Lonely Girl

My Worst/Best Choice

Jungmin answered the call. “Ah hyung I didn’t expect it to be you.”

“What happened?” Youngsaeng’s voice sounded so motherly which made him miss the member. “Are you in a serious relationship at the moment?”

“It’s not like that hyung we’re only friends.”

“Well that doesn’t look like it from the articles.” Jungmin couldn’t believe how his friend seemed to doubt his word. Did he have to post a statement on Twitter or even a press conference just to clear his innocence; and not just his but hers as well?

Youngsaeng had to leave shortly after that but he assured Jungmin that he was in his prayers. At least at that Jungmin felt his spirits lift slightly. Youngsaeng cared more than criticised.

The next caller happened to be Kyujong. He couldn’t talk for long but the poor guy was worried from how he spoke on the phone. He at least said ‘are you alright’ a total of seven times during the conversation.

“Really hyung I’m alright it’s all a misunderstanding.”

“Ok that’s a relief I should go but I’ll call you later on.” Jungmin shook his head with a smile as the call ended. His phone ended up being rather busy from phone calls from old friends, some family and eventually he got a text from their leader.


Ah I finally got this rascals’ number. When were you going to tell us that you are dating huh? I guess I’ll have to meet her when I’m back from Japan (that’s right that’s where I am). Don’t think of getting her pregnant without me knowing.


“Ah this hyung—“

Jungmin felt his face flush at the last part. He should have expected that he would have said such a thing. At least that was all he told him. So in reality he could feel a little relieved at this.

His phone rang again and this time he was happy to pick up the call. “Hyungjun do you believe me when I say I’m innocent?”

“What are you innocent of?” Hyungjun feigned ignorance before he laughed loudly over the line. “Yes I know you and her didn’t do anything bad. They’ll find out soon.”

“Yeah I hope so… How is Chohee? Have you heard from her?”

“Well…” Hyungjun sounded like he had something but then came to a halt. Jungmin felt worried not knowing since it was to do with Chohee.

“Tell me Hyungjun.” He said in a forced voice. Hyungjun heaved a long sigh over the line.

“I called her before. She didn’t sound good Jungmin… I think she had been crying. She had to leave work early because she got recognised.”

Jungmin’s hand began quivering. He held the phone down for a moment, his knuckles going white from clenching it. Nothing could ease the shock that had come over him.

It was his fault. He had done this to her. All he’d wanted to do was to help Chohee to show that he cared enough for her happiness that he would try to get her into the music industry.

But instead one moment that had meant to come purely coincidental managed to be contorted into a disaster.  “Jungmin are you there?” Forgetting he was still on the phone Jungmin quickly spoke into it, putting it on speaker.

“Sorry Hyungjun I must have out for a moment.”

“Give her a call.” He sounded like he was pushing Jungmin but he had good reason for it.

“Ok I will.”

“All the best,” with that Hyungjun finished the call. Jungmin just sat there, unable to gather his thoughts. What would he say to her? But now calling her would be enough, he could speak as it came to him.



The phone rang out. She hadn’t picked up. Jungmin went to the messages and then wrote out a long one to her. He wrote it but then cleared the words and started fresh. He only had two sentences written in the end.


Chohee call me when you read this. I want to know if you’re ok.


And if you still want to be my friend, Jungmin added in his head. If he was her then he would be questioning his response. Staying friends could prove awkward.


But then maybe it could be the push for him to ask her if she felt anything more for him… More than what they had in their friendship perhaps?

His phone beeped and he saw the symbol for a new message. Chohee had replied to him. She wasn’t calling but at least she had responded to him.

I’m ok… But it’s tough because people stare at me.


He read it in his head, her quiet voice speaking in a timid tone. It crippled his emotions. What had he done to hurt her like that? He almost regretted forcing her to stay the night. If he’d foreseen the consequences then he would have planned, prepared something to cover her, made her look innocent.


Now it was too late for that. The damage had been done. Chohee was in no state to talk to him or to anyone it seemed. But Jungmin needed her input to know what he could do to try and make things right.


Wait. There was one thing he could do. It wasn’t something he liked the idea of particularly. However from what the situation showed things could get worse if action wasn’t taken. Going to his contacts he called the Producer of his album. The phone rang, its rhythm droning into Jungmin’s skull.


“Ah Jungmin what can I do for you?”

“Can I come to the studio? There’s something I need to ask and we need to be there.”

He heard the man ‘ah’ and ‘um’ for a bit. “Ok come in at eight tomorrow morning and we’ll talk.”

“Thank you,” Jungmin said in relief. But after this burden came another one of utter dread. He never felt more nervous about his music until now.


The next morning the producer was sleepy as he sat in the office chair next to Jungmin, a large Styrofoam coffee cup in his hand with the lid attached.

“So let me get this right.” He said while Jungmin held his water bottle so firmly that with one squeeze it could spurt like a fountain. “You want to re-do the duet between you two?”

“Yes I’ve decided not to have her on the album.”

The producer nodded but looked at Jungmin as if to say that something was fishy. “Does she know about this?” The musician shook his head already fearing how she would take it. “Ah, so you’ll tell her soon I hope?”

“As soon as I see her tonight, I asked her to come over.”

Jungmin sipped some water while the producer made a comment starting a new topic. “I’m surprised she’s going to go there after getting caught yesterday.” Jungmin almost choked. Opening his mouth the water splattered on the floor.

“Are you ok?”

Coughing a little Jungmin responded. “Are you out to make my life miserable too?!” The producer said nothing to counteract, just sat there stunned. Jungmin went to the recording booth. It would be the first time he had to record something again after the final take had already been confirmed but there was no stopping it now. He would have to swallow the guilt that was inside and do his best for the microphone.


He glanced at the table again. It looked bear without a table cloth and just the cutlery, bowls and a black candle that stood in the middle, releasing a deep smell of liquorice and other spices.

There was someone at the door and he called out to her, “it’s open.” She came in, taking her shoes off at the front before walking in barefooted.

“Evening,” Chohee said to him. Her hair was down, hanging straight, the strands appearing soft in the lighting. She wore a simple outfit, a red tunic with short capped sleeves and banded at the waist with black leggings underneath. It was probably the dressiest thing he’d seen her in so far. It suited her without being too girly.

“How are you?” Jungmin came over to her, hoping his mouth wasn’t open too much. Chohee made what he presumed was a half-smile. She saw he was in a black button up shirt and jeans. For what he’d said would be a rather relaxed event he sure had put effort into his outfit.


Jungmin asked her if she’d eaten. “I got take away.” He started moving towards the fridge, staring at its white door about to open it. “I wasn’t sure if you had something so if you had then I would still have left overs.”

She watched him in awe as he brought out the plastic containers from the fridge shelves. “Oppa… You shouldn’t have.”

“It’s ok,” Jungmin assured her, faking the smile to hide the fear. “I honestly wanted to do this.”

He wondered whether Chohee could see his sincerity but from the way she made a very small smile at hearing him it looked as though she did. It was enough to cause his pulse to skip a beat.

They sat down with the food and ate. The two of them talked about other things before they finished their meal. “I’ll take your bowl.” Jungmin offered and she handed it to him with thanks for that and the food. He went to the kitchen and placed it in the sink. He could wash up when she had left.

“Actually I invited you here for a reason Chohee.” Taking in a breath he forced himself to sit down opposite her.

“It’s to do with the song that we did together.”

Chohee nodded, knowing which song. “What about that song oppa?”

Hearing ‘oppa’ made him feel guilty. “The truth is…” He played with his hands in front of him. The words were struggling to come out. “I… I changed it to a solo.”

She looked at him, her eyebrows up in confusion. “You won’t be on the album anymore… That is what I meant to say.”

Chohee stared at him, trying to read him. He was serious. Jungmin was sure she could see just how sorry he was. She felt her stomach drop. Averting her gaze Chohee looked down at her lap.


She pushed her chair out and quickly rose. Grabbing her bag she started for the door. Jungmin didn’t have time to consider what to do. He just hurried after her.



I was going to include a bit more but then I decided against it. This chapter is already jam packed and you can wait for next week I’m sure :p (it’ll be a double update btw) Something went weird with my layout so ignore please and read :D

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Sorry for not updating yesterday. I will do that today with a double


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Chapter 15: Sweeter than a candy! I swear to you! One of the sweetest stories I read! I really enjoyed this short trip with Jungmin ^.^
Oh, have I told you before? I absolutely love the fact you used SS501 song titles for your chapters <3
Chapter 14: Jungmin, you pabo! Always saying foolish things! But this time at least you nailed it ^~^ Mega glad he got there in time :D

Last chapter? Already? TT.TT
Chapter 13: Oh OH OH! You go, boy! You go after her and you tell her what's on your mind and in your heart, alright? *.* HWAITING!
*giggles* I don't think I've been this supportive of a fic couple before, unnie :)
Chapter 12: Poor girl.
Poor guy.
Poor fans.
Everyone is sooo 'poor' in this chapter TT.TT
Anyway, how can you leave us hanging in here?! How am I supposed to feel about this after you revealed what Chohee feels about Jung Min?! >.<" Anyway, I hope there are good news on the phone...
Chapter 12: Jungmin will not make that decision if he has no valid reason. I think Chohee should've listened first.