I'm Not Her



You fell to his side, trying to catch your breath.
He slowly intertwined his fingers with yours and squeezed your hand, you didn't know what he wanted to say by that but his hand was warm and you started to feel cold.
You turned and laid on your side, you studied his profile, from his forehead to his chin, the way his lips curled up a little bit, how his nose bridge broke just in the right places forming the perfect nose he had, the way his plump lips were pressed to each other.
Your gaze traveled to his bare chest, how it rose up and down, now slower than before, how his abs curled his abdomen and created a perfect torso.
He turned his face to you, his hand left yours and moved up to your face, he caressed your cheek gently, as if touching a fragile porcelain doll.
"we shouldn't have done that" you whispered softly, your gaze fixated on his, he chuckled and kissed the tip of your nose.
"why?" you asked and he returned to look at you, a warm smile on his face, you didn't know this man, he was laying beside you, you had with him, you've met him so many times, but you didn't know this man.
Is that the same smile you showed her?  The thought made you bitter.
"Does there have to be a reason?" he said, his voice lower than usual since he spoke so softly.
you regretted the question and buried your face in his chest, just a little more…let us be like this a little more and I'll stop…I'll stop.
His masculine arms wrapped around your body and brought you closer to his body, gently he covered the both of you with a blanket and soon followed the sound of his snoring and you could feel his chest rise up and down very slowly.
You slipped away very slowly, out of his arms, got dressed quickly and snuck out of the room.


"wait! You left just like that?!" the detective seemed puzzled.
"Was I supposed to stay?" you asked, a bit surprised.
"Yes, it's customary, that if you sleep with the man you love, you stay with them."
You giggled, "Love? I think you've mistaken yourself a bit… I never said anything about love."


Yongguk opened his eyes very slowly, the events of the previous night flashed in his mind less than a second, he smiled and stretched his arms on the bed to find you, his eyes opened in a flash once he realized you were gone.
"Himchan! Have you seen ____?" he went down the stairs to the bar, still buttoning his shirt, Himchan gave him a 'I have no idea' look.
Himchan was an early bird, he came very early in the morning to get the bar ready and buy more liquor and groceries.
"Did she leave you?" he teased though Yongguk was way too serious to joke and he told him to shut up.
He took his phone out and punched in the numbers written on the screen into the bar's phone.

"Hello?" he heard her voice through the phone.
"Where the hell are you?" he didn't yell, just kept a threatening tone to his voice.
you sighed, why the hell is she sighing
why did you leave?" he was a bit shaken, considering that everything went smoothly the previous night" 
.he didn't know what happened
.Have I done something wrong? Was it not what you expected?" he threw the questions at you"
"-No! No! God! It was amazing!"
.then why?"  He heard that sigh again, it drove him crazy! He wanted to know why"
,it's not the right time…and no matter what, you want her, you saw me"
."her sister and immediately thought of a replacement…I am not her Yongguk…I am not her

.He hated hearing those words, they weren't true, she wanted to believe them, but they weren't true


"Why wouldn't you just say you don't want anything to do with him instead of making excuses."
"Because I wanted to be with him…" you confused him even more, he didn't get what you wanted.
"I wanted to distance myself as far as I could, to avoid any hurt, cause in the end it will always be my sister." You explained yourself.
"but you said you didn't love him.." he was more confused than ever.
"I said I never talked about anything like love…but I truly loved him."

I was in the mood for another chapter, I decided to add music as well so yeah ^///^
if you don't like the music and want another I'll be glad to hear ideas and if you don't like any music playing while you read then please tell me I will consider and erase the songs(or just not put any ^^)


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Chapter 13: So sad! I expected a happy ending but I like this end too because it's not too pink and shiny if you see what I mean ^^
I think this story was good. I like your style but maybe asking someone to correct your mistakes could be a good idea because apart from that, I really really liked this story :)
Se keep writing and improving yourself!~ :D
Chapter 12: I like the way the members are almost all appearing~ And damn! A fake wedding :0
Chapter 11: OMG!! So many things happen! And I'm happy the cops are back, I kind of missed them x)
youngbaeby #4
Oh! This is getting intense~ I hope Yongguk didnt die and magically got out of the enemies territory. Author-nim, it must be a happy ending!!
Chapter 10: Yeah you're back!!~ Good luck for school and keep posting good chapters, even if it's less often than before :D