Hell Bait

The Demon Lord's Bride

"Kenny..." I gasped as my eyes widen. I stared at the man before me, the hallow under his round eyes dark and sunken. He seemed to have thinned from the most recent time I've seen him. His skin lacked the glow of his naturally tan skin. I reached towards him, the finger that carried out my hearts loudest longings. I missed him. And I was so relieved that he was alive. So relieved that he was standing in front of me. Yet, it ached in truer measurers in how awful he looked.

As if his soul has been torn in half. One half caged inside his body to function. To stay alive.

Another half, perhaps his will and his energy.

It had dissipated.

Even as his light brown eyes stared down at mines. He reached out, taking me into a tight embrace.  I took in a deep breath, the breathe that threatened to cry as I held him against me just as tightly.

"Kendall" He whispered,  "God. I missed you so much"

I quickly peeled myself off from him, yet held onto his arms. I wasn't yet ready to lost sight of him.

" Where have you been.  We've all searched everywhere for you!" I  cried.

"I...I was hiding" he answered, his gaze torn away from mines.

"Hiding. Was it true. Was what Jaejoong-" Before I can finish my sentence. He clasped a hand over my mouth. His eyes widen in horror as he glanced frantically around.

"Don't speak his name, or he'd find us" Kenny whispered.  I glanced slowly down at the hand  before nodding  to reassure him I understood.  Slowly his expression soften as he pulled out a amulet.  The ring I saw in Jaejoong's finger from before flashed into my head .  I stared at the amulet,  red liquid swirled inside the small glass, liquid as dark as maroon. He slowly holds the amulet out towards me.

"Kendall, hold on to this"

I glanced up uncomfortably at Kenny.

"You need to tell me what's going on, everyone seems to know something. It's only me, who is left in the dark"  I said.

"You've seen the ornament similar to this one. The ring he wore on his finger. The amulet I have in my hand. Holds a contract. I'm alive as long as the deal is not closed, no other demon or entity could lay their hands on me as long as I have the blood amulet of another Demon-" He explains.

I shake my head " No, I mean how did you get mixed up into this mess. How did you...How did you get entangled with demons?" I spat. Even as the words left my lips there was still a large dose of disbelief in me.

"Demon's prey among the selfish, the power hungry, the one whose will's are weak-" He recites.

"But your none of those" I cried, my eyes fell on the amulet again. I tore my gaze away with every ounce of control I had.

" There's also the second type of prey that Demon's  go for" Kenny starts.

"And what's that..." I asked slowly.

" Hell Hunters"  He spoke under his breath, he lowered his gaze. I glanced at a mirror on the other side of the wall, it reflected both Kenny and I. We resembled each other almost like twins. With Kenny being perhaps an inch or two taller. We had the same olive skin, and dark hair. We looked more like identical twins then siblings years apart from one another. When we were young he told me tales of demons and ghosts. He told me they were real.

I would glare at him then.

The little me, with the messy mass of an untamed mane glaring back at her taller brother as she responded.

" Yea. I'm not scared of no demons and ghosts. I can easily kick their invisible butts" the five year old me declared.

Now, fast forward many many years later.

I grew silent as I stared back at my brother, my eyes wide in discernment.

I didn't know what to say. It was almost laughable how brave my five year old self was compared to my present self. I had indeed believed in all the tales my brother spun at the time, and I told him I could protect him and mother if he was scared. At that time, he stared at me for a long while. And laughed. A melancholy laugh. As if he was saying. If only....

"Hell Hunters?" I repeated. Part of me, even as I repeated the question was aware of what it was.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and Charmed had been my daily watch in my elementary school days.

I was aware.

But I never believed that they had indeed existed outside their television case.

"Yes. And we are of the Clan" He nodded, his dark brows furrowed into a guilt ridden expression.

" Um. No not we "I pardoned.

Soon, he's going to start telling me that unicorns exist too.

"Yes, Kendall. I've meant to tell you.  I mean on your nineteenth birthday-"

"Oh No you are not" I raised my hands up at him,  furrowing my brows at him this time around " You are not pulling that Princess Diaries on me. On your Nineteenth birthday. You Kendall Choi, shall be the chosen one...and with it. Shall come the responsibilities and Honor...."  I shook my head.

"Kendall. I'm being serious here. Let me continue..."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Dad was a Hunter too. The one he killed. His Boss. Was one of the Lords of the Demons. But what we didn't expect was that, there was more than one of them. And they are incorporated all around the country at the time.  They've got one of them among the authorities too. They planted a murder on Dad. Then they came after Us. I was aware of their presence, But I've never successfully yielded the skill -"

"Why is this the first time I've heard about something like this? Why now?" I cried. All along I've been left in the dark. Left in the dark about Demons.  Left in the dark about what really went on with my Father's murder case.

"Kendall. You were young. Mom and dad thought it was  the best for you to stay unaware of this world.  So they trained me instead... They trained me on the skills. That is until dad died in that prison cell. The weapons used to kill, and pacify these fends. They wanted me the elder brother to protect from there on. But right now. I'm not in the position. I signed a contract with the demon,  the weapons I yield can no longer harm their kind"   Kenny explained. A glint of guilt flashed in his eyes and faded within a second.

"A Contract....How did you get into that kind of mess" I shook my head in disbelief.

"I fell in love with a demon"

His answer, produced a odd sensation in her chest.


"Kendall. It's up to you know- " Kenny instructed strictly.

" No!" I cried, " How could you do this to me. How could you place all the burden on when all is done and left as it is. I don't know nothing about the matter. I-"

" Dad died because of you" Kenny hissed.

I glared at him, aghast that such words could come out of his mouth.  It felt almost like he was guilt tripping me.

"What are you even talking about" I hissed back.

"He paid for the cloak of Oblivion with his life. To guarantee you safety and a invisible eye from the lurking demons" He growled.  I glared at him in silent as I bit the insides of my mouth.  I didn't know what to say. I was unbelievable. That dad was risking his life for one person. For his family perhaps. But for his daughter alone?

"You and Mom was safe too" I spat.

"The cloak of Oblivion only protects one person. And neither mom nor I needed it.  We have the divine protection tattooed onto our skin" Kenny answered. "But we weren't able to tattoo you"

"I don't even know what you are talking about. How can I person not be able to be tattooed?" I cried in disbelieve.

" The ink used for the divine protection barrier is no regular ink. It seeps into skin, whilst the soul is untainted with demon collisions. I had my tattoo when I was five. When the white witch tried to give you your tattoo when you were 6. Father and Mother found that you have been hexed"

"Hexed" I repeated.

"You've been marked by a demon " Kenny said.

"How ?!" I cried. I've never encountered any demons before!? But since I don't even know what they look like I might have played with some evil hell's child in the sandbox and thought nothing of it. Hell, if the outside world was so dangerous they should've just locked me up in the house and homeschooled me , until It was time I was given the tattoo.

You see, Here is the flaw of the parents of this era.

They take no safety precautions what so ever.

Now, when push comes to shove.  You offer up your life in a silver platter for the demon's favor.

Not that I'm not thankful that my dad offered his life to keep me safe and sound.

I am truly grateful.

I just wished some Demon will show up now in front of me now, so I can propose a new deal.

Take me back in time. Put a pause to the moment where I have been hexed.

Prevent myself from getting hex. Therefore able to get some holy divine tattooed onto me in a cool part of my body to which I can flaunt wherever and to whomever.

It's not every day when getting a tattoo is a necessity, after all.

I stared at my brother. His frail appearance writing a new chapter to my life, that I was not so sure how to live. Hell hunter?

I'd be Hunting Creatures from Hell?

"Are you trying to tell me I'll become a Hell Hunter on my nineteenth birthday?" I asked , all golly eyes and skeptical.

He stared at me, with a long pause before he answered.

" No. I never said that. You don't magically become a Hell hunter over night" He rolled his eyes at me.

For a person that seemed so frantic and on the verge of a living and dying situation, his sass was to be proclaimed.

"You said something, about On your nineteenth birthday...." I reminded him.


I wasn't going to become Buffy??

"On your nineteenth birthday, if the demon that has marked you have not come to claim you...."

I stared at him, " And then.....claim you.....and then what?"

"You will be hell bait"

"Hell bait?!" I asked.

Learning all these new vocabulary in a span of a day was too much to digest. I blinked rapidly.

"A Hell Bait. Is  fresh meat to the world of demons. Because you've been marked, there is demon energy coursing through you. Demon's kill one another. To become stronger. These fiends will tear apart their own kind. But Hell Bait, marked by a previous demon is like a intoxicating invitation with two of the most sought after prized, a human soul, and tainted blood. Like bees to honey you will attract demon's by swarms. And their intentions not of the charitable kind" Kenny explained.

"Is...Is that like a Incubus?" I asked slowly, remembering what Taecyeon had told me earlier.

Be something like him?

"No....because while fiends of that kind belongs strictly in hell. Tainted ones. Like Hell Baits. Is a phase between Human and Hell. No matter how used and tarnish the shell of the human body is by the Demons. It's soul is still a gradient.  Is punished severely by upper regions"

"By punishment you mean?"

I stared at him helplessly. I was already condemned to a fate I didn't karmically applied for.

"I don't know. You can see yourself, and then tell me what happens afterwards" Kenny shrugged.

My helplessness turned to a look of absurd disbelieve.

"Um. Hello. Save Me Brother"

Kenny sighed rolling his eyes at me once more as he raised his amulet at me.

"That is why I'm telling you to take this. no other demon or entity could lay their hands on you as long as you have the blood amulet of another Demon"

And then I finally understood.

The contract the amulet was going to be my safety charm, even if the demon that has marked me do not come back for me, it will keep me from harm from other demons. I took it slowly staring at the delicate flask that holds the fate of so much individuals.

"But if you give this to me....What about you?" I asked.


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Chapter 19: OH COME ON!!!!


Chapter 19: Im happy ur update ^^
uwaahh,,things got more complicated.so the necklace that kenny gave to kendall is for her to get hell contract?
Ow jae,,just bear with it if u love her..
Thanks for the updates dear <3
krn_nadeshiko #3
Finally you are back~!!!! :3 love this story and ong is turning so comolicated for jj >\\\\\< pls update soo be?
tehsweety #4
Chapter 17: Is jaejoong who marked Kendall?
I miss jaejoong.
Update soon
Chapter 17: welcome back..\^^\..but i wanna my jaejoong..i miss him so much..T_T
ow,,,so he is kenny not jj..hehe
thanks for the update^^
Chapter 17: I'm really into this story.I hope you are still on asianfanfics and you could update and finish.
cherryaizawa #7
Chapter 17: hi i found your story and really interesting it
krn_nadeshiko #8
Chapter 17: love it love it love it and... love it :3 pls continue soon! I love the story, everything, but... I wanna see more of jj in the story T_T pls?
Chapter 16: My jj...it must be my hero..thx for the update dear:)
Chapter 16: ooh geez she 's in deep now