowly, I glanced down at Alexander. Who had cautiously took a seat on my side. He glanced up at Jaejoong, and rest his head on his paws. I returned my gaze back up at my brother's roommate.

"Almost two weeks" He responded. Two weeks? My head thudded. My brother disappeared for two weeks and no one was aware of this? And when did he get a roommate? With my brother's independent personality, he loved his solitude as much as I do. My brother barely made new friends. He only trust those that he had known for a long time. There was only a handful of them too. I could name all of them. But none of them were named Jaejoong. Putting my chaotic attraction towards the stranger aside, I felt myself getting a grip of my conscious.

"Two weeks..." I started slowly, "Did you call the cops?"

My words seemed to have surprised him, He immediately stood from leaning against the frame of the front door. His defenses seemed to be up as well. "Cops. You mean get the police involved? I'm sure that's not necessary"

"How did you get acquainted with my brother?" I dug on.

"Wait. You don't suspect me do you?" He asked, bringing his hand up towards his chest. The large crystal emblem ring on his index finger caught the glow of the moon, and reflected a almost red aura. I frowned, and the glow dissipated. Imagination? Not entirely impossibly, I did steam mushrooms and broccoli for dinner. Mushrooms are hallucinogens. No?

But that is a nice ring .

"I see no reason to trust you" I qeued. Before I knew what was happening, he took my arms and pulled me into the house. I felt myself tugged into the living room. While my placement was performed against my will. I watched my huge German shepherd slipped in effortlessly also; welcoming his own self in. With Alexander inside the house as well, I took a steady breathe. He was the sole reason I was not having a panic attack. I watched as Jaejoong glanced out into the streets before closing the door. I stepped back when the stranger turned and step toward me. I glanced down at his enclosed hand still around my arms. And I quickly revolted.

"Don't touch me" I grimaced before pulling my arm from his grasp.

"Look, I seriously don't know where your brother went" He started, "Your brother and I met at work. I heard there was some money matters that was troubling him. That's why he took in a roommate. He left without a word... I'm not a bad person"

"I don't care what kind of person you are. I just want to know if my brother is safe" I hissed in spite of myself. And I've never panicked as I hard as I did then. It was as if a spell has been lifted from my chest. And the realization of a close family member being gone finally settled in.

"I'm sure he's safe" he sighed, turning away from annoyance. Annoyance? Well. Look whose being a unsympathetic insensitive jerk.

"How are you so sure. Like you said, You don't even know where he went!" I spat.

"I think there are things much worst then just missing. He may as well be hiding-"

"Hiding?! From what?" I cried irritated,thoroughly confused with the snippets of information he was volunteering.

"From me!" He growled loudly. A short silence beset the dark living room. I stared at the man before me. Even in the dark, the soft lights that readily seeped in from the window silhouetted his face. It brought his features into vision. He had a delicate face. Almost soft. Behind the dark frames of his glasses was his elusive eyes. In them were emotions I was not able to comprehend. Emotions as if he has been spited. Spited?

"Hide from you?" I reiterated.

His eyes widen when he caught what he had just said, "Nothing" he frowned and turned away. The funny thing was he thought he could have just left me hanging without explaining to me what he meant. I quickly repositioned myself in front of him. " You didn't answer me" I recalled.

"Why do you need to know. It's nothing you can fix. It's between me and your brother" He raised his chin regally.

Freakin Stupid Beautiful Conceited .... . I narrowed my eyes.

"I need to know because he's my brother. And in case you don't know the definition of that. It means, He and I share the same blood. Even animals know how to protect and care for their pack. I don't care what wrong my brother did. I'll always have his back" I said as I stepped forward. The expression from his face faded, as he was studying mines. And not long after an amused smiled appeared on his lips.

"Really? It's always easy using the human lips to say such courageous and righteous proclamations" He pointed out. He was right. Anyone could say the words I've said just then. I sighed.

"Please..." I lowered my gaze, too exhausted to remain composed and strong any longer. What could have happened to Kenny? "Can you tell me, what happened? I'm really worried"

I peeked up at him, wondering if my damsel in distress disguise worked well. He was gawking at me. His lips slightly opened agape. Okay. Was I that terrible in appearing as a weakling?

He blinked slowly before he cleared his throat.

"Your brother committed theft of confidential documents in our company, It was settled before any police was involved"

I shook my head, "My brother would never do such a thing"

"That's not what the evidence say. I'm trying to figure out why too. He could have had anything if he'd just ask for it. All that prestige could have been his. And he just goes do something stupid like that. Now there’s going to be an error in our Deal" He hissed under his breathe, as he ran his fingers through his dark hair. Revealing his high forehead. There I saw a faded scar embedded on the top of his left brow, scarring his otherwise flawless skin.

Wait. Error in Their Deal?

"What Deal?" I asked.

"Our deal to do our best together, and get to the top...of course" He answered effortlessly. Though his explanation was the most legit, I've ever heard in a long time. I can't help but feel weary from the roommates presence. "There's nothing to worry about" He continued.

"I'll find your brother" He assured me. I nodded in gratitude before I remembered the tote in my hand. He turned slowly from the tote, to me as I held it out to him.

I shrugged.

"Your helping me out, I should repay you with something. It's nothing much. Just soup"

He studied me long and hard ( probably deciding if the soup was poisonous) before finally taking the bag. He held it up before him, a small smile appearing on his face. It almost took me by surprise, how cute he looked when he smiled. I frowned in response to his smile.

"What kind of soup?" he asked, as he dug into the bag and fished out the blue ceramic. His eyes almost glowed with awe when he saw the soup holder. Like a child who has just discovered the fascination of ...something exciting. What do children nowadays find exciting?

"Pork bones....celery...carrots...salt?" I tried to recite from the top of my head. Truthfully, I'll eat anything. Okay...Maybe not anything. The ingredients don't normally matter to me. As long as it fills my stomach. Then food is food. How bland. Well. Eating fireworks, don't exactly make a person exciting otherwise. He unscrewed the top and sniffed with awe at the items inside. His eyes widened as they cast themselves upon me yet again.

"It smell's really good" he points to the ceramic jug, "Can I really eat it?" he asked ecstatically.

"Do whatever you want with it....I'm going to head home. It's late..." I quickly exclaimed, turning towards the door. Just as my fingers touched the knob and manage to open the door to a small gap. The door was closed again. I turned, and realized myself caged between his out stretched arm and the door.

"Are we going to see each other again?"

"I'll come back tomorrow..." I nodded, "For the container" 

With that, I turned and immediately escaped out the door quickly dragging Alexander with me. As soon as I was out of sight.  I raised both hands against my cheeks. Sure enough it was feverishly hot. 

Me....Kendall Choi.....BLUSHING?!?!?

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Chapter 19: OH COME ON!!!!


Chapter 19: Im happy ur update ^^
uwaahh,,things got more the necklace that kenny gave to kendall is for her to get hell contract?
Ow jae,,just bear with it if u love her..
Thanks for the updates dear <3
krn_nadeshiko #3
Finally you are back~!!!! :3 love this story and ong is turning so comolicated for jj >\\\\\< pls update soo be?
tehsweety #4
Chapter 17: Is jaejoong who marked Kendall?
I miss jaejoong.
Update soon
Chapter 17: welcome back..\^^\..but i wanna my jaejoong..i miss him so much..T_T
ow,,,so he is kenny not jj..hehe
thanks for the update^^
Chapter 17: I'm really into this story.I hope you are still on asianfanfics and you could update and finish.
cherryaizawa #7
Chapter 17: hi i found your story and really interesting it
krn_nadeshiko #8
Chapter 17: love it love it love it and... love it :3 pls continue soon! I love the story, everything, but... I wanna see more of jj in the story T_T pls?
Chapter 16: My must be my hero..thx for the update dear:)
Chapter 16: ooh geez she 's in deep now